How to build a Bridge and sync magento and zoho both ways - magento

We want to build a bridge to synchronize data both ways in magento 1.6 and zoho crm -to synchronize leads, quotes, invoices, clients (assign them a user id and password for our B2B website) -to synchronize products attributes, etc...
Examples :
Each time a client fills up a form to be registered on my website it has to create a lead on magento like the first time login form ( i already made one web to lead form, but doesn't fit well with magento design and doesn't create the account in magento...)
Each time a client asks for a quote (through a form "Request a quote") on magento, it creates an opportunity, or a quote (or a lead ?).
I would like something really simple that adapts to magento structure that's all, in fact, it's a question of pushing/pulling DB records in both softwares (magento and zoho).
So I've been looking all around the web, but if you google "Zoho Magento integration" it will only return people ready to pay for that. Since I know magento a bit, I'm willing to do it by myself.
Thanks for Your help !

You will have to create a magento connector module to handle synchronization between Magento and ZOHO CRM API ( ).
It is not easy. But if you have some experience with Magento development and do not know how to start with it, i would suggest you to download some similiar module (e. g. and see how it is built. Then try to develop your own.


CiviCRM With Drupal, WordPress or Joomla

I am currently working on a collage project where they have following requirement.
Users :
Super admin, Department Head(who will be admin for staff/student of particular department), Staff(who can have access to all the students info of their department),Students(department wise and year wise)
->Awards section(should be seen in their respective profile page)
->Announcements from Department heads to either staff or students or both
->Event calendar
->inter department message exchange by department head and staff
->Department and Staff should have access to all the registered students according to thier year and department wise
->Students can have access to their respective batch information
->blog section where post need to be moderated by their department heads
I am confused if CiviCRM fits into the requirements and if yes which module should i use drupal, joomla or wordpress.
I am good at WordPress and have far more knowledge then i have regarding drupal or joomla. But as of posts of others drupal have better flexibility.
So kindly if any solution which can improve my output.
Thanks and Regards,
Frankly it looks like you might not need CiviCRM or any CRM at all. But it really depends on what you mean by "Department and Staff should have access to all the registered students according to thier year and department wise." If you mean access to significant amounts of info about those students, info that might be stored in a profile, you might put that into CiviCRM as custom fields. But you could also build profiles in Wordpress though you might need to know PHP.
All the rest of your requirements seem like they can be built in the CMS, maybe with an event module thrown on.
CiviCRM is somewhat better supported under Drupal, but if you know Wordpress better that will like make up the difference.
A project like this needs a complex, comprehensive planning stage to evaluate the needed features and what code base would best support them.

Is it possible to replace the 'Add to cart' with 'ask for an estimate' button in Magento?

I'm trying to build an ecommerce website based on Magento but having a regular shop behaviour, instead of showing product prices, i want visitors to ask for an estimate for a single or several products (by adding them to a cart and then asking for a global estimate).
As a store manager, I should get these estimate requests by email along with customer information (name, email, phone, company, address .. )
Is this achievable with Magento?
If not, which cms/platform would be best suitable for such a project?
Not without some customization. You could put all your products in with a price of $0 and then change your theme so all the buttons say "request a quote" and the price isn't displayed anywhere. Then the checkout page might not ask for credit card info, but I'm not certain about that. If it did you would have to remove that part of the checkout module. Once a user finished checking out you would get an email with all their information. I don't think this is the best way to go about getting what you want though.
I don't know if other ecommerce platforms have what you are looking for. I'm not very familiar with them beyond Magento. But you could certainly use something like drupal or wordpress to build a site and have a request a quote form on it. This would only be managable with a small number of products though.
there is many extension available for this type 1
link 2
Thank you guys,
This extension : link does precisely what i was looking for.

How do I transfer items from K2 to Joomla articles or wordpress ? What is the most wise choice?

I feel fed up with the Joomla K2 extension. This is the most crappy extension I've ever used and I am tired of correcting mistakes and bugs all the time. Even in the K2 forums, most of the threads suddenly and strangely disappeared, leading google results to 404 pages.
I did the most foolish thing on joomla: I installed their extension in joomla 1.6 because I wanted to set featured images in every article and joomla didn't have something like that (and then upgraded to 2.5) . So I created a news portal that publishes about 6 articles (or K2 items) every day for a year. So far there are 10 categories, 1000 articles and 200 tags (and 4 users only). There is nothing complicated on the website and all components are used "as they are". I haven't even used K2 extra fields etc.
I desperately want to transfer all items, categories, tags and images from K2 to Joomla articles. Then I will upgrade to the new Joomla 3.0. If I had a choice, I would transfer all data to wordpress. I have no money to hire an experienced developer and I have advanced programming knowledge but I am not an expert. I can try to copy data from one column to another but I would really appreciate the opinion of a developer with a "strong" knowledge.
On Joomla's forums it says that:
K2 articles are stored in the table jos_k2_items. Use a sql query to
copy them to jos_content.
INSERT INTO ###_content (title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext)
SELECT title, alias, catid, published, introtext, fulltext
FROM ###_k2_items ;
This was posted about Joomla 1.5 Check the new table structure and make the necessary changes.
I'm not sure are you still looking for the answer, but maybe others do.
In case you want to move your K2 to WordPress, there's a plugin at the WordPress plugin directory for an automated migration. It supports the import of different type of content including categories, tags, menus and other, so it might answer your request.
The quick guide to the process includes the following steps -
You install the plugin on your WP website
Create the account at the service
Download the extension and install it at your K2 website
Choose the entities you want to migrate
Try the trial migration (it migrates 10 posts)
If you like it you can try the full migration (it's not free)
You may refer to this for more info, plus, this service is also represented in WordPress Codex.
Hope it helps.

Shared shopping cart between subsites

I'm trying to get a fully functionally Magento installation with 3 sub-sites and a main site (configured each as store inside Magento), that share of course the clients information across the all the stores.
The problem is that I can't seems to be able to have a persistent shopping cart across the all stores, allowing the customers to get products from a sub-site then another and so on without having to pay each time the shipping fees for what is at the end only 1 order.
I've followed several different tutorials that claimed to be able to achieve that but none of them worked as expected, and also none of them specified to which version of Magento they where supposed to work.
Any tip is welcome, thanks to everyone.

Magento Multiple Gateways

I have a CAD and USD gateway accounts for processing credit card payments, both from a payment provider with support for the API. I've successfully configured one using Magento's built-in support... but how can I configure a second Gateway for use in my store?
You can reuse the existing gateway if you assign separate websites to each currency. They don't need to be actually separate websites with their own domain, just to be designated as websites in the System > Manage Stores menu. Then in Configuration change the Configuration Scope drop down box in the top left to select each website in turn, on the Currency Setup section allow just one currency and in Payment Methods section you can have your specific gateway accounts to match.
This way lets you continue to use the same products for all stores and as long as the base currency is unchanged then it will also continue to convert between currencies automatically.
This can be done, but basically requires you to duplicate the Authorize module and change all the namespaces. This will take some fiddling, but start by copying the app/code/core/Mage/Paygate module to somewhere like app/code/local/Yourcompany/Paygatecad and proceed to rename the classes (Mage_Paygate_Model_Authorizenet becomes Yourcompany_Paygatecad_Model_Authorizenet, etc). Be careful of case-sensitive file and class names, I suggest you use all leading capital followed by lowercase.
Create a Yourcompany_Paygatecad.xml module declaration in app/etc/modules, and duplicate the layout and template files in adminhtml and frontend to use your new module name. You'll also need to edit the system.xml and config.xml so that the config values don't conflict in namespace. grep is your friend.
After all that, you should get a new Payment Method in the System>Config>Payment Methods that you can configure with your CAD details, and the blocks should render in the Checkout flow.
As you've probably gathered from what I've said, there's a fair few changes to be made to avoid conflicts, and you'll need to test this really well. But it should work. I'm not aware of any alternative approach to achieve this... I've done this successfully when I've wanted two different set of options for another payment method and it worked, but that was for a community extension, not Magento core, not that it should really matter where you're copying it from.
Ideally, what you should do is copy and modify only the etc and sql files. That way the
original Mage_Paygate Models and controllers will still be used (gives you best protection for upgrades/patches) and you just update the config values to point to the CAD instance. I can't confirm whether this will work, but I would try that if at all possible.
