Oracle APEX 5 Mange users and developers Error - oracle

Hi Everyone this is my first question... its taken 4 years for me not to find the answer through others questions and google.
I am new to Oracle APEX 5 and administrating ORACLE APEX 5 for our DEV, System TEST and OQ environments and the DEV and ST environments have started producing this error when I try and click on a user to configure their passwords or changed their accounts to unlocked. I am using the ADMIN account which worked last month when I went in to reset a password for a developer. The error is below (I would rather have posted a screenshot but I am unable to as its my first question)
Internal Error Contact your administrator. Details about this incident are available via debug id "6818".
Can anyone tell me why this is happening and where to find the debug log or how to fix the problem?
Many thanks

This is an unhandled exception. We'd need to get the details of this exception to understand the problem better.
To find the details, you can either connect as SYS or SYSTEM (or someone granted the APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE database role) and run the following query:
select *
from apex_debug_messages
where page_view_id = 6818
order by message_timestamp asc;
By the way, this was so poorly documented, I decided to author a quick blog post about it. Thanks for the inspiration!

Thank-you for your reply
I got a few rows back from the query the one the sparked my interest is the following
ORA-01841: (full) year must be between -4713 and +9999, and not be 0
I updated the admin password in previous months to not expire as this is not needed.. The password still expires though even with this set to no. So I entered 99999 as a way to bypass this. I just change the days to within the range requested above and the page now displays. Very silly mistake on my side in the end! Thank-you for the info as it is a great help to know where these DE-BUG ID's are stored


OneSignal's Provisionator Tool doesn't authenticate: Incorrect 2 factor auth code always returns
"Incorrect 2 factor auth code! Please double check the code and try again." - when code is correct. Tried 3 times - always the same error.
Support suggests to manually generate certificates, though it's inconvenient. Did somebody was able to use provisionator recently?
If so - how do you login?
Please, vote for issue to bring support's attention, if you experience same problem with provisionator.
how do you login?
You log in in step 1 where it says enter your Apple credentials.
Perhaps double-check to ensure you're using the correct login.
Yes, alternatively you can always manually create the credentials.You can learn how to do that here:

Access Right for users

In my odoo 10 after several month I am encountering the problem of Access Right for my users. When they want to group the tasks based on project, etc they face the following message:
Odoo Warning - Access Error
The requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.
(Document type: project.project, Operation: read)
Any Idea?
Seeing your error its seems you have to give access rights for project.project model for read. If its given then might be there some record rule for project.project model in your database you have to check it.

Getting OCI-22303: type "AQ_MANAGER"."MCKB_CMD_T" not found

When I am running the below query from my user account then getting the subject error.
Select * from CMD.CMD_AUDIT;
When I ran the same query from super user then able to run successfully.
I checked old articles regarding same, they said this is the version issue with toad. But in my case using same toad version, only the issue is with differ user account.
Could you please help me in this?

Error: 5080 : Form transaction registration failed - tried previous answers

I have searched the answers to similar questions asked about this SagePay error, and checked that the fixes don't appear to apply to my problem.
I am using a correct 2-letter country code for BillingCountry and DeliveryCountry.
I am POSTing VPSProtocol, TxType and Vendor as well as the Crypt value.
I have re-checked that I am using the correct encryption key from the MySagePay test portal.
Now I was using http://localhost:8084/app/success and http://localhost:8084/app/failure for my success and failure URLs, since I thought that although these are (obviously) not visible externally, it shouldn't matter since SagePay is re-directing at the end of its part of the transaction. (Is this assumption correct, or do these URLs need to be externally accessible?) Some of the answers have thrown doubt on this, so I changed them to an external website I own, and I still get the same error.
Another line of thought is that the client I am developing for has already gone live, and there seem to be hints that once you have gone live, you no longer have access to the test server (Is this true?)
Is there anything else I should be checking? (Additional info: I'm using the SagePay api (sagepay-api- and related libraries) to validate the form contents and encrypt them.
I used the integration from
I had this error (5080) and spoke to SagePay support and they guided me to the MySagePay portal where you can view Invalid transactions to be able to troubleshoot this error easily!
Hope this helps someone.
Chris Rickards
I had exact same problem and I tried everything that you described as well, one day after I found that the problem was in "VendorEMail" field, it had 2 email addresses separated by ;, once I removed second and left only one email everything worked.

Crystal report login failure - prompting user/pass when database has none

My crystal reports viewer prompts me to login even though my database has no username and password. When I leave userID and Password blank it still fails to log in.
Kindly please help me friends
thank you aMazing but i found the solution
I read somewhere that if the source table does not be filled crystal report prompt to loging in , but when i was trying to set filled table as datasource of report an error accoured saying crdb_adoplus.dll not find
it was for bad inistallation i think , however bellow link solved the problem
Before you add a dataset to your report, there is a Checkbox that reads Integrated Security.
Leave your id and password blank and select that checkbox and try. Might solve your problem.
