Collapsed PanoramaItem briefly appears when swiping - windows-phone-7

I have a weird experience when using a panorama control on 7.1... I'm trying to toggle the visibility of a PanoramaItem programmatically. But while it works fine and the PanoramaItem toggles (i.e. PanItemA is hidden, while PanItemB is shown) , the hidden PanoramaItem reappears briefly while swiping right (from first item to last).
I have no clue how to solve it.
Any help is much appreciated.

It's not good idea show/hide Items for Panorama.
Try remove/add them instead.


How to make a button appear pressed in libGDX?

So I have an ImageButton that has a texture for when it's not clicked and another one for when it is.
I'd like to make it so that under certain circumstances it becomes disabled also appear as if it's clicked (displaying its "clicked" texture).
So far button.setDisabled(true) has worked wonders but it doesn't make the button appear clicked. I searched through the whole Scene2d ImageButton doc and couldn't find a single method that could do that for me. Any ideas how can I achieve it?
Try using ImageButtonStyle to set the drawables for the various states of the button. It also includes a drawable for the disabled state, which you can set to be the same drawable that you used for the checked state.

how to create delete and move animations for listbox item

I'm looking for some animations for my listbox. When i swipe right on a listbox item, it goes to the bottom of the listbox and ideally, all the other listitems should gracefully go up. Similarly when I swipe left, that item gets deleted, and as before, the items needs to reposition.
I have implemented the functionality on swipe right and swipe left. But it is not graceful due to the lack of animations. How do I create those? Could someone share some blogs or msdn articles on how to create them. Or just give me some intro on this. I have never done animations before.
Thank you,
The Windows Phone Toolkit has some transition effects that could help you. I assume you already know it since you implemented the swipe functionality unless you didn't use the provided gestures from it??

Scrollable when keyboard displayed?

I have a registration form on my layout grid, made out of a stackPanel. Textboxes are taking most of the screen (800px) along with a button. When user is positioned in one of the text boxes, keyboard covers almost half the screen and in order to access boxes below, they first have to click somewhere blank to remove the keyboard and then click another box. It isn't possible to scroll down.
I want to enable same behaviour like when editing name in contacts, but didn't manage yet. How to achieve this?
Try wrapping it into a ListBox or a ScrollViewer (probably easier), like so:
Also, check to make sure you don't have the same problem described here.
I'm not a WP7 developer but here's what I do in Android and iOS and you may get a hint of what to do.
I wrap my forms in a Scrollable View. This gives easy scrollable features to users without the need of anything else.

Windows Phone 7 - Move Content above Keyboard

I have page containing 4 textboxes and a button. The content is within ScrollViewer. When user goes to the last textbox, the button below it is 50% visible. So, to click it, user has to click on non-focusable area to hide the keyboard and then click on button.
Is there any way to move the ScrollViewer up? Or move the content up so that the button below focused textbox can be seen 100%?
The solution is to remove the buttons on the page and replace them with buttons in the ApplicationBar as this is always viewable below the SIP.
If this is not a solution you can implement (from a design view-point there is no reason to not do this but sometimes these decisions come from elsewhere) then you could look to use the ScrollToVerticalOffset method to try and bring the desired item into view.
I would suggest you read Alex Sorokoletov's article on how to transform the view. It might be of help for your problem.

Sticky XUL toolbar button

As I can see, addon-bar in FireFox 4 is a toolbar and close icon is a button. And despite the fact that toolbar is customizable (customizable="true") it is impossible to remove that button or even move it to another place.
How is it done?
I think if you overlay the element directly on to the toolbar (rather than the toolbarpalette, which is what you normally do) then you won't be able to move it unless you set the removable="true" attribute on the element.
You can remove the button (I haven't tried moving it around).
I used Dom Inspector addon:
Notice that close button is gone on the screenshot.
I did this manually through Dom Inspector - added that attribute hidden = true. Your button id is addonbar-closebutton so from chrome (chrome overlay) you should be able to do something like: document.getElementById('addonbar-closebutton').hidden = true. This is off the top of my head so maybe it isn't the most accurate but should be simple as that.
If you want to move it I suppose you can try reordering children, or mess with styling, that toolbarspring I think is keeping it on the left and the rest of it on the right.
