Reverse "jpeg" compression algorithm? - algorithm

I have to write a tool that manages very large data sets (well, large for an ordinary workstations). I need basically something that works the opposite that the jpeg format. I need the dataset to be intact on disk where it can be arbitrarily large, but then it needs to be lossy compressed when it gets read in memory and only the sub-part used at any given time need to be uncompressed on the flight. I have started looking at ipp (Intel Integrated Performance Primitives) but it's not really clear for now if I can use them for what I need to do.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.

Given the nature of your data, it seems you are handling some kind of raw sample.
So the easiest and most generic "lossy" technique will be to drop the lower bits, reducing precision, up to the level you want.
Note that you will need to "drop the lower bits", which is quite different from "round to the next power of 10". Computer work on base 2, and you want all your lower bits to be "00000" for compression to perform as well as possible. This method suppose that the selected compression algorithm will make use of the predictable 0-bits pattern.
Another method, more complex and more specific, could be to convert your values as an index into a table. The advantage is that you can "target" precision where you want it. The obvious drawback is that the table will be specific to a distribution pattern.
On top of that, you may also store not the value itself, but the delta of the value with its preceding one if there is any kind of relation between them. This will help compression too.
For data to be compressed, you will need to "group" them by packets of appropriate size, such as 64KB. On a single field, no compression algorithm will give you suitable results. This, in turn, means that each time you want to access a field, you need to decompress the whole packet, so better tune it depending on what you want to do with it. Sequential access is easier to deal with in such circumstances.
Regarding compression algorithm, since these data are going to be "live", you need something very fast, so that accessing the data has very small latency impact.
There are several open-source alternatives out there for that use. For easier license management, i would recommend a BSD alternative. Since you use C++, the following ones look suitable :


How to deal with multiple data files using lightGBM

I am trying to use lightGBM as a classifier. My data are saved in multiple csv files, but I find there is no way to directly use multiple files as the input.
I have considered to combine all the data into a big one (numpy array), but my computer doesn't have enough memory. How can I use lightGBM to deal with multiple data files when the avaliable memory is poor?
I guess that you are using Python.
What is the size of your data ? (num of rows x num of columns)
Lightgbm will need to load the data in-memory for training.
But if you haven't done it yet, you can wisely choose a suitable datatype for every column of your data.
It can considerably reduce the memory footprint if you use dtypes such as 'uint8' / 'uint16' and help you load everything in memory.
You shouldn't ever (Except certain edge cases) need to use your entire dataset if you sample CORRECTLY.
I use a DB that has over 230M records but I usually only select a RANDOM sample of anywhere from 1k-100k to create the model.
Also, you might as well split your data into training, testing and validation. That will help cut down the size per file.
You might want to categorize your features, then to one-hot-encode them. LightGBM works best with sparse features such as one-hot-encoded ones due to its EFB (Effective Feature Bundling) which enhances computation efficiency of LightGBM significantly. Moreover, you will definitely get rid of the floating parts of the numbers.
Think categorization as that; let’s say that values of one of the numerical features vary between 36 to 56, you can digitize it as [36,36.5,37,....,55.5,56] or [40,45,50,55] to make it categorical. Up to your expertise and imagination. You can refer to scikit-learn for one-hot-encoding, it has built-in function for that.
PS: With a numerical feature, always inspect the statistical properties of it, you can use pandas.describe() which summarizes its mean, max, min, std etc.

Avro size too big?

I do some research on what is the best data exchange format in my company. For the moment I compare Protocol Buffers and Apache Avro.
Request are exchanging between components in our architecture, but only one by one. And my impression is that Avro is very bigger thant Protocol Buffers when transport only one by one. In the avro file, the schema is always present and our request has a lot of optional field, so our schema is ver big even if our data are small.
But I don't know if I missed something, it's written everywhere than avro is smaller, but for us it seems that we have to put one thousand requests in one file for having PBuffers and avro's size equals.
I missed something or my thoughts are true?
It's not at all surprising that two serialization formats would produce basically equal sizes. These aren't compression algorithms, they're just structure. For any decent format, the vast majority of your data is going to be your data; the structure around it (which is the part that varies depending on serialization format) ought to be negligible. The size of your data simply doesn't change regardless of the serialization format around it.
Note also that anyone who claims that one format is always smaller than another is either lying or doesn't know what they're talking about. Every format has strengths and weaknesses, so the "best" format totally depends on the use case. It's important to test each format using your own data to find out what is best for you -- and it sounds like you are doing just that, which is great! If Protobuf and Avro came out equal size in your test, then you should choose based on other factors. You might want to test encoding/decoding speed, for example.

Efficient way to encode bit-vectors?

Currently using the run length encoding for encoding bit-vectors, and the current run time is
2log(i), where is the size of the run. Is there another way of doing it to bring it down to log(i)?
The most efficient way of encoding a bit vector is to isolate any specific properties of the bit source. If it is totally random, there is no real noticeable gain (actually, a totally random stream of bit cannot be compressed in any way).
If you can find properties in your bit stream you could try to define a collection of vectors which will define the base of a Vector Space. In such case, the result will be very efficient.
We'll need a few more details on your bit stream.
Just a few more details to understand the previous statement:
"a totally random stream of bits cannot be compressed in any way"
It is not possible to compress a totally random vector of bits if by "compress" we mean the "transformed/compressed stream" plus the "vector base definition" plus the decompression program. But in most cases the decompression program (and often the vector base too) is embedded in client software. Thus, only the "compressed stream" is needed.
A good explanation (and funny story) about that is Patrick Craig 5000$ compression challenge
More scientific the theory of information, especially entropy section
And, the final one, the full story.
But whatever the solution is, if you have an unknown number of unknown streams to compress you won't be ale to do anything. You have to find a pattern.

Good compression algorithm for small chunks of data? (around 2k in size)

I have a system with one machine generate small chunks of data in the form of objects containing arrays of integers and longs. These chunks get passed to another server which in turn distributes them elsewhere.
I want to compress these objects so the memory load on the pass-through server is reduced. I understand that compression algorithms like deflate need to build a dictionary so something like that wouldn't really work on data this small.
Are there any algorithms that could compress data like this efficiently?
If not, another thing I could do is batch these chunks into arrays of objects and compress the array once it gets to be a certain size. But I am reluctant to do this because I would have to change interfaces in an existing system. Compressing them individually would not require any interface changes, the way this is all set up.
Not that I think it matters, but the target system is Java.
Edit: Would Elias gamma coding be the best for this situation?
If you think that reducing your data packet to its entropy level is at best as it can be, you can try a simple huffman compression.
For an early look at how well this would compress, you can pass a packet through Huff0 :
It is a simple 0-order huffman encoder. So the result will be representative.
For more specific ideas on how to efficiently use the characteristics of your data, it would be advised to describe a bit what data the packets contains and how it is generated (as you have done in the comments, so they are ints (4 bytes?) and longs (8 bytes?)), and then provide one or a few samples.
It sounds like you're currently looking at general-purpose compression algorithms. The most effective way to compress small chunks of data is to build a special-purpose compressor that knows the structure of your data.
The important thing is that you need to match the coding you use with the distribution of values you expect from your data: to get a good result from Elias gamma coding, you need to make sure the values you code are smallish positive integers...
If different integers within the same block are not completely independent (e.g., if your arrays represent a time series), you may be able to use this to improve your compression (e.g., the differences between successive values in a time series tend to be smallish signed integers). However, because each block needs to be independently compressed, you will not be able to take this kind of advantage of differences between successive blocks.
If you're worried that your compressor might turn into an "expander", you can add an initial flag to indicate whether the data is compressed or uncompressed. Then, in the worst case where your data doesn't fit your compression model at all, you can always punt and send the uncompressed version; your worst-case overhead is the size of the flag...
Elias Gamma Coding might actually increase the size of your data.
You already have upper bounds on your numbers (whatever fits into a 4- or probably 8-byte int/long). This method encodes the length of your numbers, followed by your number (probably not what you want). If you get many small values, it might make things smaller. If you also get big values, it will probably increase the size (the 8-byte unsigned max value would become almost twice as big).
Look at the entropy of your data packets. If it's close to the maximum, compression will be useless. Otherwise, try different GP compressors. Tho I'm not sure if the time spent compressing and decompressing is worth the size reduction.
I would have a close look at the options of your compression library, for instance deflateSetDictionary() and the flag Z_FILTERED in If you can distribute - or hardwire in the source code - an agreed dictionary to both sender and receiver ahead of time, and if that dictionary is representative of real data, you should get decent compression savings. Oops - in Java look at and FILTERED.

Algorithm for determining a file's identity

For an open source project I have I am writing an abstraction layer on top of the filesystem.
This layer allows me to attach metadata and relationships to each file.
I would like the layer to handle file renames gracefully and maintain the metadata if a file is renamed / moved or copied.
To do this I will need a mechanism for calculating the identity of a file. The obvious solution is to calculate an SHA1 hash for each file and then assign metadata against that hash. But ... that is really expensive, especially for movies.
So, I have been thinking of an algorithm that though not 100% correct will be right the vast majority of the time, and is cheap.
One such algorithm could be to use file size and a sample of bytes for that file to calculate the hash.
Which bytes should I choose for the sample? How do I keep the calculation cheap and reasonably accurate? I understand there is a tradeoff here, but performance is critical. And the user will be able to handle situations where the system makes mistakes.
I need this algorithm to work for very large files (1GB+ and tiny files 5K)
I need this algorithm to work on NTFS and all SMB shares (linux or windows based), I would like it to support situations where a file is copied from one spot to another (2 physical copies exist are treated as one identity). I may even consider wanting this to work in situations where MP3s are re-tagged (the physical file is changed, so I may have an identity provider per filetype).
Related question: Algorithm for determining a file’s identity (Optimisation)
Bucketing, multiple layers of comparison should be fastest and scalable across the range of files you're discussing.
First level of indexing is just the length of the file.
Second level is hash. Below a certain size it is a whole-file hash. Beyond that, yes, I agree with your idea of a sampling algorithm. Issues that I think might affect the sampling speed:
To avoid hitting regularly spaced headers which may be highly similar or identical, you need to step in a non-conforming number, eg: multiples of a prime or successive primes.
Avoid steps which might end up encountering regular record headers, so if you are getting the same value from your sample bytes despite different location, try adjusting the step by another prime.
Cope with anomalous files with large stretches of identical values, either because they are unencoded images or just filled with nulls.
Do the first 128k, another 128k at the 1mb mark, another 128k at the 10mb mark, another 128k at the 100mb mark, another 128k at the 1000mb mark, etc. As the file sizes get larger, and it becomes more likely that you'll be able to distinguish two files based on their size alone, you hash a smaller and smaller fraction of the data. Everything under 128k is taken care of completely.
Believe it or not, I use the ticks for the last write time for the file. It is as cheap as it gets and I am still to see a clash between different files.
If you can drop the Linux share requirement and confine yourself to NTFS, then NTFS Alternate Data Streams will be a perfect solution that:
doesn't require any kind of hashing;
survives renames; and
survives moves (even between different NTFS volumes).
You can read more about it here. Basically you just append a colon and a name for your stream (e.g. ":meta") and write whatever you like to it. So if you have a directory "D:\Movies\Terminator", write your metadata using normal file I/O to "D:\Movies\Terminator:meta". You can do the same if you want to save the metadata for a specific file (as opposed to a whole folder).
If you'd prefer to store your metadata somewhere else and just be able to detect moves/renames on the same NTFS volume, you can use the GetFileInformationByHandle API call (see MSDN /en-us/library/aa364952(VS.85).aspx) to get the unique ID of the folder (combine VolumeSerialNumber and FileIndex members). This ID will not change if the file/folder is moved/renamed on the same volume.
How about storing some random integers ri, and looking up bytes (ri mod n) where n is the size of file? For files with headers, you can ignore them first and then do this process on the remaining bytes.
If your files are actually pretty different (not just a difference in a single byte somewhere, but say at least 1% different), then a random selection of bytes would notice that. For example, with a 1% difference in bytes, 100 random bytes would fail to notice with probability 1/e ~ 37%; increasing the number of bytes you look at makes this probability go down exponentially.
The idea behind using random bytes is that they are essentially guaranteed (well, probabilistically speaking) to be as good as any other sequence of bytes, except they aren't susceptible to some of the problems with other sequences (e.g. happening to look at every 256-th byte of a file format where that byte is required to be 0 or something).
Some more advice:
Instead of grabbing bytes, grab larger chunks to justify the cost of seeking.
I would suggest always looking at the first block or so of the file. From this, you can determine filetype and such. (For example, you could use the file program.)
At least weigh the cost/benefit of something like a CRC of the entire file. It's not as expensive as a real cryptographic hash function, but still requires reading the entire file. The upside is it will notice single-byte differences.
Well, first you need to look more deeply into how filesystems work. Which filesystems will you be working with? Most filesystems support things like hard links and soft links and therefore "filename" information is not necessarily stored in the metadata of the file itself.
Actually, this is the whole point of a stackable layered filesystem, that you can extend it in various ways, say to support compression or encryption. This is what "vnodes" are all about. You could actually do this in several ways. Some of this is very dependent on the platform you are looking at. This is much simpler on UNIX/Linux systems that use a VFS concept. You could implement your own layer on tope of ext3 for instance or what have you.
After reading your edits, a couplre more things. File systems already do this, as mentioned before, using things like inodes. Hashing is probably going to be a bad idea not just because it is expensive but because two or more preimages can share the same image; that is to say that two entirely different files can have the same hashed value. I think what you really want to do is exploit the metadata of that the filesystem already exposes. This would be simpler on an open source system, of course. :)
Which bytes should I choose for the sample?
I think that I would try to use some arithmetic progression like Fibonacci numbers. These are easy to calculate, and they have a diminishing density. Small files would have a higher sample ratio than big files, and the sample would still go over spots in the whole file.
This work sounds like it could be more effectively implemented at the filesystem level or with some loose approximation of a version control system (both?).
To address the original question, you could keep a database of (file size, bytes hashed, hash) for each file and try to minimize the number of bytes hashed for each file size. Whenever you detect a collision you either have an identical file, or you increase the hash length to go just past the first difference.
There's undoubtedly optimizations to be made and CPU vs. I/O tradeoffs as well, but it's a good start for something that won't have false-positives.
