Detecting Memory leaks tools on Wp7 - windows-phone-7

Does anyone know of any good tools to detect memory leaks on the Windows phone 7.5 platform?

The built-in profiling tools are probably the best starting point.
Select: Debug > Start Windows Phone Perfomance Analysis
and select the the "Memory" option
This will help you see any memory spikes and leaks and help you drill down to the cause.
for more guidance on using the tool

I have started a series of blog posts regarding the usage of this tool :-
You may also find the following blog post useful :-


How to see if a disk is full in WPA or PerfView

I am using WPA and PerfView to capture traces to diagnose why an IIS server hanged.
We have reasons to believe that at the time one of the disk was completely full.
Is there a way to see in these tools (WPA, PerfView) how full the disks are?
We get a lot of useful and detailed information out of the tool but I fail to find just this simple metric.
Thank you!
The Windows Performance Analyzer shows the free Clusters from the Windows Kernel/SystemConfig/LogDisk Event in System Configuration/Storage:
To see it in Perfview, search for LogDisk Event:

Hyper-V Performance Monitor Counters

Is there any ultimate Hyper-V Performance Monitor Counters guide from Microsoft I can use to see the official (not blog-posted) information of what each counter does and how it should be used?
It is felt that google doesn't know any, some people say it doesn't even exist.
Not so official but still looks legit:
Found this (using DuckDuckGo ;)
Is this what you are looking for?

Troubleshooting Performance Using Qt Debugger

Hi I am student programmer using Qt to build some editing applications for work and I'm hitting an issue in my debugging practices that I am not sure how to approach. I have QTableWidget that takes at least 10 secs to fill when 100+ rows are brought in.
I am wondering if Qt's debugger has any tools to help pinpoint where the operation is taking the most of its time at. I have looked over the operation several times and everything looks right and efficient so I am left pretty lost. I have looked over the debugging and analyzing sections of the debugger and didn't see anything that looked helpful as I'm pretty sure my symptoms aren't that of a memory leak. Thanks for reading my post and thanks in advance for any help in this issue.
If you are having performance issues and want to see where in your application time is spent you need to do some Profiling. Depending on your platform and chosen IDE the tools differ and you should look into what is most commonly used.
For Linux there are few tools to pick from. One I found quite helpful is the Valgrind tool Callgrind, there is a quite nice visualizer for it called KCachegrind that should be available in your distributions repository.
Since you are using Qt there is a real possibility that you also use Qt Creator then I found something on the integration of Valgrind in Qt Creator.

Windows Phone Memory Profilers

I'm currently having a hard time driving down the peak memory consumption of my background agent below the 6MB limit. Are there any recommendations for WP7 capable memory profilers. I am not even asking for something along the lines of dotTrace but basically anything that offers some insight about what's going on.
The Windows Phone SDK comes with a profiler for both memory consumption, and other things, that's available in Visual Studio after installation of the SDK.
You can read more about it on MSDN
Also, try look isolated at the background agent code, and move it to a separate application, where you run it in the foreground. That could possible make it easier for you to nail where the problem is.

Profiling a COM application?

I have a big application written in Visual Basic 6 and I need to profile it.
Is there something like ANTS Profiler but for COM applications?
I used to use VBWatch. I had a good experience with it and it helped me nail down and resolve some pesky performance problems
Have a look at VTune from Intel it has native profiling as well.
If you're having problems using VTune try AQTime profiler from AutomatedQA instead.
GlowCode is another good tool. I've used it successfully with VB6. The nice part is that you don't need to instrument or recompile your code. All you need is the symbols (.pdb file) that VB6 can already create for you.
Better late than never? VB6 has a "pause" button, right? Not only is it free, and requires no installation, but in my opinion it is by far the best tool for locating performance problems.
That's your best bet.
