Is it possible to edit a table via dblink in APEX? - oracle

I've created a form in the APEX and I need to edit a table via dblink, which is already created . So, when I ask to show me a data in this remoute table- it's work fine, but when I'm trying to edit data, I get the error:
"Table or view OPERATION#DBQA not found Contact your application
In the SQL workshop>SQL Commands- it also works fine(
update usr.operation#dbqa
set description='admin3' where operation_id=10
Well, I've created view usr.operation_qa as select * from usr.operation#dbqa, but, anyway, I receive the same error
"Table or view OPERATION_QA not found Contact your application
I'll repeat, a permission and dblink -are ok, couse it's worl in SQL Commands
Will be appreciate for any help or comments. Thanks!


Oracle SQL Developer 20.4.1 - View Object Details Not Showing SQL?

I am using Oracle SQL Developer connecting to an Oracle 11g database
I have a view in the left hand side pane which I click on once and then on the right hand side it pulls up the object details.
So I see multiple tabs
Columns - Data - Grants - Dependancies - Details - Triggers - SQL - Errors
When I click on "SQL" a pop up comes up saying "Generating DDL" then it pulls up blank
Now when I go to the "Details" tab I can see some sort of SQL in the "TEXT" field as shown
So 2 questions
First I was wondering why doesnt the SQL just show up in the SQL tab? Is this a permissions issue with my loggged in user?
Second if the SQL is shown in the details TEXT column why have a SQL tab at all? Whats the difference between the two spots?
Thanks in advance
For a view, this is most likely a privileges issue.
For example, if I logon as SCOTT on my database, I can click on views in the SYS schema and see their Details, eg
But if click DDL, then I'll get a blank because I don't have privileges to query the contents of the view or its definition.
Views are an "odd" case, because the DDL is virtually synonymous with the data in ALL_VIEWS.TEXT_VC.
Sidenote: SQL Dev 20 is long in the tooth. Its trivial to upgrade so why not head over to SQL Dev 22.

Unable to bind Application item - Oracle Apex

I have created 2 application items in shared component option.
Protection level: Restricted
Scope: Application
Then I have created a process in the login page where sql query is
select user_id, name into :G_USER_ID , :G_USER_NAME
from t_users
where upper(email) = upper(:P9999_USERNAME);
When I try to login it gives me error. Debugging says that there is an error in the above statement. I am not able to bind these items.
I'm using apex 19.1
It would help if you said which error you got.
However, if this piece of code runs before you managed to log in, you didn't establish connection to the database (yet) and can't select from any table, including t_users.

Connecting to Oracle with PowerQuery - UI not working but SQL works fine

I´m trying to connect to an Oracle database using PowerQuery. The connection works fine when I specify my own SQL (even something like select * from table); however when I select any table using the UI, PowerQuery just keeps trying to query the data, but the information is never displayed. I don´t get any error message or anything.
I´m interested in using the UI, because it´s easier and to take advantage of query folding.
I appreciate your thoughts on how to get this working properly. Thanks!
Try turning off "Include relationship columns" (under advanced options, when creating the connection).
If that doesn't work, you can "Send a frown" to the product team.

Crystal report login failure - prompting user/pass when database has none

My crystal reports viewer prompts me to login even though my database has no username and password. When I leave userID and Password blank it still fails to log in.
Kindly please help me friends
thank you aMazing but i found the solution
I read somewhere that if the source table does not be filled crystal report prompt to loging in , but when i was trying to set filled table as datasource of report an error accoured saying crdb_adoplus.dll not find
it was for bad inistallation i think , however bellow link solved the problem
Before you add a dataset to your report, there is a Checkbox that reads Integrated Security.
Leave your id and password blank and select that checkbox and try. Might solve your problem.

Problem in Delphi/BDE App - Ora-942 table or view does not exist

I can not explain this, i keep gettign the Message "Ora942-table or view does not exist" from one pc while i dont get it from the other one, both access the same Schema and Database and has the same alias in tnsnames.ora.
The table exists in the Database, the Schema name is the write one.
Any Idea what could be the reson for that?
thank you
Found it.
On the PC where it didnt work the BDE Configuration was different!
Configuration->Driver->Native->Oracle->Driver Flags was Empty. It should be set to 1
