Windows 8 emulator on windows 7? - windows-7

By building my android aplication on phonegap for windows 8 i got a .xap file. Now am not having windows 8 pc or windows 8 phone. I want to test my xap file, so what can i do now? Is that possible to run the xap file on windows 7 if so how ? I tried by installing windows software development kit but i couldnt find any emulator. Is there any other way to run the application on windows 7 desktop ?

No, there's no emulator for Windows 8 on Windows 7.
Your best bet would be virtual machine. Two most popular options are VirtualBox and VMware. You can run virtual PC and install Windows 8 on it (you'd need a Windows 8 installation though).

Microsoft released new virtual images with different Operating Systems and Browsers on On the right side of the page you'll find different virtualization options as well as download links to different images. You can download and use these images without having to worry about buying any license, getting the system installed, etc. (they're time limited, but you can just reset your virtual machine at will).


How do I write apps for Windows 8 without running the official Windows 8 Operating System on my computer?

I don't have Windows 8 on my computer. However, I have the Consumer Preview version of Windows 8 installed. Is there any way to create apps for Windows 8 on the Consumer Preview version? Visual Studio for Windows 8 doesn't install as it gives numerous errors.
To use the final release of Visual Studio 2012 to build Windows Store apps, you will need to use the Windows 8 RTM build.
You wouldn't want to use the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to develop Windows Store apps anyway--there have been substantial changes to the platform, frameworks, and tools between the Consumer Preview and the RTM build.
The short answer is you cannot develop Windows Store apps without Windows 8 RTM or greater.
If you don't wish to install/partition your hard disk following is a neat idea to get windows 8 installation going without having to partition your drive.
How to Create Windows 8 VHD for Boot to VHD using simple, easy to follow steps
Developer downloads for programming Windows Store apps
See, Windows 8 Apps use Windows 8 APIs such as Directories and all .
So to make any any Modern UI app , you need to have Windows 8 Installed with VS 2012

How to Install Windows Phone 8 SDK on Windows 7

I have all my workspace and everything set up on Windows 7 but I also want to develop Windows Phone 8 but as stated on Microsoft website that It can not be installed on Windows 7.
Do anybody knows how to install in on Windows 7. I have found a crack but I don't know how to run this. You can get this from here
Please tell me if anybody knows how to install it. here is a link to WP 8 ISO file
There could be several reasons to install WP 8 in Windows 7. Like I have purchased a Wndows 7 recently and I don't want to make shift to Windows 8 right now, because I don't feel comfortable with its UI. Its more for a tablet or touch screen PC.
I have set-up all my workspace and other projects on Windows 7, I don't want to waste my time in setting up on Windows 8, I don't even know that how they gona perform on Windows 8. So there are so many genuine reasons.
You can install it by first extracting all the files from the ISO and then overwriting those files with the files from the ZIP. Then you can run the batch file as administrator to do the installation. Most of the packages install on windows 7, but I haven't tested yet how well they work.
Here is a link from wiki pages, which explains how to install Windows Phone 8 SDK on a Virtual Machine with Working Emulator
And another link here
AFAIK, it is not possible to directly install WP8 SDK in Windows 7, because WP8 sdk is VS 2012 supported and also its emulator works on a Hyper-V (which is integrated into the Windows 8).

How to run Windows Phone emulator in VMware

I'm trying to make a simple Windows Phone application on a Macbook Pro. So I'm running Visual Studio in Windows 7 inside of VMware Fusion.
When I try to run the phone emulator, this is what I get.
I looked for settings that I could modify to the virtual machine settings but didn't find any.
Unfortunately this technique will probably not work for you. I had the same issue when I was on my PC and wanted to create iPhone applications. VMWare (and other Virtual Machines) are not fully gfx enabled. You need to check the box that says "Accelerate 3D graphics
What I would suggest is to install Windows 7 on your Mac using BootCamp.

Development of Metro UI (Windows 8) from Windows 7

How do I develop for Windows 8 on my Windows 7 machine. I dont want to install a VM. I checked Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview, but I am not sure if it allows me Metro UI development.
You cannot do Metro style development from Windows 7. If you cannot install Windows 8 either directly or via a VM or dual-boot, you will not be able to develop Metro style apps on that machine.
The simplest thing to do is set up your Windows 7 machine to dual boot into Windows 8. With a dual boot you can still access files on the Windows 7 machine when you're booted to Win 8. There are plenty of how-to's available; here's one: .
You can also install the dev preview of VS11 on a Windows 7 box to build DLLs the Metro app will use, to experiment with C++ AMP, or just to get a head start on familiarity with the VS UI. Any app you build with that (or VS2010, or VS2008, or whatever) will happily run on the Desktop side of Win8, the same as it did on Win7.
What you can't do is build (never mind test) Win8 Metro apps using a Win7 box only. Yet.
It seems that the Windows 8 Virtual Labs ( don't need Windows 8 to be installed. Try it out on Windows 7.

windows phone emulator not supported due to graphics processing unit configuration (windows 7 on mac)

I'm getting an error when I start up the windows phone emulator:
windows phone emulator not supported because your computer does not have the required graphics processing unit configuration. An XNA framework page will not function without a graphics processing unit. Do you want to continue starting the emulator?
And when I attempt to access a web page (any web page) - I just get a blank screen. How do I resolve this?
I'm running windows 7 on a mac.
Check out the system requirements for the emulator on MSDN.
Start by updating your graphics drivers to the latest available. If that doesn't work the next step would be to upgrade the graphics card, if you can.
A PC which won't run the emulator can probably still be used to develop and debug on a real device.
It may be you're also trying to run the latest SDK 7.1 which is far more restrictive than 7.0. If you find yourself unable to run 7.1, dropping down to 7.0 may work on your particular machine.
If you are running Windows 7 on a Virtual Machine on Mac OS X it won't work because there are some restrictions on running a Virtual Machine inside a Virtual Machine.
The quick and easy solution for this is installing Windows 7 in bootcamp, it worked for me.
