Hyper-V Performance Monitor Counters - performance

Is there any ultimate Hyper-V Performance Monitor Counters guide from Microsoft I can use to see the official (not blog-posted) information of what each counter does and how it should be used?
It is felt that google doesn't know any, some people say it doesn't even exist.

Not so official but still looks legit: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/chrisavis/2013/03/25/performance-management-monitoring-cpu-resources/

Found this (using DuckDuckGo ;) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/performance-tuning/role/hyper-v-server/detecting-virtualized-environment-bottlenecks
Is this what you are looking for?


Detecting Memory leaks tools on Wp7

Does anyone know of any good tools to detect memory leaks on the Windows phone 7.5 platform?
The built-in profiling tools are probably the best starting point.
Select: Debug > Start Windows Phone Perfomance Analysis
and select the the "Memory" option
This will help you see any memory spikes and leaks and help you drill down to the cause.
for more guidance on using the tool
I have started a series of blog posts regarding the usage of this tool :-
You may also find the following blog post useful :-

what Windows api would I need to build remote desktop tool like TeamViewer?

judging by low bandwidth footprint I am guessing that TeamViewer doesn't just transmit the screen pixel by pixel. So what api would such a tool use to obtain graphics features for efficient transmission? Are there open source apps like "poor man's TeamViewer" demonstrating this in code?
ETA: I am not asking for "specific api" for "complex task". My question boils down to "how does TeamViewer work, in terms of obtaining graphics info from Windows?"
You could take a look at VNC. But asking for a specific API to do a quite complex task is probably very futile.
Consider the Windows Desktop Sharing API.
You Can Use Win VNC http://dotnetvnc.sourceforge.net/ download and use their API.
ok, this is not a direct answer to my question, but nevertheless an interesting discussion of the issue How is TeamViewer so fast? . The OP is asking a question similar to mine and provides his empirical analysis of the competing systems. He says that Windows Remote Desktop is significantly faster than VNC, presumably because it transmits Windows drawing commands rather than bitmap diff, and he also says that TeamViewer is surprisingly faster than even that, for reasons he wants to understand.

Windows function map?

Is there some sort of thing like a layout/plan of the windows api? A clear overview of which api depends on another? Or a website where they are linked in a hierarchical way (starting with the most dependable, ending with the core function)
e.g Kerenel32.dll!CreateFile() -> ntdll.dll!ntCreateFIle() -> ntoskrnl32.exe!zwCreateFile()
I can link them all by hand with a dependency walker but it takes much time. So I was just wondering if something like this already existed.
I don't have the answer to your question, but I think an even more interesting road would be to read what Geoff Chappell has found out regarding the Windows Kernel and the Win32 API. I have not read those sections, but so far everything I've read on that website has filled me with wonder and awe at how thoroughly things can be analysed given a disciplined and talented investigator.
You can always take a look at ReactOS:
ReactOS® is a free, modern operating system based on the design of Windows® XP/2003. Written completely from scratch, it aims to follow the Windows-NT® architecture designed by Microsoft from the hardware level right through to the application level.
Simply search for whatever function in the documentation and look at its source. 99% of the time you can just pretend to be looking at the actual Windows source :) Very helpful when playing around with a debugger too.

Profiling a COM application?

I have a big application written in Visual Basic 6 and I need to profile it.
Is there something like ANTS Profiler but for COM applications?
I used to use VBWatch. I had a good experience with it and it helped me nail down and resolve some pesky performance problems
Have a look at VTune from Intel it has native profiling as well.
If you're having problems using VTune try AQTime profiler from AutomatedQA instead.
GlowCode is another good tool. I've used it successfully with VB6. The nice part is that you don't need to instrument or recompile your code. All you need is the symbols (.pdb file) that VB6 can already create for you.
Better late than never? VB6 has a "pause" button, right? Not only is it free, and requires no installation, but in my opinion it is by far the best tool for locating performance problems.
That's your best bet.

How is Memory Organized in Windows?

I'm looking for an explanation or good free online resources about the organization of memory and memory management in Windows systems.
You can buy this (old) book, (the actual Windows architecture hasn't really changed much in 10 years) for a penny (used):
Inside Windows NT
Here's the up-to-date version:
MS Windows Internals
There's also Mark's Blog
As far as ONLINE resources go, I've found it to be pretty sparse, though :(
Check out this DotNet Rocks podcast on the Windows memory model
In MSDN, some information is located here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366525(VS.85).aspx
Windows Internals is the canonical reference for mm. It's far better than anything else you'll find on the subject, as Landy Wang doesn't write too much :)
