Windows CE emulator for Win 7 - windows-7

I am looking for a Windows 6 CE emulator, which I can use on my X86 32bit Win 7 Laptop. I just want to run a particular Win CE 7 software I have got on this Laptop.
I found a few emulators, but all fail. Some are not Win 7 compatible, others just do not start. Who can tell me an Win 7 emulator working on Win 7?

I made a windows xp VM and ran the emulator on that. Bit laggy, but it works.

I am using the version 3.0 of the Device Emulator allowing me to run the emulator independently from VS2005.
Also this question contains some more details, for me the VirtualPC image described there did not work with Win7.


Can a store app run on Windows 7

I don't know is it possible or not to use a windows store app on to to work on windows 7 machine ?
There is a game app that needs to be transferred in to windows 7 from a windows 8.1 machine
There's no way to install Windows Runtime on Windows 7.
Windows Runtime is available only starting from Windows 8.

Windows 8.1 dont have hyper-v - cant use Windows Phone Emulator

Lately i wanted to get into Windows Phone 8 development and i installed Visual Studio 2013 + Windows Phone SDK 8 + Visual Studio 2013 Latest update.
My system parameters are:
- 8gb ram
- Windows 8.1 64bit system
- Intel i5
The moment i try to run a Windows Phone project a dialog appears and it says:
Title - " Cant start the windows phone emulator"
Subtitle - "The Windows Phone Emulator requires Hyper-V.Your PC is missing the following pre-requisites required to run Hyper-V:
-Windows 8 Professional(64 bit)"
After i saw that i checked for how to upgrade Normal Windows 8.1 to Windows 8.1 Professional.
With no luck i tried to find out more about to install Hyper-V with the BIOS configuration with no luck as well.
Usually i develop on Android with Eclipse(with the Emulator) so i can't understand the reason why a emulator of Windows Phone can't run on my system.
I dont have Hyper-V feature in the Windows Feature list to Turn off/on
Thanks heads up for each answer! :)
The error is saying you need Windows 8.1 x64 Pro or Enterprise to be able to install Hyper-V. You can still develop phone apps in the edition of Windows 8.1 you have but you must debug on on a windows phone the emulator will not be available
System Control -> Programms and Functions -> "Activate or deactivate Windows Features" (in the left bar)
(freely translated from my german win8.1)
There you can activate Hyper-V if it is inside your Windows-version. Then try to restart VS2013 and start the emulator. I had to "deactivate" my Hyper-V and activate it again for some reason. Then it worked.
Good Luck! :)
The Windows Phone 8 emulator is a special Hyper-V image. It cannot run on other virtualization technology.
Without the emulator, the alternative option would be to use an actual device.
you can use a virtual machine to deploy windows phone 8 OS. Your System processor does not support hyper-v so, you can install win phone 8 on a virtual machine. you would found this link helpful.. check it out:
Step which i followed; ( I already have windows 8.1 64-bit machine )
Enabled 'Virtualization / Hardware assisted virtualization' in bios. [ ].
Hyper-V option came in 'windows features' after I did this step.
Later, I Became a member of Hyper-V admin group.

Scope of an older version window app

I have created an app(.exe) using Win32 for window's older versions(xp,7).
But now i am having a silly doubt regarding the running environment of the app. Actually i would like to know whether i can run my app(.exe) in Windows 8 or not, which is going to be the latest version (Licensed version) of windows .
I would also like to know whether Windows 8 desktop apps will run on windows8 Phone/Tablet or not.
There are several flavors of Windows in the market and coming to the market in the fall:
Windows 7 - The 'classic' Windows; in the sense that it is a desktop OS with a Start Menu in the lower left. It runs on x86 and x64 based machines and supports Win32 based applications.
Windows 8 - The next version of Windows. It runs on x86 and x64 based machines and supports BOTH Win32 and Windows Store applications. If your application runs on Windows 7 then it should run without changes or issues on Windows 8. Windows 8 will be available on Desktops, Laptops and Tablets.
Windows RT - A version of Windows 8 targeting ARM based machines. It supports ONLY Windows store application. Windows RT will be available in both Laptop and Tablet form factors.
Windows Phone 7 - This is the current Phone platform and runs a customized version of Silverlight. It will only run applications built for Windows Phone 7.
Windows Phone 8 - This is the next version of the Phone platform. It is based on the same kernel as Windows RT. There is however very little information regarding the development model at this time. It will however run both Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 applications.
Your app(.exe) may be capable of running on Windows 8 in desktop mode. If it runs on Win7 then it should be fine but you'll need to test it. It won't run on WindowsRT devices (the ones which only run the "what-used-to-be-called-metro-style" apps).
Not that some tablet devices will have the ability to run desktop apps but some won't. It's not cut and dried.
Windows 8 apps of any sort will not run directly on Windows Phone (7 or 8).

Connect Windows Mobile 6 emulator to internet on Windows 7

I have a slight problem... I need to connect the Windows Phone 6 emulator to internet. That requires Virtual PC 2007. However, VPC 2007 is not supported for Windows 7. When I try to run the setup program Windows tells me the program is blocked due to compatibility issues. Running the setup file in Compatibility Mode didn't help either.
What to do ? o_O
I've used the method described on this blog dozens of times. It has workaround instructions for 32 and 64 bit Windows 7.

Development of Metro UI (Windows 8) from Windows 7

How do I develop for Windows 8 on my Windows 7 machine. I dont want to install a VM. I checked Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview, but I am not sure if it allows me Metro UI development.
You cannot do Metro style development from Windows 7. If you cannot install Windows 8 either directly or via a VM or dual-boot, you will not be able to develop Metro style apps on that machine.
The simplest thing to do is set up your Windows 7 machine to dual boot into Windows 8. With a dual boot you can still access files on the Windows 7 machine when you're booted to Win 8. There are plenty of how-to's available; here's one: .
You can also install the dev preview of VS11 on a Windows 7 box to build DLLs the Metro app will use, to experiment with C++ AMP, or just to get a head start on familiarity with the VS UI. Any app you build with that (or VS2010, or VS2008, or whatever) will happily run on the Desktop side of Win8, the same as it did on Win7.
What you can't do is build (never mind test) Win8 Metro apps using a Win7 box only. Yet.
It seems that the Windows 8 Virtual Labs ( don't need Windows 8 to be installed. Try it out on Windows 7.
