What does the times mean in Google Chrome's timeline in the network panel? - performance

Often when troubleshooting performance using the Google Chrome's network panel I see different times and often wonder what they mean.
Can someone validate that I understand these properly:
Blocking: Time blocked by browser's multiple request for the same domain limit(???)
Waiting: Waiting for a connection from the server (???)
Sending: Time spent to transfer the file from the server to the browser (???)
Receiving: Time spent by the browser analyzing and decoding the file (???)
DNS Lookup: Time spent resolving the hostname.
Connecting: Time spent establishing a socket connection.
Now how would someone fix long blocking times?
Now how would someone fix long waiting times?

Sending is time spent uploading the data/request to the server. It occurs between blocking and waiting. For example, if I post back an ASPX page this would indicate the amount of time it took to upload the request (including the values of the forms and the session state) back to the ASP server.
Waiting is the time after the request has been sent, but before a response from the server has been received. Basically this is the time spent waiting for a response from the server.
Receiving is the time spent downloading the response from the server.
Blocking is the amount of time between the UI thread starting the request and the HTTP GET request getting onto the wire.
The order these occur in is:
DNS Lookup
*Blocking and DNS Lookup might be swapped.
The network tab does not indicate time spent processing.
If you have long blocking times then the machine running the browser is running slowly. You can fix this by upgrading the machine (more RAM, faster processor, etc.) or by reducing its workload (turn off services you do not need, closing programs, etc.).
Long wait times indicate that your server is taking a long time to respond to requests. This either means:
The request takes a long time to process (like if you are pulling a large amount of data from the database, large amounts of data need to be sorted, or a file has to be found on an HDD which needs to spin up).
Your server is receiving too many requests to handle all requests in a reasonable amount of time (it might take .02 seconds to process a request, but when you have 1000 requests there will be a noticeable delay).
The two issues (long waiting + long blocking) are related. If you can reduce the workload on the server by caching, adding new server, and reducing the work required for active pages then you should see improvements in both areas.

You can read a detailed official explanation from google team here. It is a really helpful resource and your info goes under Timeline view section.
Resource network timing shows the same information as in resource bar in timeline view. Answering your quesiton:
DNS lookup: Time spent performing the DNS lookup. (you need to find out IP address of site.com and this takes time)
Blocking: Time the request spent waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use. As was said in another answer it does not depend on your server - this is client's problem.
Connecting: Time it took to establish a connection, including TCP handshakes/retries, DNS lookup, and time connecting to a proxy or negotiating a secure-socket layer (SSL). Depends on network congestion.
Sending - Time spent sending the request. Depends on the size of sent data (which is mostly small because your request is almost always a few bytes except if you submit a big image or huge amount of text), network congestion, proximity of client to server
Waiting - Time spent waiting for the initial response. This is mostly the time of your server to process and respond to your response. This is how fast if your server calculating things, fetching records from database and so on.
Receiving - Time spent receiving the response data. Something similar to the sending, but now you are getting your data from the server (response size is mostly bigger than request). So it also depends on the size, connection quality and so on.

Blocking: Time the request spent waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use. As was said in
another answer it does not depend on your server - this is client's
I do not agree with the statement above. All else being same [my machine workload] - my browser shows very less "Blocking" time for one website and long blocking time for some other website.
So if waiting for one of the six threads + proxy negotiation** is high, it is mostly because of the cascading effect of the server's slowness OR the bad design of page [too much being sent across the wire, too many times].
** - whatever "Proxy Negotiation" means!, nobody explains this very well, particularly where no local/CDN proxy is actually involved


How often should i make an Ajax request on a timer?

// ajax request here
}, 9000);
I use a script like this to check for new notifications in the database and display them back on the page, giving the fact that for every user this check will be performed every few seconds or every minute i wonder if this can cause any performance issues.
Is it ok to make so many requests to the database or should i check for new notifications some other way?
There are two things you need to consider:
How often are updates needed?
Can the server respond to them that frequently?
The first of those, only you can answer.
The second depends mostly on how much work the server has to do for each request, how many concurrent users you have, and how good the server hardware and network connection are.
The biggest risk with your current approach is that if the server can't respond that frequently, then you will have simultaneous requests in flight. If there is a real performance problem, you could end up with a queue of requests waiting to go out from the browser once you hit the maximum simultaneous HTTP request limit.
You can mitigate this risk by putting setTimeout in the success and error handlers for the request instead of sending them out every 9 seconds regardless.
An alternative approach would be to have the server initiate the sending of data when a notification became available. You could do this using WebSockets.

How is Ruby Mechanize fast after first get request?

I recently programmed a scraper with Ruby's Mechanize gem for the first time. It had to hit the server (some 'xyz.com/a/number') where the number will be generated by the script. Like 'xyz.com/a/2' and 'xyz.com/a/3'.
It turned out that the first request took a lot of time -- around 1.5s on a 512kbps connection. But the next request was done in 0.3ms.
How could it be done so fast? Did it have some caching mechanism?
There are lots of possible sources for a speed change between requests. A few that immediately spring to mind:
DNS lookup cached on your client. The first call must convert "xyz.com" to "", involving a DNS lookup which may be slow.
HTTP keep-alive. There is an initial conversation between client and server to start an HTTP data transfer. On a high-latency connection you will notice this. If server and client both respect HTTP keep-alive, then a connection can be established once to cover multiple requests.
Server-side caching. The server you are scraping uses caching to speed up multiple similar requests. It might be caching data to do with your current session for example, or even just not fully compiled the script yet until your first request.
Server-side VM resource allocation. If the server is sharing space on a virtualised system, and does not serve high traffic, then it may become more responsive after the first request ensures everything is in RAM and has CPU allocated.
This is by no means exhaustive. The above examples are just to illustrate that this behaviour - initial slow response, followed by faster ones - is very common for web services, and has multiple causes.

Can slow connection between client and server slowdown server?

I know the question might sound stupid, but, I really want to understand why not? Imagine a server needs to send 500 KB of data downstream and clients are downloading at 250 KBPS, server has to keep the connection alive for 2 seconds. Imagine there are a substantial number of request coming from these clients, threads are kept busy catering to these clients and the overall response time (even the ones with better connectivity) spikes up. Correct?

browser implication when ajax call every 3 sec

We would like to check every 3 seconds if there are any updates in our database, using jquery $.ajax. Technology is clear but are there any reasons why not to fire so many ajax calls? (browser, cache, performance, etc.). The web application is running for round about 10 hrs per day on every client.
We are using Firefox.
Ajax calls has implications not on client side(Browser,...) but on the server side. For example, every ajax call is a hit on server. ie. more bandwidth consumption, no of server request hit increases which in turn increases server load etc etc. Ajax call is actually meant to increase client friendliness at the cost of Server side implications.
You should think carefully before implementing infinite repeating AJAX calls with an arbitrary delay between them. How did you come up with 3 seconds? If you're going to be polling your server in this way, you need to reduce the frequency of requests to as low a number as possible. Here are some things to think about:
Is the data you're fetching really going to change that often?
Can your server handle a request every 3 seconds, how long does the operation take for a single request?
Could you increase the delay after inactivity or guess based on previous server responses how long the next delay should be?
Can you stop the polling completely when the window loses focus, and restart it when it's in the foreground again.
If a user opens the same page in a website 10 times, your server should recognise this and throttle its responses, either using a cookie with a unique value in it (recommended) or based on the client IP address.
Above all, instead of polling, consider using HTML 5 web sockets to "push" data to the client - most modern browsers support this. Several frameworks are available that will fall back to polling if web sockets are not available - one excellent .NET example is SignalR.
I've seen a lot of application making request each 5sec or so, for instance a remote control (web player) or a chat. So that should not be a problem for the browser to do so.
What would be a good practice is to wait an answer before making a new request, that means not firing the requests with a setInterval for instance.
(In the case the user lose its connection that would prevent opening too much connections).
Also verifying that all the calculations associated with an answer are done when receiving the next answer.
And if you have access to that in the server side, configure you server to set http headers Connection: Keep-Alive, so you won't add to much TCP overhead to each of your requests. That could speed up small requests a lot.
The last point I see is of course verifying that you server is able to answer that much request.
You are looking for any changes after each 3sec , In this way the traffic would be increased as you fetching data after short duration and continuously . It may also continuous increase the memory usage on browser side . As you need to check any update done in the database , you can go for any other alternatives like Sheepjax , Comet or SignalR . (SignalR generally broadcast the data to all users and comet needs license ) . Hope this may help you .

WCF connections close very slowly with SSL

We have WCF services that operate over multiple protocols for different customers. Most work fine, but when we use SSL the connections take a long time to close. Opening a connection is no problem, but closing is very slow.
The strangest behavior is that the close time is proportional to the amount of data that was transmitted on the connection. If just a few bytes are sent from the server to the client the connection will close almost instantly, but a search that returns several hundred rows takes as long to close the connection as the original search. The close time seems directly proportional to amount of data transmitted. It seems that the results are retransmitted back to the server for verification before the connection will close.
An error is almost never thrown, but the connection close time essentially doubles the required time to execute a call.
Here are the basic settings:
Custom binding
Binary encoding
Reliable session, Ordered=true
Binding element is HttpsTransportBindingElement
using RemoteCertificateValidationCallback
All of the proxies are constructed programmatically with ChannelFactory.
We found that the problem was with ReliableSession. ReliableSession tries to verify everything that was sent in the next connection. This sounds like a good idea, but it is essentially worthless because even if I found something that didn't verify it is too late to do anything about it.
Bottom line: ReliableSession isn't very reliable.
Just a theory it could be that it writes to a log when the proxy closes, and you get an extra hit due to decryption, or that it does not cache https results.
Do you have any WCF logging turned on?
Does the CPU spike when you close the proxy?
Could you check if it is actually sending two requests to the server?
