Oracle forms and reports documentation [closed] - oracle

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am lookin for a documentation on Oracle forms and reports? I have been trying to find out for quite some time, but could not find any.Is there any from Oracle or any other good source?

Well, Forms nor Report didn't change a lot (from developer's perspective) during their history.
up to 3.0 version, it was character mode tool. I doubt you use any of these versions
from 4.5 to 6.0, it was a modern GUI, running in client-server architecture. That's not being used much any more; however, I know (by reading Oracle Forums) that people still do use it
since 10g onwards (the first version was 9.0.4, but its market name was 10g), Forms applications are deployed on the web (true, you can do that with version 6 as well)
I guess you're not using anything lower than version 6. If that's so, as I said - from developer's point of view - you still have data and control blocks, triggers, procedures; in Reports, there are still queries, frames, anchors and stuff. Almost any documentation would do, more or less.
You should probably want to read documentation related to version you use. Here's Documentation for Oracle Forms and Reports (
Also, note that both Forms and Reports have really good online help system - navigate to their "Help" menu, open it and start reading or simply search for what you're interested in. There are a lot of examples within help.

Nearly all the current and previous Forms/Reports docs are linked from the Forms product page on


Oracle PL/SQL package version control [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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We are building an automation process which needs to be version controlled so we can rerun it with certain parameters potentially even years later. We have been discussing ways to achieve a level of "version control". We would like to keep the versions in Oracle in some form so you can relatively easily get them running again.
The decision was that we will need to use different names for the different versions like *_1, *_2, etc.
I have a couple of concerns with this. Firstly it requires diligence to always make a new version of the package, no matter how small the change would be, so the number of versions can easily get out of hand. Secondly you have no way of knowing if somebody has touched that version since it has been created and ran against a particular set of parameters. (You can get the last updated dates in Oracle tables and compare to the original run time but that's not particularly efficient and you don't know if it was just deleting a space or actual code change.)
Is there a tried and tested good alternative to this?
You may use EBR (Edition-Based Redefinition).
It is likely to solve all your problems.
Edition-based redefinition allows multiple versions of PL/SQL objects, views, and synonyms in a single schema, which makes it possible to perform upgrades of database applications with zero downtime.
If changes are small you can recompile your objects in the same edition.
You can create editions and actualize only those objects you want to change.
Changes will be isolated until you make your new edition available for other users and applications.
You can change edition using ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT EDITION = edition-name; statement
You can read more about EBR here
You may want to take a look at Gitora It helps managing Oracle PL/SQL packages with Git. Full disclosure: I am the developer.

Alternatives to SchemaSpy [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am looking for a open source tool that can be used to generate ER diagram. Currently, this is done using SchemaSpy. Maven scripts are invoked during jenkins build to generate these data model diagrams. I have tried POCs using SchemaCrawler as well. However, the results are not much satisfactory. Would appreciate if I can get pointers to alternative tools that can be used along with the same setup (maven and jenkins).
If you would like to find out good alternatives to SchemaSpy try to use and test this tools:
Red-Gate SQL Doc (not FOSS)
Dataedo (not FOSS)
SchemaSpy 6.0
Each of them has different advantages and disadvantages SchemaCawler is also open source java based and free. SchemaSpy 6.0 this is new version of SchemaSpy that has better look and feel plus fix some major issue.
Dataedo is very interesting tool that has also possibility to generate documentation to pdf, html. With Dataedo you can write comments of tables and columns and after apply them on your database. As I remember on supplier page you can find also free version.
The last solution that I want to recommend is Red-Gate SQL Doc. This is also generate nice looking documentation and has many options. But as usually this solution is not free you need pay to use it.

Tableau programming [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new here, and i hope that i could find answers for my questions related to open source reporting systems.
Is it possible to change in the programming logic of 'Tableau desktop'? I am asking this because i need to make changes that
enables me to log users' interactions with the system (Tableau
Is it possible to perform Big Data analysis by combining Tableau Desktop with Hadoop or Spark?
If the answers for the above questions is no, then could you please
recommend any other open source (free) reporting system that satisfy
these requirements.
Thank you in advance and best regards to all of you
Tableau has drivers to connect to several "big data" No SQL databases, and has added a Spark SQL driver as of Tableau version 8.3.
The full list of supported drivers can be found on Tableau's website at
Your question about logging user interactions is not at all clear, but you might have better luck instituting logging at the database level instead of at client level.
In response to your question regarding user interactions, I'd recommend you take a look at the views_stats table in the Tableau Server database.
Instructions for connecting to the 'workgroup' database:
Versions 8 and 9 includes a Spark connection
As far as logging users goes, Tableau Desktop is designed as a single license tool for developers and shouldn't need to be logged.
If you're interested in logging users, you may be thinking of Tableau Server, which has built-in functions for things like that as well as a REST API, which has some additional functions.

What is the best technology to migrate Oracle Forms and Reports to [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When migrating Oracle Forms and Reports, there are several options for that :
Yor suggestion ...
Which one do you think is the best in terms of business continuity and also ease of technological transition? Do you have experience in such migrations?
At the end, I would like to know if it would be necessary to migrate or just keep "Oracle Forms/Reports"
Regardless of what tool vendors might say, this is going to be an exercise in rewriting your application.
So the real questions is, why do you want to do this? Oracle are continuing to support Forms for some time yet. There are plenty of things we can do to modernize our Forms applications whilst retaining our investment in the existing software. I urge you to look at Mia Urman's presentation Give Your Forms a Facelift: Tips and Tricks for Forms UI Modernization which she gave at a UKOUG event I helped organise a couple of years ago.
If your mind is absolutely set on a re-write you'll find APEX is the easiest path for developers with a Forms/ PL/SQL background.
Update for 2018:
Oracle have been getting back behind Forms. The 12c release had over 100 new features. Okay, some are quite minor but it's a clear statement of intent. Find out more.
It's a big "it depends". ADF is a comparable alternative, while APEX is easier to learn and find resources to build.
The developer tools statement of direction is a great place to start and a while ago I provided my own commentary (
i think you should also check oracle JHeadStart , as mentioned in the documentation :
JHeadstart Forms2ADF Generator; creates ADF Business Components and a
JHeadstart Application Definition file based on Oracle Forms files
Hope that Helps .

Software Design Implementation - Issue/Module/Bug/Feature Tracking Solution [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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The company is growing and we're starting to implement more and more complex software designs. I feel a need for some tracking software... I just don't know if it exists.
I currently maintain a Google Doc Folder (shared by our 3 developers) with a well-organized doc for each module. A doc is also created per major upgrade to a module or modules. For all other "tracking"... we have interal forums.
I want the following:
I want get an immediate printout of all Project_01 features or bug fixes on a particular project with the option to hide or show developer comments that have been implemented in the last X number of days.
This clearly suggests a web-based system where developers enter issues, bugs, and features with appropriate tagging. Entries should be commentable, taggable, dated, editable and reporting should be based upon tags, dates, developers, projects, etc.
I figure I'm going to be perceived as naive by the grizzled veterans floating around here, though I've been running this business for 4 years (so I've been around). I don't think we have the resources to absorb the overhead of implementing something like CMMI... but then again, I don't really know what's best.
My personal evolution to using Google Docs per Application Module + internal phpbb forums for everything else has been pretty nice compared to the way we started out (marker boards, Microsoft Word docs). I just feel like I can go a long ways towards exceeding client expectations if I had the ability to track features/bugs/issues better with superior on-demand reporting.
Update: Went with MediaWiki integrated with Mantis
Take a look at fogbugz. It looks like it meets all your requirements.
Also, take a look at this other SO question: Free/Cheap Task/Bug Management software
I've good experiences with mantis.
Yes, FogBugz and Trac are recommended.
I hope it helps.
I find this comparison of issue tracking systems either interesting or overwhelming.
I think with 3 developers, in the same building, you probably can get by without software tools. But, adopting something now, before you're so big/complex that you can't survive without it may save a lot of future pain.
