inconsolata not working windows 7 - windows

I have no idea which of the SE sites to ask this on (there's no windows SE site like there is on linux;) so I'll try this one.
I tried installing inconsolata to use as my default programming font. The problem is, it looks either messed up or is complete gibberish. I'm using windows 7 Home Premium if that helps.
I've included some screenshots so you can see for yourself. The first is of jsfiddle (which uses inconsolata) and the second is netbeans with the same code as the jsfiddle one:
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a fix for this problem?
I also just noticed that the font isn't even showing up on windows list of fonts

The only thing I can think to suggest is to increase the size of the font and see if it renders a little better that way.
I've used Inconsolata on both Windows 7 and 8 (RP), and it seems to work fine in my experience. I've also used it with my own software, without problems. I'm not entirely sure why this is happening for you.


Empty Netbeans13 pallet on Windows 11 (x64 bit)

Good day everyone.
I'm having some trouble with Netbeans-13 running on a windows 11 (x64 bit system). If I open a project (new or old) it does not show any of the palette options.
I use Netbeans-13 on a similar system at home but I'm away an a trip and thought to continue with the project but can't seem to get my Netbeans-13 palette to work.
I've tried everything I could find and/or think of.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm expecting something that could possibly help me but any advice is appreciated.
I've tried googling the question and found solutions that doesn't work on my system/program.
I've tried the solutions that were given for a similar issue on Netbeans-7 but can't find Anny that worked.
I've asked a technician if he has had any ideas. He tried helping but nothing worked.
I've tried a application developer I know and he also tried helping and nothing worked.
I'm stumped😅

Windows Vista language text service problem

I'm using English version of Vista and having problems with using programs that display Russian characters somewhere. For example dictionaries doesn't work for me, since they display Russian character. Also I see just "magic" characters in text editor (notepad) when open a Russian text file. I tried to change whole Vista Interface language to Russian, but it still didn't solve the problem.
I CAN read any web page from browser, that's not a problem. Also adding "Russian" in "Text Services and Input Languages" doesn't solve this problem.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
My System: 32-bit Windows Vista Home Premium - SP2
After spending whole day on this issue I was finally able to solve it.
I just needed to change language for non-Unicode applications to Russian. I never knew about this property :). I hope my answer will be helpful to someone.

Differences in IE8 behavior between XP, Vista, Win7?

Is there any significant difference in behavior (HTML, CSS, Javascript, ...) with Internet Explorer 8 on different operating systems?
In other words, will a web page work the same way across IE8+XP, IE8+Vista and IE8+Win7, or are there some significant differences?
(I'm aware that installed plugins and fonts will have an impact, but that's a bit outside my scope at the moment; assuming compatibility mode X-UA-Compatible: IE=8 or edge)
Although The IEBlog contains very useful information, I haven't found this data there - so I'm assuming that there should not be any difference. However, search has turned up this (vague) question: "IE8 on XP: looks great! IE8 on Vista: looks terrible". Will have to check IE8+{XP,V,7} in VM in the meantime.
There are at least 6 versions of MSIE 8 and there are likely differences in layout due to bug fixes in the latter releases. A list of versions is available on Microsoft's support site:
MSIE8 on Windows XP is version 8.00.6001.18702 and on Windows 7 is version 8.00.7600.16385.
There are some differences regarding css. When I used two divs, the first floated left and the second overflow:hidden; width:auto; IE8 on windows 7 rendered it correctly whereas IE8 on xp sp2 rendered the second div giving it incorrect width. Wierd!
I have had significant problems on IE8, working from a windows 7 machine I tested the site in IE8 using the standard mode the quirks mode and the IE7 standards mode and had no issues, however my client was using IE8 on an XP machine and told me that there were issues with the layout. I checked the site and it had displayed with significantly different styles.
So yes, there is a difference between IE8 on XP and IE8 on Windows 7.... though I have yet to find out how these differences are happening and how to solve them.
At least Wikipedia claims that Server Name Indication only works in Vista/Win7 versions of IE8. There might be other differences like this - after all, the system libraries IE uses might have differences between the different OS versions.
I also found an other rather stunning difference between IE8 on Vista(64) and IE8 on XP(sp3). The way the value attribute on the button tag is treated.
When you use <button value='10'>calculate 10%</button> the value submitted or extracted with javascript comes up with "calculate 10%" instead of 10 (the result on other major browsers) on older IE browsers (known issue) but also on IE8 on Vista. IE8 on XP on the other hand seems to comply to the standard behaviour the other browsers already embraced. Meaning it actually returns 10. Weird
There are bizarre behavioural differences in IE8 on XP also
for instance when tabbing between input controls in a table layout (think excel)
it wraps when the focus reaches the last visible control - instead of the last control in the row. Luckily I haven't found any serious problems - so customers can still work.
Absolutely different rendering is possible. My project has differents view in IE8+XP and IE8+Win7. In IE8+XP CSS rendering has significant differences with Windows 7.

Odd behaviour with components with akRight alignment

In one customer computer (windows vista) almost all forms of my app are oddly unnaligned.
Making some investigation I noticed that every component with akRight anchor acts oddly, being positioned way more for the right.
Searching in SO I found this issue wich is similar to mine but not exacly the same.
Since I cannot reproduce the issue in my computer and my access to my customer´s computer is restrict to a few minutes and via remote desktop I´d like to know if my issue described here could be solved by the same fix.
Aren't you experiencing the problem described in the following question?
Why do my Borland C++Builder 5 forms with right-anchored controls appear incorrectly on Vista?
Maybe the answer is of some help.
I've also experienced similar issues. After much frustration I pretty much gave up using anchors and started using a combination of the Align, AlignWithMargins and Margins properties.

Is Windows Vista worth considering when developing for Windows XP?

Quite a few comments to answers in a different post, Where are the best locations to write an error log in Windows?, gave me the impression that a lot of things regarding standard folders (%APPDATA%; %TEMP%) in Windows Vista are different from Windows XP, which should of course be taken into account when developing software that will have to run under Windows at some point.
But in my company, I do not see that happen in this decade, and maybe not in the next either. I mean, the central IT deployed SP2 only eight months ago, and any question about SP3 is met with disregard (well, if you're lucky...)
So what is your advice? Should I rewrite two modules in my current project to make them ready for Windows Vista, or should I not bother about it at all, until it is really needed?
Make them Vista-ready, if only for the fact that Windows 7 will have the same changes. Better to future-proof now when you have the chance, than later when time is critical.
Personally, I'd have a quick look at the effort level of what it would take to enable "Vista Support" in your application.
If the effort levels are acceptable based on the allotted time to make changes in your project then it's good to account for the future in any design.
You know your implementation better than anyone!
We've had some issues in-house here with shortcuts and such as they were generated in an older installation suite. It's the little things that we are currently addressing in getting our Vista Support fully up and running. I'm sure there will be some "unforeseen" obstacles you will come across as well.
Best of luck!
The big thing for supporting Windows Vista in most desktop applications is to use references like your %APPDATA% rather than hard-coding paths. That should resolve any changed folder locations. And don't do anything that requires write access in your program's install folder.
Interestingly, these rules are true for Windows XP, too. It's just that in the past it was a lot easier to get away with breaking them.
There is no need to hurry. So far it is not critical, and who knows what next the version of Windows would look like.
Since you can't foresee an OS upgrade in the near future, don't worry too much about it. You should, however, keep the potential for an OS upgrade in mind whenever you're changing code. If anything is OS-specific in a section of code when you make changes, tweak it so that it is either OS-independent or easy to locate and modify later to make it OS-independent (depending on how long it would take to update it).
If you get into a situation where you're just tackling lesser issues, consider specifically aiming your fixes towards areas that you know (or suspect might) have code that would need to be adjusted if your company upgraded to Vista or Windows 7.
Don't bother, Windows 7 is coming out relatively soon, you'd be best off waiting to see what changes they make to support that! Last thing you want is to spend time fixing things for Vista..... and then fixing them all over again for Windows 7.
If you planning on upgrading your software for Windows Vista, check out Windows Logo Program, Requirements for the Windows Vista Logo Program for Software (Microsoft Word document, 183 KB, file name Windows Vista Software Logo Spec 1.1.doc).
Is your company going to upgrade to Windows Vista at all? A lot of companies are ignoring Windows Vista and are planning to upgrade to the next Windows version when it comes out in the hopes that it will suck less than Windows Vista. If this is the case, it would be a complete waste of time. Who knows what will change in the next version of Windows. It is better to rewrite once for the new Windows than to rewrite once for Windows Vista and then again for the next Windows version.
