How to see if a disk is full in WPA or PerfView - debugging

I am using WPA and PerfView to capture traces to diagnose why an IIS server hanged.
We have reasons to believe that at the time one of the disk was completely full.
Is there a way to see in these tools (WPA, PerfView) how full the disks are?
We get a lot of useful and detailed information out of the tool but I fail to find just this simple metric.
Thank you!

The Windows Performance Analyzer shows the free Clusters from the Windows Kernel/SystemConfig/LogDisk Event in System Configuration/Storage:
To see it in Perfview, search for LogDisk Event:


get a log file on system performance

I need to monitor my computer's processor usage, RAM usage and disk usage in certain time period and get a log file or some text output with the details of above resource usage. I don't need any complex data but simply usage over time should be enough. I tried few tools including Windows OS's built in Performance Monitor but had no luck. I only need usage over time as a log file or some other simple text manner.
My OS is windows and I don't need to do this in any other OS.
Can anybody help me? Even point me in right direction would be also helpful.
You can create a Data Collector Set which will store the metrics of your choice into .blg file, the file can be opened with Windows Performance Monitor so you will be able to see the counters values in form of zoomable charts.
If you need the data to be in a text format, i.e. in CSV, you can use Relog program to convert it.
Alternative option which might be easier is using Servers Performance Monitoring plugin which is designed for using with Apache JMeter, this way you will be able to integrate Windows performance counters information with the performance test report. Moreover, it will work on any operating system supported by underlying SIGAR libraries. See How to Monitor Your Server Health & Performance During a JMeter Load Test article if interested.

Detecting Memory leaks tools on Wp7

Does anyone know of any good tools to detect memory leaks on the Windows phone 7.5 platform?
The built-in profiling tools are probably the best starting point.
Select: Debug > Start Windows Phone Perfomance Analysis
and select the the "Memory" option
This will help you see any memory spikes and leaks and help you drill down to the cause.
for more guidance on using the tool
I have started a series of blog posts regarding the usage of this tool :-
You may also find the following blog post useful :-

Performance Testing Tool That Can Produce a Graph

Is anybody know a good testing tool that can produce a graph containing the CPU cycle and RAM usage?
What I will do for ex. is I will run an application and while the application is running the testing tool will record CPU cycle and RAM Usage and it will make a graph as an output.
Basically what I'm trying to test is how much heavy load an application put on RAM and CPU.
Thanks in advance.
In case this is Windows the easiest way is probably Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe).
You can configure the counters you are interested in (Such as Processor Time/Commited Bytes/et) and create a Data Collector Set that measures these counters at the desired interval. There are even templates for basic System Performance Report or you can add counters for the particular process you are interested in.
You can schedule the time where you want to execute the sampling and you will be able to see the result using PerfMon or export to a file for further processing.
Video tutorial for the basics:
Good Sample where it shows how to monitor SQL:
Loadrunner is the best I can think of ; but its very expensive too ! Depending on what you are trying to do, there might be cheaper alternatives.
Any tool which can either hook to the standard Windows or 'NIX system utilities can do this. This has been a defacto feature set on just about every commercial tool for the past 15 years (HP, IBM, Microfocus, etc). Some of the web only commercial tools (but not all) and the hosted services offer this as wekll. For the hosted services you will generally need to punch a hole through your firewall for them to get access to the hosts for monitoring purposes.
On the open source fron this is a totally mixed bag. Some have it, some don't. Some support one platform, but not others (i.e. support Windows, but not 'NIX or vice-versa).
What tools are you using? It is unfortunately common for people to have performance tools in use and not be aware of their existing toolset's monitoring capabilities.
All of the major commercial performance testing tools have this capability, as well as a fair number of the open source ones. The ability to integrate monitor data with response time data is key to the identification of bottlenecks in the system.
If you have a commercial tool and your staff is telling you that it cannot be done then what they are really telling you is that they don't know how to do this with the tool that you have.
It can be done using jmeter, once you install the agent in the target machine you just need to add the perfmon monitor to your test plan.
It will produce 2 result files, the pefmon file and the requests log.
You could also build a plot that compares the resource compsumtion to the load, and througput. The throughput stops increasing when some resource capacity is exceeded. As you can see in the image CPU time increases as the load increases.
JMeter perfmon plugin:
I know this is an old thread but I was looking for the same thing today and as I did not found something that was simple to use and produced graphs I made this helper program for apachebench:
It will run apachebench and plot the results and percentile files using gnuplot.
I hope it helps someone.

performance problem - growing memory and cpu usage

I have windows application I wrote.
I installed it on virtual server (vmware) that holds windows server 2008 and for some reason the application getting bigger and bigger. I used perfmon in order to see maybe there is a memory leak - but as I understand, there isn't:
Here is the proccess in task manager:
There are also two proccesses that use a lot of memory and cpu but are steady and not growing like SimeserManager.exe.
The memory growing slows the surfing on sited that this server holds.
Before this week I used the my application on phizical server with windows server 2003 and there were no problem with surfing. I can't restore the situtaion in the phizical machine since I don't have it anymore, but I don't believe there was memory error when using the phizical server.
The application is written in c# .net using visual studio 2010.
What can be the problem?
Where can I get some clues?
I get ANTS memory profiler and tried to seek for the problem. I created memory snapshots and here is the results:
Now I'm really lost.
I tryed the standart filters but didn't manage to find a clue for the problem. In the image you can see there is increase in the private bytes. Does that sais there is a memory leak?
Can anyone give me some clues how to continue?
We don't have enough information here to really debug your application. However, there are tools you can use to identify and solve this issue in your application. I would suggest you use the ANTS Memory Profiler from RedGate to help you look for your problem. Here is a link to it:
It isn't free but it is cheap and extremely effective. Get the 14-day free trial and run it on your application. I would go as far as to say that if it doesn't find the issue, the issue probably isn't with your application.
As for the other processes that are taking a lot of memory, this is normal. SQL Server tries to get as much memory as possible. Running other applications on the same box as a SQL server may cause you performance issues if you aren't careful. Here is a good article on how SQL Server uses memory:
As for IIS memory usage (the other process that was using lots of memory), there could be multiple reasons for this. I would suggest you read through this forum to get a better idea of what it could be (if it truly is an issue):

Consuming "Event Tracing for Windows" events

An answer to this question has led me to look into using "Event Tracing for Windows" for our tracing needs. I have come across NTrace, which seems to be a good way to produce ETW events from C# code (using the XP-compatible "classic provider" model).
However, I am unable to find an easy way to consume these events - to see them in real-time and/or log them to a file. The only way I have found is that described in the NTrace documentation: using a tool which is only available as part of the Windows DDK.
In the case of a complex problem in the field, we may need to ask the user to produce a file containing a trace. We can't ask users to download the DDK or carry out a number of complex operations in order to do this.
Is there a straightforward, user-friendly way to log ETW events to a file?
Also, is it possible for someone to consume ETW events on Windows Vista/7 if they are not running as administrator?
TraceView is the easiest out-of-the-box solution, but it is possible to write your own ETW viewer that is specific to your provider. This would give you full control over the presentation and make it much easier on the end user as TraceView is really more of a debugging tool than something you can ask end users to run.
As far as real-time tracing goes, according to the documentation:
Only users with administrative privileges, users in the Performance Log Users group, and services running as LocalSystem, LocalService, NetworkService can consume events in real time. To grant a restricted user the ability to consume events in real time, add them to the Performance Log Users group.
Windows XP and Windows 2000: Anyone can consume real time events.
If you're interested in writing your own ETW viewer (real-time or log file), here is the relevant documentation.
Windows Event Log reads the ETW. In fact I'd say this is the correct way for a consumer (non program) to view and export the ETW traces.
See here for an example.
This question on msdn Discuses what to do when the logs don't appear. Does anything here help?
ETW tracing was designed to run only by administrators because trace may contain personal identifiable information. And it would pose security threat if a non-admin can capture the trace.
Here is a warning Example from xperf
The trace you have just captured "C:\Windows\system32\kernel.etl" may contain
personally identifiable information, including but not necessarily limited to paths to files accessed, paths to registry accessed and process names. Exact information depends on the events that were logged. Please be aware of this when sharing out this trace with other people.
Hope this answers your question
Here is how you can get custom ETW traces from your own custom provider and how ETW can be used within managed code
Hope this helps.
IMO Perfview is one of the best tools available to control and view ETW traces. It can also provide managed call-stacks. The best part of it is you could xcopy on to any server and collect traces.
Perfview uses TraceEvent library and here the samples how you could use it using an API and C#
