Techniques for handling arrays whose storage requirements exceed RAM - matrix

I am author of a scientific application that performs calculations on a gridded basis (think finite difference grid computation). Each grid cell is represented by a data object that holds values of state variables and cell-specific constants. Until now, all grid cell objects have been present in RAM at all times during the simulation.
I am running into situations where the people using my code wish to run it with more grid cells than they have available RAM. I am thinking about reworking my code so that information on only a subset of cells is held in RAM at any given time. Unfortunately the grids (or matrices if you prefer) are not sparse, which eliminates a whole class of possible solutions.
Question: I assume that there are libraries out in the wild designed to facilitate this type of data access (i.e. retrieve constants and variables, update variables, store for future reference, wipe memory, move on...) After several hours of searching Google and Stack Overflow, I have found relatively few libraries of this sort.
I am aware of a few options, such as this one from the HSL mathematical library: I'd prefer to work with something that is open source and is written in Fortran or C. (my code is mostly Fortran 95/2003, with a little C and Python thrown in for good measure!)
I'd appreciate any suggestions regarding available libraries or advice on how to reformulate my problem. Thanks!

Bite the bullet and roll your own?
I deal with too-large data all the time, such as 30,000+ data series of half-hourly data that span decades. Because of the regularity of the data (daylight savings changeovers a problem though) it proved quite straightforward to devise a scheme involving a random-access disc file and procedures ReadDay and WriteDay that use a series number, and a day number, with further details because series start and stop at different dates. Thus, a day's data in an array might be Array(Run,DayNum) but now is ReturnCode = ReadDay(Run,DayNum,Array) and so forth, the codes indicating presence/absence of that day's data, etc. The key is that a day's data is a convenient size, and a regular (almost) size, and although my prog. allocates a buffer of one record per series, it runs in ~100MB of memory rather than GB.
Because your array is non-sparse, it is regular. Granted that a grid cell's data are of fixed size, you could devise a random-access disc file with each record holding one cell, or, perhaps a row's worth of cells (or a column's worth of cells) or some worthwhile blob size. I choose to have 4,096 bytes/record as that is the disc file allocation size. Let the computer's operating system and disc storage controller do whatever buffering to real memory they feel up to. Typical execution is restricted to the speed of data transfer however, unless the local data's computation is heavy. Thus, I get cpu use of a few percent until data requests start being satisfied from buffers.
Because fortran uses the same syntax for functions as for arrays (unlike say Pascal), instead of declaring DIMENSION ARRAY(Big,Big) you would remove that and devise FUNCTION ARRAY(i,j), and all read references in your source file stay as they are. Alas, in the absence of a "palindromic" function declaration, assignments of values to your array will have to be done with a different syntax and you devise a subroutine or similar. Possibly a scratchpad array could be collated, worked upon with convenient syntax, and then written back if changed.


can we improve dynamic array to make it more faster

I have learned about dynamic array (non-fixed size array) as dynamic array as vector in C++ and Arraylist in Java
And how can we implement it.
Basically when the array is full we create another array of doubled size and copy the old items to the new array
So can we implement an array of non-fixed size with random access as a vector and Arraylist without spending time copying the old elements?
In other word, Is there data structure like that (dynamic size and random access and no need for copy elements)??
Depending on what you mean by "like", this is trivially impossible to already exists.
First the trivially impossible. When we create an array, we mark a section of memory as being only for that array. If you have 3 such arrays that can grow without bound, one of them will eventually run into another. Given that we can actually create arrays that are bigger than available memory (it just pages to disk), we have to manage this risk, not avoid it.
But how big an issue is it? Copying data is O(1) per element, no matter how big it gets. And the overhead is low. The cost of this dynamicism is that you need to always check where the array starts. But that's a pretty fast check.
Alternately we can move to paged memory. Now an array access looks like, "Check what page it is on, then look at where it is in the page." Now your array can grow, but you never change where anything is. But if you want it to grow without bound, you have to add levels. We can implement it, and it does avoid copying, but this form of indirection has generally NOT proven worth it for general purpose programming. However paging is used in databases. And it is also used by operating systems to manage turning what the program thinks is the address of the data, to the actual address in memory. If you want to dive down that rabbit hole, TLB is worth looking at.
But there are other options that exist as well. Instead of fixed sized pages, we can have variable sized ones. This approach gets very complicated, very quickly. But the result is very useful. Look up ropes for more.
The browser that I wrote this on stores the text of what I wrote using a rope. This is how it can easily offer features like multi-level undo and editing in the middle of the document. However the raw performance of such schemes is significant. It is clearly worthwhile if you need the features, but otherwise we don't do it.
In short, every set of choices we make has tradeoffs. The one you'd like to optimize has what has proven to be the best tradeoff for offering dynamic size and raw performance. That's why it appears everywhere from Python lists to C++ vectors.

What is a coarse and fine grid search?

I was reading this answer
Efficient (and well explained) implementation of a Quadtree for 2D collision detection
and encountered this paragraph
All right, so actually quadtrees are not my favorite data structure for this purpose. I tend to prefer a grid hierarchy, like a coarse grid for the world, a finer grid for a region, and an even finer grid for a sub-region (3 fixed levels of dense grids, and no trees involved), with row-based optimizations so that a row that has no entities in it will be deallocated and turned into a null pointer, and likewise completely empty regions or sub-regions turned into nulls. While this simple implementation of the quadtree running in one thread can handle 100k agents on my i7 at 60+ FPS, I've implemented grids that can handle a couple million agents bouncing off each other every frame on older hardware (an i3). Also I always liked how grids made it very easy to predict how much memory they'll require, since they don't subdivide cells. But I'll try to cover how to implement a reasonably efficient quadtree.
This type of grid seems intuitive, it sort of sounds like a "N-order" grid, where instead of 4 child nodes, you have N child nodes per parent. N^3 can go much further than 4^3, which allows better precision with potentially (I guess) less branching (since there are many less nodes to branch).
I'm a little puzzled because I would intuitively use a single, or maybe 3 std::map with the proper < operator(), to reduce its memory footprint, but I'm not sure it would be so fast, since querying an AABB would mean stacking several accesses that are O(log n).
What exactly are those row-based optimizations he is talking about? Is this type of grid search common?
I have some understanding of a z order curve, and I'm not entirely satisfied with a quadtree.
It's my own quote. But that's based on a common pattern I encountered in my personal experience. Also, terms like "parent" and "child" are ones I'd largely discard when talking about grids. You just got a big 2-dimensional or N-dimensional table/matrix storing stuff. There's not really a hierarchy involved whatsoever -- these data structures are more comparable to arrays than trees.
"Coarse" and "Fine"
On "coarse" and "fine", what I meant there is that "coarse" search queries tend to be cheaper but give more false positives. A coarser grid would be one that is lower in grid resolution (fewer, larger cells). Coarse searches may involve traversing/searching fewer and larger grid cells. For example, say we want to see if an element intersects a point/dot in a gigantic cell (imagine just a 1x1 grid storing everything in the simulation). If the dot intersects the cell, we may get a whole lot of elements returned in that cell but maybe only one or none of them actually intersect the dot.
So a "coarse" query is broad and simple but not very precise at narrowing down the list of candidates (or "suspects"). It may return too many results and still leave a whole lot of processing required left to do to narrow down what actually intersects the search parameter*.
It's like in those detective shows when they search a database for a
possible killer, putting in "white male" might not require much
processing to list the results but might give way too many results to
properly narrow down the suspects. "Fine" would be the opposite and might require more processing of the database but narrow down the result to just one suspect.
This is a crude and flawed analogy but I hope it helps.
Often the key to broadly optimizing spatial indices before we get into things like memory optimizations whether we're talking spatial hashes or quadtrees is to find a nice balance between "coarse" and "fine". Too "fine" and we might spend too much time traversing the data structure (searching many small cells in a uniform grid, or spending too much time in tree traversal for adaptive grids like quadtrees). Too "coarse" and the spatial index might give back too many results to significantly reduce the amount of time required for further processing. For spatial hashes (a data structure I don't personally like very much but they're very popular in gamedev), there's often a lot of thought and experimentation and measuring involved in determining an optimal cell size to use.
With uniform NxM grids, how "coarse" or "fine" they are (big or small cells and high or low grid resolution) not only impacts search times for a query but can also impact insertion and removal times if the elements are larger than a point. If the grid is too fine, a single large or medium-sized element may have to be inserted into many tiny cells and removed from many tiny cells, using lots of extra memory and processing. If it's too coarse, the element may only have to be inserted and removed to/from one large cell but at costs to the data structure's ability to narrow down the number of candidates returned from a search query to a minimum. Without care, going too "fine/granular" can become very bottlenecky in practice and a developer might find his grid structure using gigabytes of RAM for a modest input size. With tree variants like quadtrees, a similar thing can happen if the maximum allowed tree depth is too high a value causing explosive memory use and processing when the leaf nodes of the quadtree store the tiniest cell sizes (we can even start running into floating-point precision bugs that wreck performance if the cells are allowed to be subdivided to too small a size in the tree).
The essence of accelerating performance with spatial indices is often this sort of balancing act. For example, we typically don't want to apply frustum culling to individual polygons being rendered in computer graphics because that's typically not only redundant with what the hardware already does at the clipping stage, but it's also too "fine/granular" and requires too much processing on its own compared to the time required to just request to render one or more polygons. But we might net huge performance improvements with something a bit "coarser", like applying frustum culling to an entire creature or space ship (an entire model/mesh), allowing us to avoid requesting to render many polygons at once with a single test. So I often use the terms, "coarse" and "fine/granular" frequently in these sorts of discussions (until I find better terminology that more people can easily understand).
Uniform vs. Adaptive Grid
You can think of a quadtree as an "adaptive" grid with adaptive grid cell sizes arranged hierarchically (working from "coarse' to "fine" as we drill down from root to leaf in a single smart and adaptive data structure) as opposed to a simple NxM "uniform" grid.
The adaptive nature of the tree-based structures is very smart and can handle a broad range of use cases (although typically requiring some fiddling of maximum tree depth and/or minimum cell size allowed and possibly how many maximum elements are stored in a cell/node before it subdivides). However, it can be more difficult to optimize tree data structures because the hierarchical nature doesn't lend itself so easily to the kind of contiguous memory layout that our hardware and memory hierarchy is so well-suited to traverse. So very often I find data structures that don't involve trees to be easier to optimize in the same sense that optimizing a hash table might be simpler than optimizing a red-black tree, especially when we can anticipate a lot about the type of data we're going to be storing in advance.
Another reason I tend to favor simpler, more contiguous data structures in lots of contexts is that the performance requirements of a realtime simulation often want not just fast frame rates, but consistent and predictable frame rates. The consistency is important because even if a video game has very high frame rates for most of the game but some part of the game causes the frame rates to drop substantially for even a brief period of time, the player may die and game over as a result of it. It was often very important in my case to avoid these types of scenarios and have data structures largely absent pathological worst-case performance scenarios. In general, I find it easier to predict the performance characteristics of lots of simpler data structures that don't involve an adaptive hierarchy and are kind of on the "dumber" side. Very often I find the consistency and predictability of frame rates to be roughly tied to how easily I can predict the data structure's overall memory usage and how stable that is. If the memory usage is wildly unpredictable and sporadic, I often (not always, but often) find the frame rates will likewise be sporadic.
So I often find better results using grids personally, but if it's tricky to determine a single optimal cell size to use for the grid in a particular simulation context, I just use multiple instances of them: one instance with larger cell sizes for "coarse" searches (say 10x10), one with smaller ones for "finer" searches (say 100x100), and maybe even one with even smaller cells for the "finest" searches (say 1000x1000). If no results are returned in the coarse search, then I don't proceed with the finer searches. I get some balance of the benefits of quadtrees and grids this way.
What I did when I used these types of representations in the past is not to store a single element in all three grid instances. That would triple the memory use of an element entry/node into these structures. Instead, what I did was insert the indices of the occupied cells of the finer grids into the coarser grids, as there are typically far fewer occupied cells than there are a total number of elements in the simulation. Only the finest, highest-resolution grid with the smallest cell sizes would store the element. The cells in the finest grid are analogous to the leaf nodes of a quadtree.
The "loose-tight double grid" as I'm calling it in one of the answers to that question is an expansion on this multi-grid idea. The difference is that the finer grid is actually loose and has cell sizes that expand and shrink based on the elements inserted to it, always guaranteeing that a single element, no matter how large or small, needs only be inserted to one cell in the grid. The coarser grid stores the occupied cells of the finer grid leading to two constant-time queries (one in the coarser tight grid, another into the finer loose grid) to return an element list of potential candidates matching the search parameter. It also has the most stable and predictable memory use (not necessarily the minimal memory use because the fine/loose cells require storing an axis-aligned bounding box that expands/shrinks which adds another 16 bytes or so to a cell) and corresponding stable frame rates because one element is always inserted to one cell and doesn't take any additional memory required to store it besides its own element data with the exception of when its insertion causes a loose cell to expand to the point where it has to be inserted to additional cells in the coarser grid (which should be a fairly rare-case scenario).
Multiple Grids For Other Purposes
I'm a little puzzled because I would intuitively use a single, or maybe 3 std::map with the proper operator(), to reduce its memory footprint, but I'm not sure it would be so fast, since querying an AABB would mean stacking several accesses that are O(log n).
I think that's an intuition many of us have and also probably a subconscious desire to just lean on one solution for everything because programming can get quite tedious and repetitive and it'd be ideal to just implement something once and reuse it for everything: a "one-size-fits-all" t-shirt. But a one-sized-fits-all shirt can be poorly tailored to fit our very broad and muscular programmer bodies*. So sometimes it helps to use the analogy of a small, medium, and large size.
This is a very possibly poor attempt at humor on my part to make my long-winded texts less boring to read.
For example, if you are using std::map for something like a spatial hash, then there can be a lot of thought and fiddling around trying to find an optimal cell size. In a video game, one might compromise with something like making the cell size relative to the size of your average human in the game (perhaps a bit smaller or bigger), since lots of the models/sprites in the game might be designed for human use. But it might get very fiddly and be very sub-optimal for teeny things and very sub-optimal for gigantic things. In that case, we might do well to resist our intuitions and desires to just use one solution and use multiple (it could still be the same code but just multiple instances of the same class instance for the data structure constructed with varying parameters).
As for the overhead of searching multiple data structures instead of a single one, that's something best measured and it's worth remembering that the input sizes of each container will be smaller as a result, reducing the cost of each search and very possibly improve locality of reference. It might exceed the benefits in a hierarchical structure that requires logarithmic search times like std::map (or not, best to just measure and compare), but I tend to use more data structures which do this in constant-time (grids or hash tables). In my cases, I find the benefits far exceeding the additional cost of requiring multiple searches to do a single query, especially when the element sizes vary radically or I want some basic thing resembling a hierarchy with 2 or more NxM grids that range from "coarse" to "fine".
Row-Based Optimizations
As for "row-based optimizations", that's very specific to uniform fixed-sized grids and not trees. It refers to using a separate variable-sized list/container per row instead of a single one for the entire grid. Aside from potentially reducing memory use for empty rows that just turn into nulls without requiring an allocated memory block, it can save on lots of processing and improve memory access patterns.
If we store a single list for the entire grid, then we have to constantly insert and remove from that one shared list as elements move around, particles are born, etc. That could lead to more heap allocations/deallocations growing and shrinking the container but also increases the average memory stride to get from one element in that list to the next which will tend to translate to more cache misses as a result of more irrelevant data being loaded into a cache line. Also these days we have so many cores so having a single shared container for the entire grid may reduce the ability to process the grid in parallel (ex: searching one row while simultaneously inserting to another). It can also lead to more net memory use for the structure since if we use a contiguous sequence like std::vector or ArrayList, those can often store the memory capacity of as many as twice the elements required to reduce the time of insertions to amortized constant time by minimizing the need to reallocate and copy the former elements in linear-time by keeping excess capacity.
By associating a separate medium-sized container per grid row or per column instead of gigantic one for the entire grid, we can mitigate these costs in some cases*.
This is the type of thing you definitely measure before and after though to make sure it actually improves overall frame rates, and probably attempt in response to a first attempt storing a single list for the entire grid revealing many non-compulsory cache misses in the profiler.
This might beg the question of why we don't use a separate teeny list container for every single cell in the grid. It's a balancing act. If we store that many containers (ex: a million instances of std::vector for a 1000x1000 grid possibly storing very few or no elements each), it would allow maximum parallelism and minimize the stride to get from one element in a cell to the next one in the cell, but that can be quite explosive in memory use and introduce a lot of extra processing and heap overhead.
Especially in my case, my finest grids might store a million cells or more, but I only require 4 bytes per cell. A variable-sized sequence per cell would typically explode to at least something like 24 bytes or more (typically far more) per cell on 64-bit architectures to store the container data (typically a pointer and a couple of extra integers, or three pointers on top of the heap-allocated memory block), but on top of that, every single element inserted to an empty cell may require a heap allocation and compulsory cache miss and page fault and very frequently due to the lack of temporal locality. So I find the balance and sweet spot to be one list container per row typically among my best-measured implementations.
I use what I call a "singly-linked array list" to store elements in a grid row and allow constant-time insertions and removals while still allowing some degree of spatial locality with lots of elements being contiguous. It can be described like this:
struct GridRow
struct Node
// Element data
// Stores the index into the 'nodes' array of the next element
// in the cell or the next removed element. -1 indicates end of
// list.
int next = -1;
// Stores all the nodes in the row.
std::vector<Node> nodes;
// Stores the index of the first removed element or -1
// if there are no removed elements.
int free_element = -1;
This combines some of the benefits of a linked list using a free list allocator but without the need to manage separate allocator and data structure implementations which I find to be too generic and unwieldy for my purposes. Furthermore, doing it this way allows us to halve the size of a pointer down to a 32-bit array index on 64-bit architectures which I find to be a big measured win in my use cases when the alignment requirements of the element data combined with the 32-bit index don't require an additional 32-bits of padding for the class/struct which is frequently the case for me since I often use 32-bit or smaller integers and 32-bit single-precision floating-point or 16-bit half-floats.
On this question:
Is this type of grid search common?
I am not sure! I tend to struggle a bit with terminology and I'll have to ask people's forgiveness and patience in communication. I started programming from early childhood in the 1980s before the internet was widespread, so I came to rely on inventing a lot of my own techniques and using my own crude terminology as a result. I got my degree in computer science about a decade and a half later when I reached my 20s and corrected some of my terminology and misconceptions but I've had many years just rolling my own solutions. So I am often not sure if other people have come across some of the same solutions or not, and if there are formal names and terms for them or not.
That makes communication with other programmers difficult and very frustrating for both of us at times and I have to ask for a lot of patience to explain what I have in mind. I've made it a habit in meetings to always start off showing something with very promising results which tends to make people more patient with my crude and long-winded explanations of how they work. They tend to give my ideas much more of a chance if I start off by showing results, but I'm often very frustrated with the orthodoxy and dogmatism that can be prevalent in this industry that can sometimes prioritize concepts far more than execution and actual results. I'm a pragmatist at heart so I don't think in terms of "what is the best data structure?" I think in terms of what we can effectively implement personally given our strengths and weaknesses and what is intuitive and counter-intuitive to us and I'm willing to endlessly compromise on the purity of concepts in favor of a simpler and less problematic execution. I just like good, reliable solutions that roll naturally off our fingertips no matter how orthodox or unorthodox they may be, but a lot of my methods may be unorthodox as a result (or not and I might just have yet to find people who have done the same things). I've found this site useful at rare times in finding peers who are like, "Oh, I've done that too! I found the best results if we do this [...]" or someone pointing out like, "What you are proposing is called [...]."
In performance-critical contexts, I kind of let the profiler come up with the data structure for me, crudely speaking. That is to say, I'll come up with some quick first draft (typically very orthodox) and measure it with the profiler and let the profiler's results give me ideas for a second draft until I converge to something both simple and performant and appropriately scalable for the requirements (which may become pretty unorthodox along the way). I'm very happy to abandon lots of ideas since I figure we have to weed through a lot of bad ideas in a process of elimination to come up with a good one, so I tend to cycle through lots of implementations and ideas and have come to become a really rapid prototyper (I have a psychological tendency to stubbornly fall in love with solutions I spent lots of time on, so to counter that I've learned to spend the absolute minimal time on a solution until it's very, very promising).
You can see my exact methodology at work in the very answers to that
question where I iteratively converged through lots of profiling and
measuring over the course of a few days and prototyping from a fairly orthodox quadtree to that
unorthodox "loose-tight double grid" solution that handled the largest
number of agents at the most stable frame rates and was, for me
anyway, much faster and simpler to implement than all the structures
before it. I had to go through lots of orthodox solutions and measure them though to generate the final idea for the unusual loose-tight variant. I always start off with and favor the orthodox solutions and start off inside the box because they're well-documented and understood and just very gently and timidly venture outside, but I do often find myself a bit outside the box when the requirements are steep enough. I'm no stranger to the steepest requirements since in my industry and as a fairly low-level type working on engines, the ability to handle more data at good frame rates often translates not only to greater interactivity for the user but also allows artists to create more detailed content of higher visual quality than ever before. We're always chasing higher and higher visual quality at good frame rates, and that often boils down to a combination of both performance and getting away with crude approximations whenever possible. This inevitably leads to some degree of unorthodoxy with lots of in-house solutions very unique to a particular engine, and each engine tends to have its own very unique strengths and weaknesses as you find comparing something like CryEngine to Unreal Engine to Frostbite to Unity.
For example, I have this data structure I've been using since childhood and I don't know the name of it. It's a straightforward concept and it's just a hierarchical bitset that allows set intersections of potentially millions of elements to be found in as little as a few iterations of simple work as well as traverse millions of elements occupying the set with just a few iterations (less than linear-time requirements to traverse everything in the set just through the data structure itself which returns ranges of occupied elements/set bits instead of individual elements/bit indices). But I have no idea what the name is since it's just something I rolled and I've never encountered anyone talking about it in computer science. I tend to refer to it as a "hierarchical bitset". Originally I called it a "sparse bitset tree" but that seems a tad verbose. It's not a particularly clever concept at all and I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed (actually quite happy) to find someone else discovering the same solution before me but just one I don't find people using or talking about ever. It just expands on the strengths of a regular, flat bitset in rapidly finding set intersections with bitwise OR and rapidly traverse all set bits using FFZ/FFS but reducing the linear-time requirements of both down to logarithmic (with the logarithm base being a number much larger than 2).
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these solutions are very unorthodox, but also wouldn't be surprised if they are reasonably orthodox and I've just failed to find the proper name and terminology for these techniques. A lot of the appeal of sites like this for me is a lonely search for someone else who has used similar techniques and to try to find proper names and terms for them often to end in frustration. I'm also hoping to improve on my ability to explain them although I've always been so bad and long-winded here. I find using pictures helps me a lot because I find human language to be incredibly riddled with ambiguities. I'm also fond of deliberately imprecise figurative language which embraces and celebrates the ambiguities such as metaphor and analogy and humorous hyperbole, but I've not found it's the type of thing programmers tend to appreciate so much due to its lack of precision. But I've never found precision to be that important so long as we can convey the meaty stuff and what is "cool" about an idea while they can draw their own interpretations of the rest. Apologies for the whole explanation but hopefully that clears some things up about my crude terminology and the overall methodology I use to arrive at these techniques. English is also not my first language so that adds another layer of convolution where I have to sort of translate my thoughts into English words and struggle a lot with that.

Reverse "jpeg" compression algorithm?

I have to write a tool that manages very large data sets (well, large for an ordinary workstations). I need basically something that works the opposite that the jpeg format. I need the dataset to be intact on disk where it can be arbitrarily large, but then it needs to be lossy compressed when it gets read in memory and only the sub-part used at any given time need to be uncompressed on the flight. I have started looking at ipp (Intel Integrated Performance Primitives) but it's not really clear for now if I can use them for what I need to do.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
Given the nature of your data, it seems you are handling some kind of raw sample.
So the easiest and most generic "lossy" technique will be to drop the lower bits, reducing precision, up to the level you want.
Note that you will need to "drop the lower bits", which is quite different from "round to the next power of 10". Computer work on base 2, and you want all your lower bits to be "00000" for compression to perform as well as possible. This method suppose that the selected compression algorithm will make use of the predictable 0-bits pattern.
Another method, more complex and more specific, could be to convert your values as an index into a table. The advantage is that you can "target" precision where you want it. The obvious drawback is that the table will be specific to a distribution pattern.
On top of that, you may also store not the value itself, but the delta of the value with its preceding one if there is any kind of relation between them. This will help compression too.
For data to be compressed, you will need to "group" them by packets of appropriate size, such as 64KB. On a single field, no compression algorithm will give you suitable results. This, in turn, means that each time you want to access a field, you need to decompress the whole packet, so better tune it depending on what you want to do with it. Sequential access is easier to deal with in such circumstances.
Regarding compression algorithm, since these data are going to be "live", you need something very fast, so that accessing the data has very small latency impact.
There are several open-source alternatives out there for that use. For easier license management, i would recommend a BSD alternative. Since you use C++, the following ones look suitable :

Proper Data Structure Choice for Collision System

I am looking to implement a 2D top-down collision system, and was hoping for some input as to the likely performance between a few different ideas. For reference I expect the number of moving collision objects to be in the dozens, and the static collision objects to be in the hundreds.
The first idea is border-line brute force (or maybe not so border-line). I would store two lists of collision objects in a collision system. One list would be dynamic objects, the other would include both dynamic and static objects (each dynamic would be in both lists). Each frame I would loop through the dynamic list and pass each object the larger list, so it could find anything it may run into. This will involve a lot of unnecessary calculations for any reasonably sized loaded area but I am using it as a sort of baseline because it would be very easy to implement.
The second idea is to have a single list of all collision objects, and a 2D array of either ints or floats representing the loaded area. Each element in the array would represent a physical location, and each object would have a size value. Each time an object moved, it would subtract its size value from its old location and add it to its new location. The objects would have to access elements in the array before they moved to make sure there was room in their new location, but that would be fairly simple to do. Besides the fact that I have a very public, very large array, I think it would perform fairly well. I could also implement with a boolean array, simply storing if a location is full or not, but I don't see any advantage to this over the numeric storage.
The third I idea I had was less well formed. A month or two ago I read about a two dimensional, rectangle based data structure (may have been a tree, i don't remember) that would be able to keep elements sorted by position. Then I would only have to pass the dynamic objects their small neighborhood of objects for update. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what this data structure might be, so I could look more into it, and if so, how the per-frame sorting of it would affect performance relative to the other methods.
Really I am just looking for ideas on how these would perform, and any pitfalls I am likely overlooking in any of these. I am not so much worried about the actual detection, as the most efficient way to make the objects talk to one another.
You're not talking about a lot of objects in this case. Honestly, you could probably brute force it and probably be fine for your application, even in mobile game development. With that in mind, I'd recommend you keep it simple but throw a bit of optimization on top for gravy. Spatial hashing with a reasonable cell size is the way I'd go here -- relatively reasonable memory use, decent speedup, and not that bad as far as complexity of implementation goes. More on that in a moment!
You haven't said what the representation of your objects is, but in any case you're likely going to end up with a typical "broad phase" and "narrow phase" (like a physics engine) -- the "broad phase" consisting of a false-positives "what could be intersecting?" query and the "narrow phase" brute forcing out the resulting potential intersections. Unless you're using things like binary space partitioning trees for polygonal shapes, you're not going to end up with a one-phase solution.
As mentioned above, for the broad phase I'd use spatial hashing. Basically, you establish a grid and mark down what's in touch with each grid. (It doesn't have to be perfect -- it could be what axis-aligned bounding boxes are in each grid, even.) Then, later you go through the relevant cells of the grid and check if everything in each relevant cell is actually intersecting with anything else in the cell.
Trick is, instead of having an array, either have a hash table for every cell grid. That way you're only taking up space for grids that actually have something in them. (This is not a substitution for badly sized grids -- you want your grid to be coarse enough to not have an object in a ridiculous amount of cells because that takes memory, but you want it to be fine enough to not have all objects in a few cells because that doesn't save much time.) Chances are by visual inspection, you'll be able to figure out what a good grid size is.
One additional step to spatial hashing... if you want to save memory, throw away the indices that you'd normally verify in a hash table. False positives only cost CPU time, and if you're hashing correctly, it's not going to turn out to be much, but it can save you a lot of memory.
When you update objects, update which grids they're probably in. (Again, it's good enough to just use a bounding box -- e.g. a square or rectangle around the object.) Add the object to the hash table for each cell it's in. (E.g. If you're in cell 5,4, that hashes to the 17th entry of the hash table. Add it to that entry of the hash table and throw away the 5,4 data.) Then, to test collisions, go through the relevant cells in the hash table (e.g. the entire screen's worth of cells if that's what you're interested in) and see what objects inside of each cell collide with other objects inside of each cell.
Compared to the solutions above:
Note brute forcing, takes less time.
This has some commonality with the "2D array" method mentioned because, after all, we're imposing a "grid" (or 2D array) over the represented space, however we're doing it in a way less prone to accuracy errors (since it's only used for a broad-phase that is conservative). Additionally, the memory requirements are lessened by the zealous data reduction in hash tables.
kd, sphere, X, BSP, R, and other "TLA"-trees are almost always quite nontrivial to implement correctly and test and, even after all that effort, can end up being much slower that you'd expect. You don't need that sort of complexity for a few hundreds of objects normally.
Implementation note:
Each node in the spatial hash table will ultimately be a linked list. I recommend writing your own linked list with careful allocations. Each node need take up more than 8 bytes (if you're using C/C++) and should a pooled allocation scheme so you're almost never allocating or freeing memory. Relying on the built-in allocator will likely cripple performance.
First thing, I am but a noob, I am working my way through the 3dbuzz xna extreme 101 videos, and we are just now covering a system that uses static lists of each different type of object, when updating an object you only check against the list/s of things it is supposed to collide with.
So you only check enemy collisions against the player or the players bullets, not other enemys etc.
So there is a static list of each type of game object, then each gamenode has its own collision list(edit:a list of nodes) , that are only the types it can hit.
sorry if its not clear what i mean, i'm still finding my feet

why 2D array is better than objects to store x-y coordinates for better performance and less memory?

Assuming I want to store n points with integer (x,y) coordinates. I can use a 2-d (2Xn) array or use a list / collection / or an array of n objects where each object has 2 integer fields to store the coordinates.
As far as I know is the 2d array option is faster and consumes less memory, but I don't know why? Detailed explanation or links with details are appreciated.
This is a very broad question, and kinda has many parts to it. First off, this is relative to the language you are working in. Lets take Java as an example.
When you create an object, it inherits from the main object class. When the object is created, the overhead comes from the fact that the user defined class inherits from Object. The compiler has to virtualize certain method calls in memory so that when you call .equals() or .toString(), the program knows which one to call (that is, your classes' .equals() or Object's .equals()). This is accomplished with a lookup table and determined at runtime with pointers.
This is called virtualization. Now, in java, an array is actually an object, so you really don't gain much from an array of arrays. In fact, you might do better using your own class, since you can limit the metadata associated with it. Arrays in java store information on their length.
However, many of the collections DO have overhead associated with them. ArrayList for example will resize itself and stores metadata about itself in memory, that you might not need. LinkedList has references to other nodes, which is overhead to its actual data.
Now, what I said is only true about Java. In other OO languages, objects behave differently on the insides, and some may be more/less efficient.
In a language such as C++, when you allocate an array, you are really just getting a chunck of memory and it is up to you what you want to do with it. In that sense, it might be better. C++ has similar overhead with its objects if you use overriding (keyword virtual) as it will create these virtual lookups in memory.
All comes down to how efficiently you'll be using the storage space and what your access requirements are. Having to set aside memory to hold a 10,000 x 10,000 array to store only 10 points would be a hideous waste of memory. On the flip side, saving memory by storing the points in a linked list will also be pointless if you spend so much time iterating the list to find the one point you actually need in the 10,000,000 stored.
Some of the downsides of both can be overcome. sparse arrays, pre-sorting the list by some rule so "needed" points float to the top, etc...
In most languages, With a multidimentional array say AxB, you just have a chunk of memory big enough to hold A*B objects, and when you look up an element (m,n) all you need to do is find the element at location m*A+b. When you have an list of objects, there is overhead associated with every list, plus the lookup is more complex than a simple address calculation.
If the size of your matrix is constant, a 2D array is the fastest option. If it needs to grow and shrink though you probably have no option but to use the second approach.
