Magento 1.9 - Categories & Products Categories Areas Stuck on Loading - magento

I'm getting this issue with categories in Magento 1.9, Issues basically to do with Categories page and product > categories.
My site is not new and it has suddenly happened, the only recent events are style changes and few template changes to product gallery (media.phtml).
Im stuck on categories loading... I even left it over night.
image screenshot
It's a nightmare.
I have no console errors except for GET net::ERR_ABORTED which being fontawesome I feel is not related to this.
Has anyone else had this and found a solution?
One suggestion I found was to change mod security in cpanel. I can't change mod security as my cpanel/whm doesn't have that option, possibly as this issues was 4 years ago.
Please save me!?

Below are some fixes that help you to resolve the issue:
Try a different browser.
Disable mod_security and add whitelist: Check your mod_security audit log and if you see entries from the admin backend, have your host investigate and temporarily disable the module. If your issues goes away, ask your host to whitelist your admin backend.
Check your www vs. no www redirects: Make sure you’re only using one form of redirection, either in cPanel, Magento, or .htaccess.


magento broken shopping rule page

I have a problem on magento backend that I am not sure what is happening. Shopping cart price rule was working completely fine, but suddenly the rule page look like this:
screenshoot of shopping rule page
The content of each tab is loaded inside the tab div itself instead of on the content area on the right. Content area is completely empty.
No code was touched in relation with promotions code, or admin/core code at all. I don't see any issue on console or not js code loaded. This is the only page affected (shopping cart price rule page), catalog rule works fine as well as any other with same structure (product page, customer page and such).
I was recently playing around with promotion too much, creating, deleting and editing. And solved a 500 issue on cart page increasing php memory limit. Not sure if related with this issue.
On apache logs it only displays the following when I access that page:
client denied by server configuration: /www/app/etc/local.xml
Could someone help me in where to look in order to solve this issue or have a hint about what could be the issue?
I am completely lost with this one. Magento version 1.7.
I finally found the issue. It was a extension related.
Recently I had some issues on cart page and at some point I disabled a promotion extension (Amasty shipping rules) though magento backend, on system/advanced extensions list.
Seems like the extension is disabled but still used on promotion page, adding the structure for the feature but not showing what is supposed to show (because is disabled) and breaking the layout.
Enabling again the extension or removing the extension on files avoid the issue.
1) clear the cache maybe you made a update and your cache is wrong. you can clear in the admin side clear all the types, or erase all inside /www/var/cache
2) clear the page history in your browser, all is fine but your machime show that weird.
3) after that check the browser console, because is a css problem, maybe a file is lost or change the permitions.

Magento Admin URL 404

I know that that similar issues and topics exist, however my issue differs slightly and none of the proposed fixes have worked.
I was accessing the Magento backend as normal. Approximately 10 minutes after that I could no longer access the Magento backend.
What I mean is that when I go to the admin url login page, I get a 404. However the 404 isn't generated by my host, it's generated by my webstore.
Everything about my webstore works as normal.
I've seen a number of fixes, mainly this one...
I have a few main issues.
Admin Custom URL had been set (but not by me). It was set over a year ago when Magento was installed. It worked entirely fine until today.
I do not even have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in my "core_config_data" PHP table. It simply does not exist so I cannot change it. I looked manually for it and did a search for it. Nothing.
I tried updating the local.xml file and clearing "var/caches" and "var/sessions" but that did not work either.
I've been working this for hours and it's beyond frustrating. It's imperative that this be fixed ASAP because we are a fairly sizeable company.
Thanks ahead for helping. Anything at all would be appreciated.
First Check your Apache configurations
I know that you said you were only in the Magento admin but I would first check that apache was configured correctly. This is the first point of contact and you need to ensure that it's working right.
You need to locate a default Magento htaccess file that you can upload to your server. There's additional configurations that you need to make if you're in a subdirectory and also check to make sure that your mod_rewrite is working properly. There's an extensive tutorial on these things here, magento htaccess.
Make sure that you have the right magento admin url
I have to assume that you know what your magento admin url is, but of course I would double check that you're getting it right. There is an option in the admin area to change the admin url, you could have adjusted that on accident.
You say that you don't have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in your core_config_data table. This actually means that you didn't set the magento admin url from the admin area. However there is a third place that you can look for your admin url. This is in app/etc/local.xml but you couldn't have changed this from the administration area.
Did you turn off search engine friendly urls?
If you had been accessing your administrative area using /admin and then accidentally turned off SEF urls, then your admin area could have just simply moved to /index.php/admin. Of course you mentioned that you have a custom admin url, but I don't know what that is, so I'm giving examples with the default.
I can't really give you any more suggestions without more information. I hope that this helps!
Found this and thought I would post here since it shows up in google.

Magento checkout cart feature control

I have a site, 1.5 magento, and the cart functionality (and the customer account functionality) seem to be disabled. When i attempt to go to the url 'checkout/cart', just the homepage displays.
Ive checked all the usual suspects..including:
checked the url_rewrites table (there is one entry in their referencing checkout/cart...but goes from checkout/cart to checkout/cart, so dont see this is an issue, but did edit it just to rule it out)
enabling/disabling of the module itself, looking at both the etc/modules files and removing, and checking the module listing in system->config->advanced area.
trying to step through the code..try detect where the change over of pagedata occurs - struggling here.
looking for certain terms in the codebase...and database SQL file.
the htaccess file, looking for a rewrite
local/community modules..and any rewriting of the checkout
Im starting to think a hack is in place here to show the homepage when visiting checkout url. The url : remains in the address bar, but i see homepage data.
Anyone know where else i can check...or easily locate the cause of this issue?
Many thanks
Did you look in backend under Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout ?
There is a field called "Enable One-Page Checkout" which has to be enabled. If you disable it, your store will just run fine but neither registered customers nor guests can check out anymore.
Turns out this was rewrites added to the rewrite table manually. Didnt find them at first.

Magento Admin CSS and JS paths incorrect after moving server and product pages empty?

I have recently moved a Magento site from a subdomain to it's destination domain at on a different server. I am experiencing two problems at the moment since moving the site to the new server.
The admin area CSS and JS paths are being rendered incorrectly.
For example... The Magento Admin page is looking for adminhtml/default/default/reset.css instead of…
If I place the CSS and JS files in the locations that the admin pages are currently pathing to then the Magento Admin will load normally but won't allow me to login.
Also, All the product pages on the front end are displaying blank, the site template loads but no product content loads.
Does anyone know what the cause of these issues could be and how I remedy the problem?
Using your favourite RDMS tool (such as phpMyAdmin) open the table core_config_data, correct the values for the paths web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url. Make sure dev/js/merge_files and dev/css/merge_css_files are both 0.
Clear the cache by deleting all files in var/cache/ in your Magento directory.
I had the same issue. I know this may not be the answer to the above question but still feel that this could help someone with a very similar issue.
I have had this problem a couple of times now and end up googling in circles for 20 minutes before I remember the solution. This post is mostly for my future self who will undoubtedly have the issue again.
I had 'combine javascript and css enabled'. My locally combined css and js files were being automatically deployed to the server.
The issue was that my media folder where all the css and js was now being loaded from did not have the correct permissions. After granting apache write permission all of my troubles went away :).
It is probably a good idea to add the media/css and media/js folders to .gitignore.

How to solve 404 not found problem in Magento

I have installed full release Magento on localhost from Before doing installation I have created a database and import Magento sample database (downloaded from Magento site).
After that continue installation process. When I checked fronted its shows Best Selling Products when I clicked any of the product it gives error given below:
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
* If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
* If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?
Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Demo Store.
* Go back to the previous page.
* Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products.
* Follow these links to get you back on track!
Store Home
My Account
I am new to Magento.
I've experienced this too. In the admin go to System > Index Management and rebuild the various catalog indexes, especially the URL rewrites.
This is because the sample data doesn't have it's paths stored to begin with, it needs to be calculated, and the Best Selling Products section doesn't read the actual paths in use, instead it is a Static CMS Block with it's HREFs fixed. This will probably never occur for products you enter yourself so it's nothing to worry about.
I had the same problem in Wamp. I had my folder named Magento, renaming it to magento, fixed the problem. (Lower case)
I had a similar issue, I was transferring Magento from a Unix server to a Windows server. My issue was to do with links looking like this (not working)
instead of
Haven't worked out how to fix all links yet, but just adding it tells me where the issue lies. Hope it helps someone else.
