Empty Netbeans13 pallet on Windows 11 (x64 bit) - windows

Good day everyone.
I'm having some trouble with Netbeans-13 running on a windows 11 (x64 bit system). If I open a project (new or old) it does not show any of the palette options.
I use Netbeans-13 on a similar system at home but I'm away an a trip and thought to continue with the project but can't seem to get my Netbeans-13 palette to work.
I've tried everything I could find and/or think of.
Any advice would be appreciated.
I'm expecting something that could possibly help me but any advice is appreciated.
I've tried googling the question and found solutions that doesn't work on my system/program.
I've tried the solutions that were given for a similar issue on Netbeans-7 but can't find Anny that worked.
I've asked a technician if he has had any ideas. He tried helping but nothing worked.
I've tried a application developer I know and he also tried helping and nothing worked.
I'm stumped😅


Xamarin Forms Universal Windows Platform app blocked by AppLocker

There is a question here about this already (though,short of re-installing Windows, which I'm obviously trying to avoid, the other solutions don't work for me), but I have some research to add, and a possible solution... which I don't understand, but perhaps someone here is able to shed light on how to implement it? I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 10 Pro x-64 with Anniversary Update (and latest cumulative update).
There is a possible work-around - details at https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/2f51398c-cef2-4686-9505-904d3f71ef6d/windows-10-applocker-packaged-app-white-list-blocks-store?forum=win10itprogeneral - where the resolution is to allow all Windows App Store apps, however no steps are given, so I don't know how to do that.
There is a relevant hot fix at https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/2719305, however that is targetting an older version of Windows, so I'm not sure of the repercussions of trying that. I'm leaving that as my last resort short of re-installing.
And finally, there is re-installing, as per the other thread on here, as the Anniversary Update is considered the suspect (and I'm past the rollback window). I already had the AU when I first tried UWP, so I never had it working to begin with to know if this is the culprit or not. I have never touched applocker myself (had never heard of it) - I have this problem out of the box.
Apart from the time involved, I don't want to re-install as there has been mixed success with it - for one person it fixed it, for another it fixed it initially but the problem came back. I am trying to get a permanent fix (and only re-install if I can't find one).
Anyone know a permanent fix for this? Or how to implement the first suggestion? Or implications of the second?
P.S. for the sake of completeness (and to pre-emptively answer this question), one of the things I already tried is the MS trouble-shooter for this issue (I think I found this one on MSDN from memory). It suggested using my MS login instead of my local user, and to change the temp environment variables back to default (I had them pointing to RAMdisk), but doing those things failed to fix the issue.
Well, I ended up re-installing Windows, having corrupted it along the way, and that ended up fixing the issue. I found along the way that the problem actually stops ALL apps from the store installing (I never did find out how to implement the store fix I mentioned in my question), and that provides a quick way to see if the problem is fixed (rather than trying to build/deploy your UWP app each time you think you've fixed it, just try installing a store app).
I did find something that MAY be a solution, at https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-winapps/this-app-wasnt-installed-error-0x80073cf9/92ec7c44-51ef-4c6a-9331-22958e01b4ec?page=1, which relates to how to recover from a corrupted user profile (I'm not being allowed to upload a snapshot of the relevant reply due to still being relatively new here. Sigh) - which I now believe to have been the cause - however I didn't get to try it out as I'd already corrupted Windows at that point. Note that none of the other solutions in that thread worked for me, so I would start with this one first, as the other solutions only worked for some people. If you have this problem then I would try that first before re-installing.
P.S. at one point it looked like the Anniversary Update may have caused the problem, however after I re-installed I tried before applying the AU, and then again with the AU, and it kept working afterwards,so that was NOT the culprit. It was the user profile/Windows being corrupt.

Visual studio 2015 build error

I have come across a wierd vis studio error which only had one other question I could find that is Similar.
When I try to debug the code I hit run and it says there are errors would I like to run the last working version to which I say no. This then comes up with 91 errors which slowly disappear until there are none left.
This may be quite hard to understand what is actually going on, so I have recorded it to make things a bit easier.
Link to video
I have no idea what is going on and cant seem to find anything other than that other question, which the guy did solve but the next day he turned on his computer the same thing happened, I don't want to be fixing this everyday.
Any Suggestions would be great!
All fixed now, I still have no idea what was wrong with it. I just deleted it all and pulled it back down from TFS and it worked, it is a bit of a strange one.

Text Editor Graphical Glitch on Xcode 6.4

I'm experiencing a very odd graphical glitch with the code editor, initially I thought it was my machine's graphics going to pot but after further investigation it is definitely tied to Xcode and/or my project file.
This glitch appears to follow my project around, I have tried deleting derived data and userdata from the project folder, I've also made sure all of my fonts are the same (this was suggested in another thread for a similar sounding issue). Very often while editing code the below graphical error occurs, it is very frustrating. Has anyone else encountered this?
I've moved the project across multiple Macs and the problem persists, I would be really grateful for any insight on how to prevent this as I'm nearing the end of a very long project and this has pretty much put a halt to progress.
Thank you!
Image of issue
I've found a workaround that works for me until an official fix is provided. The glitch will still be happening but just during build and not while coding.

GUIs in Kinect/XNA?

I know this probably isn't the right place to post, but, well, I'm all out of ideas. :( Do any of you know frameworks/information on how to create a nice-looking GUI for the Kinect? I'm planning on using C# and was thinking about using Kinesis.IO but the conversion and compatibility seems like a headache. Would the XNA Framework do it for me? I've googled this several times and can't seem to find any good ideas. Please let me know! Thanks!
Neoforce is compatible with the 360, I haven't used it on it, but it work great for my project on the PC.

weka mac installation

Recently, I bought a new macbook and installed weka. When I double click on the weka icon, it opens and after around 2 seconds, it closes.
I've tried re-installing it several times and also tried different versions. However nothing seems to work.
I've also searched the internet for a solution but can't seem to find one.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
Ok Sorted it out. I just needed to update my java version on my macbook. Now weka has all the libraries it requires to function properly.
