Magento multi-domain with seperate backend domain - magento

Would is be possible to have Magento to be installed on but not using this domain as store front?
like this: magento installation and backend access store front 1 store front 2

The easiest way is to restrict the acccess to that domain only on your admin folder in your .htaccess or your vhost.
here is a good tutorial.


How to add subdomain to Magento?

I need to create geo subdomain for one city (for example & I want the same store. But also I want to have different pages like: &
I use magento
you need to create multiple websites and store for different domain.create one folder on root and put index.php and .htaccess file and change in index.php store name or website name at last.
Please refer below link

How to process checkout on secure subdomain like in magento

we have store in magento and it working fine we want to checkout of oder on sub domain instead of same site so please tell me the steps how to achieve this functionality . Thanks in advance.
For a secure subdomain i.e. , i assume you have created another website in magento admin.
What is required is that in admin
System > Configuration > Web>Session Cookie Management > Cookie Domain
add for that particular website domain as
Check this link for more info,
Let me know if it works!

Magento: use subdomains as a CDN for media folder

We are planning to use subdomains, to deliver product images.
How to configure Magento for this?
How to handle Magento cache folder which save auto-generated thumbnails as per template?
If you're using an origin pull CDN like AWS Cloudfront, you just fill in the information telling their system your web server name, they provide you with a server name ( on their end and then you use a CNAME record in your DNS to point their server name at your subdomain name like
Then your base media URL becomes and everything's pretty much automatic from there.
Using origin pull gets rid of having to maintain a separate system to host your images and try to get Magento to upload to it, or figure out how to replicate Magento's media folder to it.

Trouble accessing a custom form on magento(multiple website) from url

I created a custom web form for a magento website, on a local server which has only one website setup, i could access the form using the URL but when i upload the module to the server which has multiple website setup, i cannot access the form using the URl ,
for e.g on my local server i could access the form as
but when i upload the module e.g on the server(it has multiple website setup, more than 50 sites ) i could not access the form (gives me a 404 error)
how would i access the module, how would i find out about the url to access the form.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
1) clean cache to make sure that module installed (check it in admin or database)
2) check that url rewrites enabled and works (can you access some category or product page without index.php ?)
If your default URL is then to access multiple sub domain you should enable from your domain panel by providing host stetting
Hostname=*, address=, Record Type=A(address)
Also, on your server add sub domain
It will create dev folder in the public_html folder in file manager.
You should copy index.php and .htaccess file in that follows the magento multiple web site steps see the link

Locking down multiple sites in Sitecore

I have two sites running under one Sitecore 6 installation. The home nodes of the sites are as such:
Assuming the primary site is at, the careers site can be accessed at
My problem is that, by prefixing the uri with /sitecore/content/, any sitecore item can be accessed by either (sub)domain. For example, I can get to: (should be under (should be under
I know I can redirect these urls (using IIS7 Redirects or ISAPIRewrite) but is there any way to 'lock' Sitecore down to only serve items under the configured home node for that domain?
I can't say for sure without testing it but you could try putting each site it its own security domain and denying access to each other. In the <sites/> node there is a domain="extranet" attribute, create a new security domain and set the Careers site to use it.
You can create new security domains using the domain manager in the Sitecore desktop.
