Connect Windows Mobile 6 emulator to internet on Windows 7 - windows-7

I have a slight problem... I need to connect the Windows Phone 6 emulator to internet. That requires Virtual PC 2007. However, VPC 2007 is not supported for Windows 7. When I try to run the setup program Windows tells me the program is blocked due to compatibility issues. Running the setup file in Compatibility Mode didn't help either.
What to do ? o_O

I've used the method described on this blog dozens of times. It has workaround instructions for 32 and 64 bit Windows 7.


Windows 8 emulator on windows 7?

By building my android aplication on phonegap for windows 8 i got a .xap file. Now am not having windows 8 pc or windows 8 phone. I want to test my xap file, so what can i do now? Is that possible to run the xap file on windows 7 if so how ? I tried by installing windows software development kit but i couldnt find any emulator. Is there any other way to run the application on windows 7 desktop ?
No, there's no emulator for Windows 8 on Windows 7.
Your best bet would be virtual machine. Two most popular options are VirtualBox and VMware. You can run virtual PC and install Windows 8 on it (you'd need a Windows 8 installation though).
Microsoft released new virtual images with different Operating Systems and Browsers on On the right side of the page you'll find different virtualization options as well as download links to different images. You can download and use these images without having to worry about buying any license, getting the system installed, etc. (they're time limited, but you can just reset your virtual machine at will).

windows phone emulator not supported due to graphics processing unit configuration (windows 7 on mac)

I'm getting an error when I start up the windows phone emulator:
windows phone emulator not supported because your computer does not have the required graphics processing unit configuration. An XNA framework page will not function without a graphics processing unit. Do you want to continue starting the emulator?
And when I attempt to access a web page (any web page) - I just get a blank screen. How do I resolve this?
I'm running windows 7 on a mac.
Check out the system requirements for the emulator on MSDN.
Start by updating your graphics drivers to the latest available. If that doesn't work the next step would be to upgrade the graphics card, if you can.
A PC which won't run the emulator can probably still be used to develop and debug on a real device.
It may be you're also trying to run the latest SDK 7.1 which is far more restrictive than 7.0. If you find yourself unable to run 7.1, dropping down to 7.0 may work on your particular machine.
If you are running Windows 7 on a Virtual Machine on Mac OS X it won't work because there are some restrictions on running a Virtual Machine inside a Virtual Machine.
The quick and easy solution for this is installing Windows 7 in bootcamp, it worked for me.

Windows CE emulator for Win 7

I am looking for a Windows 6 CE emulator, which I can use on my X86 32bit Win 7 Laptop. I just want to run a particular Win CE 7 software I have got on this Laptop.
I found a few emulators, but all fail. Some are not Win 7 compatible, others just do not start. Who can tell me an Win 7 emulator working on Win 7?
I made a windows xp VM and ran the emulator on that. Bit laggy, but it works.
I am using the version 3.0 of the Device Emulator allowing me to run the emulator independently from VS2005.
Also this question contains some more details, for me the VirtualPC image described there did not work with Win7.

Not able to deploy VB6 based setup on Windows 7

I have a setup created using Vb6. I am unable to install it under Windows 7. Windows 7 is not registering OCX controls included in the setup.
Same setup works fine under Windows XP and all other previous Microsoft operating systems.
Windows 7 OS is 64 bit.
Also, I have tried all compatibility mode which is available under Windows 7 without much luck.
Unfortunately I don't have source code with me. Otherwise I could have ported entire source to Dot Net.

Windows phone 7 takes forever to deploy

I'm playing around with windows phone 7 development, when I press F5 Visual studio takes forever to deploy the app, I get
Window Phone Emulator is doing complete OS boot.
What would be the problem?
PS: I'm using windows 7 on Mac with Parallels Desktop
The emulator isn't supported running inside or side by side other VM's at this stage. It is implemented as a VM itself. VM's running on windows platforms will be detected by the emulator startup and a specific error message provided. I've noticed several people having the same issue from Parallels on Mac ... presumably the VM detection doesn't work over there to stop the attempt.
System requirements documented here and here for your reference.
Similar to how we have to run a Mac to develop for iPhone without hassles, you'll need to run a PC to develop for Windows Phone 7 - at least for now.
You may also find your issue with the WIndows Phone Emulator is because the Emulator actually the real phone ROM running in a Virtual Machine.
Since your situation is a VM (Windows 7 on Parellels on Mac) this may explain your performance issue. Developers using VMWare have had similar issues plus Virtual PC / Hyper-V does not support Windows Phone 7 at all.
Running virtual machines on virtual machines is a massive performance hit, your only solution may be a cheap PC installation of Windows Phone 7 tools etc on compatible hardware ie Graphics Card / with WDDM 1.1 compatible drivers etc.
For my WP8 deployment, I notice that disconnecting my MacBook Air from the power source will slow the deployment down considerably (so will the debugging and tracing).
Simply plug the laptop back to the power source and everything will become fast again.
Don't kill the emulator between debug sessions. There is no need.
Also - Visual Studio 2010 Express For Windows Phone, which is installed with the tools, is much more responsive as it has less features running.
So if speed is really an issue, that may be an option.
