can we improve dynamic array to make it more faster - algorithm

I have learned about dynamic array (non-fixed size array) as dynamic array as vector in C++ and Arraylist in Java
And how can we implement it.
Basically when the array is full we create another array of doubled size and copy the old items to the new array
So can we implement an array of non-fixed size with random access as a vector and Arraylist without spending time copying the old elements?
In other word, Is there data structure like that (dynamic size and random access and no need for copy elements)??

Depending on what you mean by "like", this is trivially impossible to already exists.
First the trivially impossible. When we create an array, we mark a section of memory as being only for that array. If you have 3 such arrays that can grow without bound, one of them will eventually run into another. Given that we can actually create arrays that are bigger than available memory (it just pages to disk), we have to manage this risk, not avoid it.
But how big an issue is it? Copying data is O(1) per element, no matter how big it gets. And the overhead is low. The cost of this dynamicism is that you need to always check where the array starts. But that's a pretty fast check.
Alternately we can move to paged memory. Now an array access looks like, "Check what page it is on, then look at where it is in the page." Now your array can grow, but you never change where anything is. But if you want it to grow without bound, you have to add levels. We can implement it, and it does avoid copying, but this form of indirection has generally NOT proven worth it for general purpose programming. However paging is used in databases. And it is also used by operating systems to manage turning what the program thinks is the address of the data, to the actual address in memory. If you want to dive down that rabbit hole, TLB is worth looking at.
But there are other options that exist as well. Instead of fixed sized pages, we can have variable sized ones. This approach gets very complicated, very quickly. But the result is very useful. Look up ropes for more.
The browser that I wrote this on stores the text of what I wrote using a rope. This is how it can easily offer features like multi-level undo and editing in the middle of the document. However the raw performance of such schemes is significant. It is clearly worthwhile if you need the features, but otherwise we don't do it.
In short, every set of choices we make has tradeoffs. The one you'd like to optimize has what has proven to be the best tradeoff for offering dynamic size and raw performance. That's why it appears everywhere from Python lists to C++ vectors.


Working with a Set that does not fit in memory

Let's say I have a huge list of fixed-length strings, and I want to be able to quickly determine if a new given string is part of this huge list.
If the list remains small enough to fit in memory, I would typically use a set: I would feed it first with the list of strings, and by design, the data structure would allow me to quickly check whether or not a given string is part of the set.
But as far as I can see, the various standard implementation of this data structure store data in memory, and I already know that the huge list of strings won't fit in memory, and that I'll somehow need to store this list on disk.
I could rely on something like SQLite to store the strings in a indexed table, then query the table to know whether a string is part of the initial set or not. However, using SQLite for this seems unnecessarily heavy to me, as I definitely don't need all the querying features it supports.
Have you guys faced this kind of problems before? Do you know any library that might be helpful? (I'm quite language-agnostic, feel free to throw whatever you have)
There are multiple solutions to efficiently find if a string is a part of a huge set of strings.
A first solution is to use a trie to make the set much more compact. Indeed, many strings will likely start by the same header and re-writing it over and over in memory is not space efficient. It may be enough to keep the full set in memory or not. If not, the root part of the trie can be stored in memory referencing leaf-like nodes stored on the disk. This enable the application to quickly find with part of the leaf-like nodes need to be loaded with a relatively small cost. If the number of string is not so huge, most leaf parts of the trie related to a given leaf of the root part can be loaded in one big sequential chunk from the storage device.
Another solution is to use a hash table to quickly find if a given string exist in the set with a low latency (eg. with only 2 fetches). The idea is just to hash a searched string and perform a lookup at a specific item of a big array stored on the storage device. Open-adressing can be used to make the structure more compact at the expense of a possibly higher latency while only 2 fetches are needed with closed-adressing (the first get the location of the item list associated to the given hash and the second get all the actual items).
One simple way to easily implement such data structures so they can work on a storage devices is to make use of mapped memory. Mapped memory enable you to access data on a storage device transparently as if it was in memory (whatever the language used). However, the cost to access data is the one of the storage device and not the one of the memory. Thus, the data structure implementation should be adapted to the use of mapped memory for better performance.
Finally, you can cache data so that some fetches can be much faster. One way to do that is to use Bloom filters. A Bloom filter is a very compact probabilistic hash-based data structure. It can be used to cache data in memory without actually storing any string item. False positive matches are possible, but false negatives are not. Thus, they are good to discard searched strings that are often not in the set without the need to do any (slow) fetch on the storage device. A big Bloom filter can provide a very good accuracy. This data structure need to be mixed with the above ones if deterministic results are required. LRU/LFU caches might also help regarding the distribution of the searched items.

What are appropriate applications for a linked (doubly as well) list?

I have a question about fundamentals in data structures.
I understand that array's access time is faster than a linked list. O(1)- array vs O(N) -linked list
But a linked list beats an array in removing an element since there is no shifting needing O(N)- array vs O(1) -linked list
So my understanding is that if the majority of operations on the data is delete then using a linked list is preferable.
But if the use case is:
delete elements but not too frequently
access ALL elements
Is there a clear winner? In a general case I understand that the downside of using the list is that I access each node which could be on a separate page while an array has better locality.
But is this a theoretical or an actual concern that I should have?
And is the mixed-type i.e. create a linked list from an array (using extra fields) good idea?
Also does my question depend on the language? I assume that shifting elements in array has the same cost in all languages (at least asymptotically)
Singly-linked lists are very useful and can be better performance-wise relative to arrays if you are doing a lot of insertions/deletions, as opposed to pure referencing.
I haven't seen a good use for doubly-linked lists for decades.
I suppose there are some.
In terms of performance, never make decisions without understanding relative performance of your particular situation.
It's fairly common to see people asking about things that, comparatively speaking, are like getting a haircut to lose weight.
Before writing an app, I first ask if it should be compute-bound or IO-bound.
If IO-bound I try to make sure it actually is, by avoiding inefficiencies in IO, and keeping the processing straightforward.
If it should be compute-bound then I look at what its inner loop is likely to be, and try to make that swift.
Regardless, no matter how much I try, there will be (sometimes big) opportunities to make it go faster, and to find them I use this technique.
Whatever you do, don't just try to think it out or go back to your class notes.
Your problem is different from anyone else's, and so is the solution.
The problem with a list is not just the fragmentation, but mostly the data dependency. If you access every Nth element in array you don't have locality, but the accesses may still go to memory in parallel since you know the address. In a list it depends on the data being retrieved, and therefore traversing a list effectively serializes your memory accesses, causing it to be much slower in practice. This of course is orthogonal to asymptotic complexities, and would harm you regardless of the size.

if huge array is faster than hash-map for look-up?

I'm receiving "order update" from stock exchange. Each order id is between 1 and 100 000 000, so I can use 100 million array to store 100 million orders and when update is received I can look-up order from array very fast just accessing it by index arrray[orderId]. I will spent several gigabytes of memory but this is OK.
Alternatively I can use hashmap, and because at any moment the number of "active" orders is limited (to, very roughly, 100 000), look-up will be pretty fast too, but probaly a little bit slower then array.
The question is - will hashmap be actually slower? Is it reasonably to create 100 millions array?
I need latency and nothing else, I completely don't care about memory, what should I choose?
Whenever considering performance issues, one experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions. Test it!
That said, I'll take a wild stab in the dark: it's likely that if you can convince your OS to keep your multi-gigabyte array resident in physical memory (this isn't necessarily easy - consider looking at the mlock and munlock syscalls), you'll have relatively better performance. Any such performance gain you notice (should one exist) will likely be by virtue of bypassing the cost of the hashing function, and avoiding the overheads associated with whichever collision-resolution and memory allocation strategies your hashmap implementation uses.
It's also worth cautioning that many hash table implementations have non-constant complexity for some operations (e.g., separate chaining could degrade to O(n) in the worst case). Given that you are attempting to optimize for latency, an array with very aggressive signaling to the OS memory manager (e.g., madvise and mlock) are likely to result in the closest to constant-latency lookups that you can get on a microprocessor easily.
While the only way to objectively answer this question is with performance tests, I will argue for using a Hashtable Map. (Caching and memory access can be so full of surprises; I do not have the expertise to speculate on which one will be faster, and when. Also consider that localized performance differences may be marginalized by other code.)
My first reason for "initially choosing" a hash is based off of the observation that there are 100M distinct keys but only 0.1M active records. This means that if using an array, index utilization will only be 0.1% - this is a very sparse array.
If the data is stored as values in the array then it needs to be relatively small or the array size will balloon. If the data is not stored in the array (e.g. array is of pointers) then the argument for locality of data in the array is partially mitigated. Either way, the simple array approach requires lots of unused space.
Since all the keys are already integers, the distribution (hash) function and can be efficiently implemented - there is no need to create a hash of a complex type/sequence so the "cost" of this function should approach zero.
So, my simple proposed hash:
Use linear probing backed by contiguous memory. It is simple, has good locality (especially during the probe), and avoids needing to do any form of dynamic allocation.
Pick a suitable initial bucket size; say, 2x (or 0.2M buckets, primed). Don't even give the hash a chance of resize. Note that this suggested bucket array size is only 0.2% the size of the simple array approach and could be reduced further as the size vs. collision rate can be tuned.
Create a good distribution function for the hash. It can also exploit knowledge of the ID range.
While I've presented specialized hashtable rules "optimized" for the given case, I would start with a normal Map implementation (be it a hashtable or tree) and test it .. if a standard implementation works suitably well, why not use it?
Now, test different candidates under expected and extreme loads - and pick the winner.
This seems to depend on the clustering of the IDs.
If the active IDs are clustered suitably already then, without hashing, the OS and/or L2 cache have a fair shot at holding on to the good data and keeping it low-latency.
If they're completely random then you're going to suffer just as soon as the number of active transactions exceeds the number of available cache lines or the size of those transactions exceeds the size of the cache (it's not clear which is likely to happen first in your case).
However, if the active IDs work out to have some unfortunate pattern which causes a high rate of contention (eg., it's a bit-pack of different attributes, and the frequently-varying attribute hits the hardware where it hurts), then you might benefit from using a 1:1 hash of the index to get back to the random case, even though that's usually considered a pretty bad case on its own.
As far as hashing for compaction goes; noting that some people are concerned about worst-case fallback behaviour for a hash collision, you might simply implement a cache of the full-sized table in contiguous memory, since that has a reasonably constrained worst case. Simply keep the busiest entry in the map, and fall back to the full table on collisions. Move the other entry into the map if it's more active (if you can find a suitable algorithm to decide this).
Even so, it's not clear that the necessary hash table size is sufficient to reduce the working set to being cacheable. How big are your orders?
The overhead of a hashmap vs. an array is almost none. I would bet on a hashmap of 100,000 records over an array of 100,000,000, without a doubt.
Remember also that, while you "don't care about memory", this also means you'd better have the memory to back it up - an array of 100,000,000 integers will take up 400mb, even if all of them are empty. You run the risk of your data being swapped out. If your data gets swapped out, you will get a performance hit of several orders of magnitude.
You should test and profile, as others have said. My random stab in the dark, though: A high-load-factor hash table will be the way to go here. One huge array is going to cost you a TLB miss and then a last-level cache miss per access. This is expensive. A hash table, given the working set size you mentioned, is probably only going to cost some arithmetic and an L1 miss.
Again, test both alternatives on representative examples. We're all just stabbing in the dark.

Proper Data Structure Choice for Collision System

I am looking to implement a 2D top-down collision system, and was hoping for some input as to the likely performance between a few different ideas. For reference I expect the number of moving collision objects to be in the dozens, and the static collision objects to be in the hundreds.
The first idea is border-line brute force (or maybe not so border-line). I would store two lists of collision objects in a collision system. One list would be dynamic objects, the other would include both dynamic and static objects (each dynamic would be in both lists). Each frame I would loop through the dynamic list and pass each object the larger list, so it could find anything it may run into. This will involve a lot of unnecessary calculations for any reasonably sized loaded area but I am using it as a sort of baseline because it would be very easy to implement.
The second idea is to have a single list of all collision objects, and a 2D array of either ints or floats representing the loaded area. Each element in the array would represent a physical location, and each object would have a size value. Each time an object moved, it would subtract its size value from its old location and add it to its new location. The objects would have to access elements in the array before they moved to make sure there was room in their new location, but that would be fairly simple to do. Besides the fact that I have a very public, very large array, I think it would perform fairly well. I could also implement with a boolean array, simply storing if a location is full or not, but I don't see any advantage to this over the numeric storage.
The third I idea I had was less well formed. A month or two ago I read about a two dimensional, rectangle based data structure (may have been a tree, i don't remember) that would be able to keep elements sorted by position. Then I would only have to pass the dynamic objects their small neighborhood of objects for update. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what this data structure might be, so I could look more into it, and if so, how the per-frame sorting of it would affect performance relative to the other methods.
Really I am just looking for ideas on how these would perform, and any pitfalls I am likely overlooking in any of these. I am not so much worried about the actual detection, as the most efficient way to make the objects talk to one another.
You're not talking about a lot of objects in this case. Honestly, you could probably brute force it and probably be fine for your application, even in mobile game development. With that in mind, I'd recommend you keep it simple but throw a bit of optimization on top for gravy. Spatial hashing with a reasonable cell size is the way I'd go here -- relatively reasonable memory use, decent speedup, and not that bad as far as complexity of implementation goes. More on that in a moment!
You haven't said what the representation of your objects is, but in any case you're likely going to end up with a typical "broad phase" and "narrow phase" (like a physics engine) -- the "broad phase" consisting of a false-positives "what could be intersecting?" query and the "narrow phase" brute forcing out the resulting potential intersections. Unless you're using things like binary space partitioning trees for polygonal shapes, you're not going to end up with a one-phase solution.
As mentioned above, for the broad phase I'd use spatial hashing. Basically, you establish a grid and mark down what's in touch with each grid. (It doesn't have to be perfect -- it could be what axis-aligned bounding boxes are in each grid, even.) Then, later you go through the relevant cells of the grid and check if everything in each relevant cell is actually intersecting with anything else in the cell.
Trick is, instead of having an array, either have a hash table for every cell grid. That way you're only taking up space for grids that actually have something in them. (This is not a substitution for badly sized grids -- you want your grid to be coarse enough to not have an object in a ridiculous amount of cells because that takes memory, but you want it to be fine enough to not have all objects in a few cells because that doesn't save much time.) Chances are by visual inspection, you'll be able to figure out what a good grid size is.
One additional step to spatial hashing... if you want to save memory, throw away the indices that you'd normally verify in a hash table. False positives only cost CPU time, and if you're hashing correctly, it's not going to turn out to be much, but it can save you a lot of memory.
When you update objects, update which grids they're probably in. (Again, it's good enough to just use a bounding box -- e.g. a square or rectangle around the object.) Add the object to the hash table for each cell it's in. (E.g. If you're in cell 5,4, that hashes to the 17th entry of the hash table. Add it to that entry of the hash table and throw away the 5,4 data.) Then, to test collisions, go through the relevant cells in the hash table (e.g. the entire screen's worth of cells if that's what you're interested in) and see what objects inside of each cell collide with other objects inside of each cell.
Compared to the solutions above:
Note brute forcing, takes less time.
This has some commonality with the "2D array" method mentioned because, after all, we're imposing a "grid" (or 2D array) over the represented space, however we're doing it in a way less prone to accuracy errors (since it's only used for a broad-phase that is conservative). Additionally, the memory requirements are lessened by the zealous data reduction in hash tables.
kd, sphere, X, BSP, R, and other "TLA"-trees are almost always quite nontrivial to implement correctly and test and, even after all that effort, can end up being much slower that you'd expect. You don't need that sort of complexity for a few hundreds of objects normally.
Implementation note:
Each node in the spatial hash table will ultimately be a linked list. I recommend writing your own linked list with careful allocations. Each node need take up more than 8 bytes (if you're using C/C++) and should a pooled allocation scheme so you're almost never allocating or freeing memory. Relying on the built-in allocator will likely cripple performance.
First thing, I am but a noob, I am working my way through the 3dbuzz xna extreme 101 videos, and we are just now covering a system that uses static lists of each different type of object, when updating an object you only check against the list/s of things it is supposed to collide with.
So you only check enemy collisions against the player or the players bullets, not other enemys etc.
So there is a static list of each type of game object, then each gamenode has its own collision list(edit:a list of nodes) , that are only the types it can hit.
sorry if its not clear what i mean, i'm still finding my feet

Efficient reordering of large dataset to maximize memory cache effectiveness

I've been working on a problem which I thought people might find interesting (and perhaps someone is aware of a pre-existing solution).
I have a large dataset consisting of a long list of pairs of pointers to objects, something like this:
(a8576, b3295),
(a7856, b2365),
(a3566, b5464),
There are way too many objects to keep in memory at any one time (potentially hundreds of gigabytes), so they need to be stored on disk, but can be cached in memory (probably using an LRU cache).
I need to run through this list processing every pair, which requires that both objects in the pair be loaded into memory (if they aren't already cached there).
So, the question: is there a way to reorder the pairs in the list to maximize the effectiveness of an in-memory cache (in other words: minimize the number of cache misses)?
Obviously, the re-ordering algorithm should be as fast as possible, and shouldn't depend on being able to have the entire list in memory at once (since we don't have enough RAM for that) - but it could iterate over the list several times if necessary.
If we were dealing with individual objects, not pairs, then the simple answer would be to sort them. This obviously won't work in this situation because you need to consider both elements in the pair.
The problem may be related to that of finding a minimum graph cut, but even if the problems are equivalent, I don't think solutions to min-cut meet
My assumption is that the heuristic would stream the data off the disk, and write it back in chunks in a better order. It may need to iterate over this several times.
Actually it may not just be pairs, it could be triplets, quadruplets, or more. I'm hoping that an algorithm that does this for pairs can be easily generalized.
Your problem is related to a similar one for computer graphics hardware:
When rendering indexed vertices in a triangle mesh, typically the hardware has a cache of most recently transformed vertices (~128 the last time I had to worry about it, but suspect the number is larger these days). Vertices not cached need a relatively expensive transform operation to calculate. "Mesh optimisation" to restructure triangle meshes to optimise cache usage used to be a pretty hot research topic. Googling
vertex cache optimisation
(or optimization :^) might find you some interesting material relevant to your problem. As other posters suggest, I suspect doing this effectively will depend on exploiting any inherent coherence in your data.
Another thing to bear in mind: as an LRU cache becomes overloaded it can be well worth changing to an MRU replacement strategy to at least hold some of the items in memory (rather than turning over the entire cache each pass). I seem to remember John Carmack has written some good material on this subject in connection with Direct3D texture caching strategies.
For start, you could mmap the list. That works if there's enough address space, not memory, e.g. on 64-bit CPUs. This makes it easier to access the elements in order.
You could sort that list according to a minimum distance in cache which considers both elements, which works well if the objects are in a contiguous space. The sorting function could be something like: compare (a, b) to (c, d) = (a - c) + (b - d) (which looks like a Hamming distance). Then you pull in slices of the object store and process according to the list.
EDIT: fixed a mistake in the distance.
Even though you're not just sorting this list, the general pattern of a multiway merge sort might be applicable - that is, consider some kind of (possibly recursive) breakdown of the set into smaller sets that can be dealt with in memory separately, and then a second phase where small chunks of the previously dealt-with sets can all be combined together. Even not knowing the specific nature of what you're doing with the pairs, it's safe to say that many algorithmic problems are made much more straightforward when you're dealing with sorted data (including graph problems, which might be what you have on your hands here).
I think the answer to this question is going to depend very heavily on exactly the access pattern of the pair of objects. As you said, just sorting the pointers would be best in a simple, non-paired case. In a more complex case it may still make sense to sort by one of the halves of the pair if the pattern is such that locality for those values is more important (if, for example, these are key/value pairs and you are doing a lot of searches, locality for the keys is infinitely more important than for the values).
So, really, my answer is that this question can't be answered in a general case.
For storing your structure, what you actually want is probably a B-tree. These are designed for what you're talking about--keeping track of large collections where you don't want to (or can't) keep the whole thing in memory.
