Crystal report login failure - prompting user/pass when database has none - visual-studio-2010

My crystal reports viewer prompts me to login even though my database has no username and password. When I leave userID and Password blank it still fails to log in.
Kindly please help me friends

thank you aMazing but i found the solution
I read somewhere that if the source table does not be filled crystal report prompt to loging in , but when i was trying to set filled table as datasource of report an error accoured saying crdb_adoplus.dll not find
it was for bad inistallation i think , however bellow link solved the problem

Before you add a dataset to your report, there is a Checkbox that reads Integrated Security.
Leave your id and password blank and select that checkbox and try. Might solve your problem.


Seeing blank display when running Shopizer application

I have been able to successfully download, compile, and run Shopizer. Unfortunately, when I attempt to display the home page, I get a blank page. By "blank" I mean that there is nothing on the page, not even undisplayable HTML!
I also attempt to log in as the admin. When I point my browser to the admin page (http://localhost:800/admin) I get the login page but when I enter the username and password (admin and password) the Shopizer throws an exception.
I am running this application in Eclipse, so was able to debug the code. I am finding that the exception from the admin login is caused by a failure of the application to read the username from the database. It attempts to get information from the database when you log in, but the query for information on the admin user returns null and that causes an exception to be thrown.
Apparently, it is getting nothing from the database. I am running this using the default H2 database configuration, and from what I have understood reading some of the information on their forum, the H2 database is run as an embedded database in this application. I also understand that on first running the database is initialized and test data is put in. I have also looked at the database file, it has data in it.
Yet for some reason, Shopizer fails to get user info about the admin user. I suspect that some of the other blank pages I am getting are caused at least partially by a failure to read product and other information, as well.
Does anyone know what is causing this failure to read the database? Has anyone else seen this behavior before? Is there something that needs to be done to enable access (Shopizer's documentation is somewhat incomplete so who knows what else might need to be done to make it work)? Or is there something that needs to be done to make it able to read the database?
Are you able to run the app from the command line first
cd shopizer
./mvnw clean install
./mvnw spring-boot:run
When running from eclipse once you have imported shopizer root project make sure the H2 file resides under sm-shop
Have you tried to configure mysql ?
Yes the schema is created and updated during startup

Getting OCI-22303: type "AQ_MANAGER"."MCKB_CMD_T" not found

When I am running the below query from my user account then getting the subject error.
Select * from CMD.CMD_AUDIT;
When I ran the same query from super user then able to run successfully.
I checked old articles regarding same, they said this is the version issue with toad. But in my case using same toad version, only the issue is with differ user account.
Could you please help me in this?

Oracle APEX 5 Mange users and developers Error

Hi Everyone this is my first question... its taken 4 years for me not to find the answer through others questions and google.
I am new to Oracle APEX 5 and administrating ORACLE APEX 5 for our DEV, System TEST and OQ environments and the DEV and ST environments have started producing this error when I try and click on a user to configure their passwords or changed their accounts to unlocked. I am using the ADMIN account which worked last month when I went in to reset a password for a developer. The error is below (I would rather have posted a screenshot but I am unable to as its my first question)
Internal Error Contact your administrator. Details about this incident are available via debug id "6818".
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and where to find the debug log or how to fix the problem?
Many thanks
This is an unhandled exception. We'd need to get the details of this exception to understand the problem better.
To find the details, you can either connect as SYS or SYSTEM (or someone granted the APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE database role) and run the following query:
select *
from apex_debug_messages
where page_view_id = 6818
order by message_timestamp asc;
By the way, this was so poorly documented, I decided to author a quick blog post about it. Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank-you for your reply
I got a few rows back from the query the one the sparked my interest is the following
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
I updated the admin password in previous months to not expire as this is not needed.. The password still expires though even with this set to no. So I entered 99999 as a way to bypass this. I just change the days to within the range requested above and the page now displays. Very silly mistake on my side in the end! Thank-you for the info as it is a great help to know where these DE-BUG ID's are stored

Is it possible to edit a table via dblink in APEX?

I've created a form in the APEX and I need to edit a table via dblink, which is already created . So, when I ask to show me a data in this remoute table- it's work fine, but when I'm trying to edit data, I get the error:
"Table or view OPERATION#DBQA not found Contact your application
In the SQL workshop>SQL Commands- it also works fine(
update usr.operation#dbqa
set description='admin3' where operation_id=10
Well, I've created view usr.operation_qa as select * from usr.operation#dbqa, but, anyway, I receive the same error
"Table or view OPERATION_QA not found Contact your application
I'll repeat, a permission and dblink -are ok, couse it's worl in SQL Commands
Will be appreciate for any help or comments. Thanks!

What are possible reasons my SSRS report is throwing this error in the "Report Manager" view?

My report was working just fine a few days ago, and i don't recall changing anything..
But I'm now getting this error when I run the report in the "Report Manager" view.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Ok so I did try the SPROC in SSMS like so:
exec prc_RPT_Quota_Info 17221
and it returns a proper result:
SurveyNumber ID HoursRemaining FieldHours FEDSurveyName FieldEndDate FieldBeginDate SurveyStatusName ProjectName ProjectManager ClientName
17221 16226 -2195.75 NULL j41881 - Burial Preferences Survey - States 2012-09-10 06:00:00.000 NULL Complete 41881 Gibbs & Soell - Burial Preferences Survey Peter Gallagher BCC Public Affairs & Policy
any tips
Plainly, Dataset1's query isn't working. Firstly, check that the Stored Procedure radio button is selected in the Dataset Properties.
Running SQL Profiler and seeing what SQL is hitting the server might help.
Given that you have copied the query into SQL Server Management Studio and it works, it sounds like a permissions issue - that is, running it in SSMS under your account works, but it isn't working when the Reorting Services server runs it under its account.
Check the permissions of the Stored Procedure to see if the SSRS server account has the right permissions to execute the stored proc.
