Can slow connection between client and server slowdown server? - performance

I know the question might sound stupid, but, I really want to understand why not? Imagine a server needs to send 500 KB of data downstream and clients are downloading at 250 KBPS, server has to keep the connection alive for 2 seconds. Imagine there are a substantial number of request coming from these clients, threads are kept busy catering to these clients and the overall response time (even the ones with better connectivity) spikes up. Correct?


is setInterval + HTTP a good alternative for simulating WebSockets real time updates on big scale?

I need to update information in a table once every minute.
I know I can do it WebSockets (Parse live query server), but I heard they have a ceiling of a few hundred thousand concurrent connections.
Assuming that there will be millions of concurrent connections, would a setInterval + HTTP be a more stable solution capable of updating millions of clients at the same time without the risk of crashing?
Also how helpful can redis be for increasing the stability of web sockets server?
I'm using parse server as a backend.

It is not possible to download large files at Jetty server

I made a few test downloads using the Jetty 9 server, where it is made multiple downloads of a single file with an approximate size of 80 MB. When smaller number of downloads and the time of 55 seconds is not reached to download, all usually end, however if any downloads in progress after 55 seconds the flow of the network simply to download and no more remains.
I tried already set the timeout and the buffer Jetty, though this has not worked. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions on how to solve? Tests on IIS and Apache Server work very well. Use JMeter for testing.
Marcus, maybe you are just hitting Jetty bug 472621?
Edit: The mentioned bug is a separate timeout in Jetty that applies to the total operation, not just idle time. So by setting the http.timeout property you essentially define a maximum time any download is allowed to take, which in turn may cause timeout errors for slow clients and/or large downloads.
A timeout means your client isn't reading fast enough.
JMeter isn't reading the response data fast enough, so the connection sits idle long enough that it idle times out and disconnects.
We test with 800MB and 2GB files regularly.
On using HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP/2 protocols.
Using normal (plaintext) connections, and secured TLS connections.
With responses being delivered in as many Transfer-Encodings and Content-Encodings as we can think of (compressed, gzip, chunked, ranged, etc.).
We do all of these tests using our own test infrastructure, often spinning up many many Amazon EC2 nodes to perform a load test that can sufficiently test the server demands (a typical test is 20 client nodes to 1 server node)
When testing large responses, you'll need to be aware of the protocol (HTTP/1.x vs HTTP/2) and how persistence behavior of that protocol can change the request / response latency. In the real world you wont have multiple large requests after each other on the same persisted connection via HTTP/1 (on HTTP/2 the multiple requests would be parallel and be sent at the same time).
Be sure you setup your JMeter to use HTTP/1.1 and not use persisted connections. (see JMeter documentation for help on that)
Also be aware of your bandwidth for your testing, its very common to blame a server (any server) for not performing fast enough, when the test itself is sloppily setup and has expectations that far exceed the bandwidth of the network itself.
Next, don't test with the same machine, this sort of load test would need multiple machines (1 for the server, and 4+ for the client)
Lastly, when load testing, you'll want to become intimately aware of your networking configurations on your server (and to a lesser extent, your client test machines) to maximize your network configuration for high load. Default configurations for OS's are rarely sufficient to handle proper load testing.

What does the times mean in Google Chrome's timeline in the network panel?

Often when troubleshooting performance using the Google Chrome's network panel I see different times and often wonder what they mean.
Can someone validate that I understand these properly:
Blocking: Time blocked by browser's multiple request for the same domain limit(???)
Waiting: Waiting for a connection from the server (???)
Sending: Time spent to transfer the file from the server to the browser (???)
Receiving: Time spent by the browser analyzing and decoding the file (???)
DNS Lookup: Time spent resolving the hostname.
Connecting: Time spent establishing a socket connection.
Now how would someone fix long blocking times?
Now how would someone fix long waiting times?
Sending is time spent uploading the data/request to the server. It occurs between blocking and waiting. For example, if I post back an ASPX page this would indicate the amount of time it took to upload the request (including the values of the forms and the session state) back to the ASP server.
Waiting is the time after the request has been sent, but before a response from the server has been received. Basically this is the time spent waiting for a response from the server.
Receiving is the time spent downloading the response from the server.
Blocking is the amount of time between the UI thread starting the request and the HTTP GET request getting onto the wire.
The order these occur in is:
DNS Lookup
*Blocking and DNS Lookup might be swapped.
The network tab does not indicate time spent processing.
If you have long blocking times then the machine running the browser is running slowly. You can fix this by upgrading the machine (more RAM, faster processor, etc.) or by reducing its workload (turn off services you do not need, closing programs, etc.).
Long wait times indicate that your server is taking a long time to respond to requests. This either means:
The request takes a long time to process (like if you are pulling a large amount of data from the database, large amounts of data need to be sorted, or a file has to be found on an HDD which needs to spin up).
Your server is receiving too many requests to handle all requests in a reasonable amount of time (it might take .02 seconds to process a request, but when you have 1000 requests there will be a noticeable delay).
The two issues (long waiting + long blocking) are related. If you can reduce the workload on the server by caching, adding new server, and reducing the work required for active pages then you should see improvements in both areas.
You can read a detailed official explanation from google team here. It is a really helpful resource and your info goes under Timeline view section.
Resource network timing shows the same information as in resource bar in timeline view. Answering your quesiton:
DNS lookup: Time spent performing the DNS lookup. (you need to find out IP address of and this takes time)
Blocking: Time the request spent waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use. As was said in another answer it does not depend on your server - this is client's problem.
Connecting: Time it took to establish a connection, including TCP handshakes/retries, DNS lookup, and time connecting to a proxy or negotiating a secure-socket layer (SSL). Depends on network congestion.
Sending - Time spent sending the request. Depends on the size of sent data (which is mostly small because your request is almost always a few bytes except if you submit a big image or huge amount of text), network congestion, proximity of client to server
Waiting - Time spent waiting for the initial response. This is mostly the time of your server to process and respond to your response. This is how fast if your server calculating things, fetching records from database and so on.
Receiving - Time spent receiving the response data. Something similar to the sending, but now you are getting your data from the server (response size is mostly bigger than request). So it also depends on the size, connection quality and so on.
Blocking: Time the request spent waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use. As was said in
another answer it does not depend on your server - this is client's
I do not agree with the statement above. All else being same [my machine workload] - my browser shows very less "Blocking" time for one website and long blocking time for some other website.
So if waiting for one of the six threads + proxy negotiation** is high, it is mostly because of the cascading effect of the server's slowness OR the bad design of page [too much being sent across the wire, too many times].
** - whatever "Proxy Negotiation" means!, nobody explains this very well, particularly where no local/CDN proxy is actually involved

Periodic Ajax POST calls versus COMET/Websocket Push

On a site like, I noticed in firebug console that it makes frequent and periodic Ajax POST calls to its server to retrieve new data from the database and update the dom as and when something new is available.
On the other hand, something like Facebook notifications seem to be implementing a COMET push mechanism.
What's the advantage and disadvantage of each approach and specifically, my question is why uses a "pull" mechanism as I have always thought using such an approach (especially since it pings its server so frequently) as it seems like it is not a scalable solution - when more and more users sign up to use its services?
Short Answer to Your Question
Your gut instinct is correct. Long-polling (aka comet) will be more efficient than straight up polling. And when available, websockets will be more efficient than long-polling. So why some companies use the "pull polling" is quite simply: they are out of date and need to put some time into updating their code base!
Comparing Polling, Long-Polling (comet) and WebSockets
With traditional polling you will make the same request repeatedly, often parsing the response as JSON or stuffing the results into a DOM container as content. The frequency of this polling is not in any way tied to the frequency of the data updates. For example you could choose to poll every 3 seconds for new data, but maybe the data stays the same for 30 seconds at a time? In that case you are wasting HTTP requests, bandwidth, and server resources to process many totally useless HTTP requests (the 9 repeats of the same data before anything has actually changed).
With long polling (aka comet), we significantly reduce the waste. When your request goes out for the updated data, the server accepts the request but doesn't respond if there is no new changes, instead it holds the request open for 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds or until some new data is ready and it can respond. Eventually the request will either timeout or the server will respond with an update. The idea here is that you won't be repeating the same data so often like in the 3 second polling above, but you still get very fast notification of new data as there is likely already an open request just waiting for the server to respond to.
You'll notice that long polling reduced the waste considerably, but there will still be the chance for some waste. 30-60 seconds is a common timeout period for long polling as many routers and gateways will shutdown hanging connections beyond that time anyway. So what if your data is actually changed every 15 minutes? Polling every 3 seconds would be horribly inefficient, but long-polling with timeouts at 60 seconds would still have some wasted round trips to the server.
Websockets is the next technology advancement that will allow a browser to open a connection with the server and keep it open for as long as it wants and deliver multiple messages or chunks of data via the same open websocket. The server can then send down updates exactly when new data is ready. The websocket connection is already established and waiting for data, so it is quick and efficient.
Reality Check
The problem is that Websockets is still in its infancy. Only the very latest generation of browsers support it, if at all. The spec hasn't been fully ratified as of this posting, so implementations can vary from browser to browser. And of course your visitors may be using browsers a few years old. So unless you can control what browsers your visitors are using (say corporate intranet where IT can dictate the software on the workstations) you'll need a mechanism to abstract away this transport layer so that your code can use the best technique available for that particular visitor's browser.
There are other benefits to having an abstracted communications layer. For example what if you had 3 grid controls on your page all pull polling every 3 seconds, see the mess this would be? Now rolling your own long-polling implementation can clean this up some, but it would be even cooler if you aggregated the updates for all 3 of these tables into one long-polling request. That will again cut down on waste. If you have a small project, again you could roll your own, but there is a standard Bayeux Protocol that many server push implementations follow. The Bayeux protocol automatically aggregates messages for delivery and then segregates messages out by "channel" (an arbitrary path-like string you as a developer use to direct your messages). Clients can listen on channels, and you can publish data on channels, the messages will get to all clients listening on the channel(s) you published to.
The number of server side server push tool kits available is growing quite fast these days as Push technology is becoming the next big thing. There are probably 20 or more working implementations of server push out there. Do your own search for "{Your favorite platform} comet implementation" as it will continue to change every few months I'm sure (and has been covered on stackoverflow before).

Bittorrent protocol 'not available'/'end connection' response?

I like being able to use a torrent app to grab the latest TV show so that I can watch it at my lesiure. The problem is that the structure of the protocol tends to cause a lot of incoming noise on my connection for some time after I close the client. Since I also like to play online games sometimes this means that I have to make sure that my torrent client is shut off about an hour (depending on how long the tracker advertises me to the swarm) before I want to play a game. Otherwise I get a horrible connection to the game because of the persistent flood of incoming torrent requests.
I threw together a small Ruby app to watch the incoming requests so I'd know when the UTP traffic let up:
The thought occurred to me, though, that there may be some response that I could send to notify the clients that I'm no longer participating in the swarm and that they should stop sending requests. I glanced over the protocol specifications but I didn't find anything of the sort. Does anyone more familiar with the protocol know if there's such a response?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
If a bunch of peers on the internet has your IP and think that you're on their swarm, they will try to contact you a few times before giving up. There's nothing you can do about that. Telling them to stop one at a time will probably end up using more bandwidth that just ignoring the UDP packets would.
Now, there are a few things you can do to mitigate it though:
Make sure your client sends stopped requests to all its trackers. This is part of the protocol specification and most clients do this. If this is successful, the tracker won't tell anyone about you past that point. But peers remember having seen you, so it doesn't mean nobody will try to connect to you.
Turn off DHT. The DHT acts much like a tracker, except that it doesn't have the stopped message. It will take something like 15-30 minutes for your IP to time out once it's announced to the DHT.
I think it might also be relevant to ask yourself if these stray incoming 23 byte UDP packets really matter. Presumably you're not flooded by more than a few per second (probably less). Have you made any actual measurements or is it mostly paranoia to wait for them to let up?
I'm assuming you're playing some latency sensitive FPS, in which case the server will most likely blast you with at least 10-50 full MTU packets per second, without any congestion control. I would be surprised if you attract so many bittorrent connection attempts that it would cause any of the game packets to be dropped.
