SQL*Plus usability [closed] - oracle

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm new in Oracle Database studies and I would like to know about the advantages to use SQL*Plus until today? People use it only when they do not have an interface to work or it really has great advantages that we don't find in visual softwares (like PL/SQL, DBeaver, Enterprise Manager, etc.)?

There's two bits to your question: why SQLPlus but also, why use a Command Line Interface?
SQL*Plus was an early command-line interface for Oracle Database. And back in the day, having a terminal and a CLI was as good as it got.
It teaches you to be efficient with the keystrokes. It forces you to memorize commands (and more importantly, patterns). And it gives you a stripped-down, bare bones experience.
Now, when Windows really took off, GUIs became all the rage. A mouse!
So we built GUIs - today we have Enterprise Manager and SQL Developer.
And SQLPlus continued on.
GUIs can make it easier to get started. They can also obscure 'how things work.' They're also heavier, and more involved than a CLI.
There's no right or wrong here - it's about the right tool for the job.
More than a few years ago, we built a NEW CLI for the Database, it's called Oracle SQLcl. It gives you everything you like about SQLPlus WITH everything you like about SQL Developer.
So, as a new person to Oracle - WELCOME! However, if you're going to be using a cli, use SQLcl. It's going to be MUCH more user friendly.
Basic Example #1, SQLPlus and query output
SQLcl and the same query


I want to use SQL*Plus on my Mac, but I can't establish a connection [duplicate]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to learn Oracle SQL with the help of the book 'Oracle SQL by Example' and it recommends that I download Oracle 11g to be able to take full advantage of what the book has on offer when it comes to practising the skills I learn.
However, Oracle's website seems not to offer 11g for Mac and I cannot find a link to 10g that is still valid (or, indeed, that doesn't dead end at the Oracle website). Does anyone have any suggestions. Thanks.
The simplest route might be to install VirtualBox and one of the pre-built VM images Oracle provides. It's simpler to get started than having to navigate the database software installation and DB creation, if you aren't interested in those aspects at the moment.
The Database App Development VM gives you a pre-installed database, plus SQL*Plus and SQL Developer to run examples and your own code as you learn.

What is the best technology to migrate Oracle Forms and Reports to [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When migrating Oracle Forms and Reports, there are several options for that :
Yor suggestion ...
Which one do you think is the best in terms of business continuity and also ease of technological transition? Do you have experience in such migrations?
At the end, I would like to know if it would be necessary to migrate or just keep "Oracle Forms/Reports"
Regardless of what tool vendors might say, this is going to be an exercise in rewriting your application.
So the real questions is, why do you want to do this? Oracle are continuing to support Forms for some time yet. There are plenty of things we can do to modernize our Forms applications whilst retaining our investment in the existing software. I urge you to look at Mia Urman's presentation Give Your Forms a Facelift: Tips and Tricks for Forms UI Modernization which she gave at a UKOUG event I helped organise a couple of years ago.
If your mind is absolutely set on a re-write you'll find APEX is the easiest path for developers with a Forms/ PL/SQL background.
Update for 2018:
Oracle have been getting back behind Forms. The 12c release had over 100 new features. Okay, some are quite minor but it's a clear statement of intent. Find out more.
It's a big "it depends". ADF is a comparable alternative, while APEX is easier to learn and find resources to build.
The developer tools statement of direction is a great place to start and a while ago I provided my own commentary (http://www.grassroots-oracle.com/2012/03/on-oracles-statement-of-direction-for.html)
i think you should also check oracle JHeadStart , as mentioned in the documentation :
JHeadstart Forms2ADF Generator; creates ADF Business Components and a
JHeadstart Application Definition file based on Oracle Forms files
Hope that Helps .

Unit Testing Oracle PL/SQL [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What are the advantages / disadvantages of the various Unit Testing frameworks for Oracle PL/SQL? For example:
SqlDeveloper Unit Testing
any other options?
This type of question hasn't been asked in a long time so I'm looking for info that is up-to-date as of 2013.
The issue with first three is that they are not being supported by the community anymore.
If I would have to choose I would go with Steven's Feuerstein utPLSQL. His approach is always good.
Pluto - object oriented PL/SQL makes it hard to use. Guy that has written it is pretty smart but somehow the community was not interested and the project died.
Bottom line is: using files to create test cases makes it hard to maintain and share.
Oracle SQL Developer is the best what you can get for free. Easy to use interface plus the most important thing: repository. You can share your work with others and with other projects. Easy in configuration. Test cases can be create on the fly.
There is one more thing. Guys from the Oak table described Oracle SQL Developer unit testing in "Expert PL/SQL Practices". Even if it is sponsored they wouldn't describe it if it was absolute disaster.
My personal opinion.

Is there a better tool compared to Oracle SQL Developer? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm just starting to learn Oracle SQL Developer as I develop PL/SQL code at my new job, and while it's an okay tool, it lacks a lot of the conveniences and features that you'd want when writing programs using a different IDE (such as IDEA).
Is there a different tool out there that really assists when building large packages/procedures/functions of PL/SQL code compared to Oracle's SQL developer 3? It would be great to get features like code completion, or to have the ability to CTRL-click a procedure name to quickly jump to a piece of code, and other nice features of this type?
PL/SQL Developer by AllroundAutomations its really good one. Provides all the basic features that other tools provides. And very good while debugging your stored procedures, functions and triggers. But it is also a licensed version. There are no. of add-ons are available which makes tool more powerful and You can customize your Plsql developer as shown in following links.
here and here
I think Oracle SQL Developer is okay to develop PL/SQL code, It is a free software produced by Oracle org, it might lack of some specific features. but it satisfies most of common usages and functionality.
Toad is a more powerful tool with very widely used. but you need get a license.
PL/SQL developer was interesting to try out a couple years ago, but I'm always finding myself doing a decent amount of DBA type work, and it wasn't very helpful with that.
My DBA skills are not particularly strong, so that area, Toad and SQL Developer definitely come out ahead.
Overall, I prefer Toad (though it can be a resource hog, and getting everything working the way you want can be a pain). There's different versions (one specifically for developers) so one of those might suit you.
I recently started a new job, and decided to give SQL Developer a run (this is primarily because Toad is expensive enough that some places won't spend the money on it...like my last job...so it seemed like a good idea to pick a tool I knew I'd have everywhere). It certainly has its issues (it seems to be rather stubborn about breaking a connection if a query is running...but its possible thats a java thing), but it is free, lightweight, and gets the job done.
A note on Toad: At this point (possibly for the forseeable future) is strictly a 32-bit app. It'll run on a 64-bit windows box and connect to a 64-bit Oracle database, but the Oracle client must be 32-bit

Programming in Oracle Apex, is it hard? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I am starting an internship this week, I will be working on making some changes to an existing Oracle Apex web app which they use for tracking and metrics. In particular, they don't have very granular authorization set up, meaning that either you have full control or you don't. They want me to come up with something to set up access for non-tech users like the business, for example, and limit their rights to the system.
How hard is apex to work with? I looked into it a bit, it does seem fairly straightforward, but is there more to it that I am not aware of? Also, I am a little surprised that there is no built in functionality to let you set up complex permissions?
I've been working in Apex since August now, and did 4 years of Oracle Forms before this, so PL/SQL wasn't an issue for me. HTML and Javascript i also knew, just not as in-depth, but i believe i've picked up nicely so far.
What i'm doing at the moment is migrating a bunch of old Oracle Forms to Apex. So far my experience is that it can be very easy and fast to pump out the basics, but making your pages more dynamical or user-friendly can eat away some time. Still, the framework is very solid, save for some niggles. For example, they have a javascript api, which handles a lot like jquery. I can mostly get done what i want to, and i think the most time i've "wasted" so far, has been getting javascript code to work the way i want it.
Recently i've also been implementing some authorisation, and i must say it isn't really that hard! You can provide some authorisation schemes, and simply apply those to pages, regions or items. I of course don't know what you really mean with 'complex' permissions ;) There is always the possibility of using the APIs and do manual calls to verify authorisation.
If you're really totally new, then simply head over to apex.oracle.com, and take the 2-day developer guide to get a quick feel for the environment. You'll have to request a workspace, can do the exercises, and play around a bit.
We were looking at apex a year ago. And canceled. It's easy to make standard things, but it's not convenient to develop something specific. May be, we were looking not very properly, indeed.
