Magento - MultiSite - Share Shopping Cart? - magento

I am trying to set up 2 sites under 1 magento installation. I used the following guide and creating 2 root categories:
The missing code from the .htaccess section of the guide is:
SetEnvIf Host .example. MAGE_RUN_CODE=example
SetEnvIf Host .example. MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
It is working good however the shopping cart isn't shared between both sites. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

How did you set your stores up in Magento? They have to be setup a particular way in order for them to work together.
I believe that the two stores have to be created to be apart of the same website in order to share the same cart.


Magento 1.9 - Categories & Products Categories Areas Stuck on Loading

I'm getting this issue with categories in Magento 1.9, Issues basically to do with Categories page and product > categories.
My site is not new and it has suddenly happened, the only recent events are style changes and few template changes to product gallery (media.phtml).
Im stuck on categories loading... I even left it over night.
image screenshot
It's a nightmare.
I have no console errors except for GET net::ERR_ABORTED which being fontawesome I feel is not related to this.
Has anyone else had this and found a solution?
One suggestion I found was to change mod security in cpanel. I can't change mod security as my cpanel/whm doesn't have that option, possibly as this issues was 4 years ago.
Please save me!?
Below are some fixes that help you to resolve the issue:
Try a different browser.
Disable mod_security and add whitelist: Check your mod_security audit log and if you see entries from the admin backend, have your host investigate and temporarily disable the module. If your issues goes away, ask your host to whitelist your admin backend.
Check your www vs. no www redirects: Make sure you’re only using one form of redirection, either in cPanel, Magento, or .htaccess.

Magento multi-domain with seperate backend domain

Would is be possible to have Magento to be installed on but not using this domain as store front?
like this: magento installation and backend access store front 1 store front 2
The easiest way is to restrict the acccess to that domain only on your admin folder in your .htaccess or your vhost.
here is a good tutorial.

Magento theme implementation

Hi I'm trying to figure out theme implementation in Magento. It's my first Magento Community Edition installation and obviously first theme that I try. Its a fairly popular theme called "Fortis". The problem I'm ecnoutering is when I click the links that is included in the default theme e.g. Account or Cart. The url link does not exist and its not included in the folders that comes with Fortis.
So my question is: What is the standard implementation when it comes to Magento Themes? What am I missing here and why are the links not working?
Fortis front page:
Links do not work:
The issue seems with the URL rewrite
try browsing to
Check your .htaccess for RewriteBase and set it accordingly
Enable Web Server rewrites at Admin Panel > System > Configuration > Web > Search Engine Optimization
Clear Cache.
I feel, you should try to access/install magento using your IP address instead of localhost. It should be something like that Replace this dummy ip with your own ip address.

magento base url for root category

I have several windows in one shop. How can I make Magento use Base URL of Magento settings? Now it duplicates the same item for all windows even if the shop is attached to the catalogue’s root directory.
It means that one item exists on different domains but it placed in the same category of the catalogue
URL Rewrite Management does not help
I am not sure what the question is but if you want to use multible domains with products you should do the following:
Foreach subdomain
Redirect the subdomain to the magento shop ( vhost alias for example )
Change the .htaccess to set the environment based on Referer
Add a new Root category for this domain
Create a new Store with Storeview
Go to Sysem => Configuration => Web and select the storeview top left
Change the base URLS to the subdomain for this store.
Go to System => Configuration => Design and change the template / skin / layout for this store
Now will your subdomain be loaded within his own environment, with his own template and skin.
More information
Use websites
Notice that users will be shared along the different domains. If you
don`t want this you should go a level further and make more websites.
.htaccess set environment
SetEnvIf Host MAGE_RUN_CODE=subdomain1
SetEnvIf Host MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store
SetEnvIf Host MAGE_RUN_CODE=subdomain2
SetEnvIf Host MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store
Hope this will help !
Good luck.

Troubles after installing Two stores with same php docroot

I am trying to setup multiple stores within same hosting account and I studied many interesting guides out there on the matter.
Seems to me I figured out simplest solution for me - map both my dot com sites onto the same directory on host, and modify .htaccess to launch different website depending on URL, like so:
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_CODE="anatscraftonia";
SetEnvIf Host .*anatscraftonia.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE="website";
My first store works fine, but when I go to , all I get always is a Magento 404 page.
I checked all settings, multiple stores are defined and code above is copy/paste from Admin console under Website I added. I have Home page enabled for All Stores and Base URL redefined for both Secure/Unsecure. I also tried changing website to store, with no improvements.
What else am I missing? How do I even know what page is it trying to go to, or whether it even gets “no-route” or just totally whacked…
I threw together some quick and dirty code a few years ago to log the controller dispatch process in Magento Community 1.3x.
I don't think you'll be able to drop those files into a current installation, but it should give you an idea where to stick some logging functions to see why Magento is routing to a 404.
I am not 100% sure what you are trying to achieve but why not use a single instance of magento to handle both stores and magentos own multi store capability..
full details here post contains links to cpanel instructions as well.
the instructions are for multiple domains but will work with sub folders
