Odd behaviour with components with akRight alignment - windows

In one customer computer (windows vista) almost all forms of my app are oddly unnaligned.
Making some investigation I noticed that every component with akRight anchor acts oddly, being positioned way more for the right.
Searching in SO I found this issue wich is similar to mine but not exacly the same.
Since I cannot reproduce the issue in my computer and my access to my customer´s computer is restrict to a few minutes and via remote desktop I´d like to know if my issue described here could be solved by the same fix.

Aren't you experiencing the problem described in the following question?
Why do my Borland C++Builder 5 forms with right-anchored controls appear incorrectly on Vista?
Maybe the answer is of some help.

I've also experienced similar issues. After much frustration I pretty much gave up using anchors and started using a combination of the Align, AlignWithMargins and Margins properties.


(Debug) Error In Xamarin App Development (Visual Studio)

The Basics
So I've been working with Xamarin a decent bit recently, and am looking for a solution to a current problem. I've been using the WoWonder script recently, and launched it on a site. i can confirm that the site is working well, without any hiccups. Although I've reworked some of the UI / UX, and basic functionality, I haven't delved extremely deep into it.
I'm currently using the Mobile Timeline applications to link into the network. I've had to debug a decent amount of problems so far with the NuGet packages, syntax errors, as well as authentication / decryption errors. I solved the first two, and solved the last by switching the SSL & TLS options in the Android Options area.
I would normally seek help from the author of said project, but given people in the comments haven't always gotten their answers, and instead got the runaround (Not to mention the broken english), I thought Stack would be the better option.
So far, I've asked around, and looked around, but haven't found anything. This is my last attempt before I start breaking everything down, line-by-line. I haven't found anyone else having a similar problem, other than the Xamarin > WP8 issue.
The Problem
SideNote: The project does use 'Xamarin Components," and the syntax / order of things is a mess. It's nothing that breaks anything or issues too many warnings, it just parses a lot that it can't find, or isn't relevant / needed / is outdated.
It's difficult to copy the context of the error in the emulator, since it doesn't seem to be showing up in visual studio. I'll transcribe it below.
Code Snippet:
System.Net.HttpRequestException: 500 (Internal Server Error) at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()[0x0002a] in <dcbf7ae3bce147228fa58d5bc31257ae>:0 at WowonderPhone.MainPage+<OnLoginClicked>d_2.MoveNext()[0x00252] in <1284583bda884ff38ca175979b310f47>:0
This has since been fixed. It was a problem on the server side, but had to do with the script, as the person previously mentioned. It wasn't a problem with Apache directives, or heightened security, just an inconsistency in the script syntax. Unfortunately, since another person solved this directly, I don't know the exact margin of error.

Xamarin Forms Universal Windows Platform app blocked by AppLocker

There is a question here about this already (though,short of re-installing Windows, which I'm obviously trying to avoid, the other solutions don't work for me), but I have some research to add, and a possible solution... which I don't understand, but perhaps someone here is able to shed light on how to implement it? I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community on Windows 10 Pro x-64 with Anniversary Update (and latest cumulative update).
There is a possible work-around - details at https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/2f51398c-cef2-4686-9505-904d3f71ef6d/windows-10-applocker-packaged-app-white-list-blocks-store?forum=win10itprogeneral - where the resolution is to allow all Windows App Store apps, however no steps are given, so I don't know how to do that.
There is a relevant hot fix at https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/2719305, however that is targetting an older version of Windows, so I'm not sure of the repercussions of trying that. I'm leaving that as my last resort short of re-installing.
And finally, there is re-installing, as per the other thread on here, as the Anniversary Update is considered the suspect (and I'm past the rollback window). I already had the AU when I first tried UWP, so I never had it working to begin with to know if this is the culprit or not. I have never touched applocker myself (had never heard of it) - I have this problem out of the box.
Apart from the time involved, I don't want to re-install as there has been mixed success with it - for one person it fixed it, for another it fixed it initially but the problem came back. I am trying to get a permanent fix (and only re-install if I can't find one).
Anyone know a permanent fix for this? Or how to implement the first suggestion? Or implications of the second?
P.S. for the sake of completeness (and to pre-emptively answer this question), one of the things I already tried is the MS trouble-shooter for this issue (I think I found this one on MSDN from memory). It suggested using my MS login instead of my local user, and to change the temp environment variables back to default (I had them pointing to RAMdisk), but doing those things failed to fix the issue.
Well, I ended up re-installing Windows, having corrupted it along the way, and that ended up fixing the issue. I found along the way that the problem actually stops ALL apps from the store installing (I never did find out how to implement the store fix I mentioned in my question), and that provides a quick way to see if the problem is fixed (rather than trying to build/deploy your UWP app each time you think you've fixed it, just try installing a store app).
I did find something that MAY be a solution, at https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-winapps/this-app-wasnt-installed-error-0x80073cf9/92ec7c44-51ef-4c6a-9331-22958e01b4ec?page=1, which relates to how to recover from a corrupted user profile (I'm not being allowed to upload a snapshot of the relevant reply due to still being relatively new here. Sigh) - which I now believe to have been the cause - however I didn't get to try it out as I'd already corrupted Windows at that point. Note that none of the other solutions in that thread worked for me, so I would start with this one first, as the other solutions only worked for some people. If you have this problem then I would try that first before re-installing.
P.S. at one point it looked like the Anniversary Update may have caused the problem, however after I re-installed I tried before applying the AU, and then again with the AU, and it kept working afterwards,so that was NOT the culprit. It was the user profile/Windows being corrupt.

Text Editor Graphical Glitch on Xcode 6.4

I'm experiencing a very odd graphical glitch with the code editor, initially I thought it was my machine's graphics going to pot but after further investigation it is definitely tied to Xcode and/or my project file.
This glitch appears to follow my project around, I have tried deleting derived data and userdata from the project folder, I've also made sure all of my fonts are the same (this was suggested in another thread for a similar sounding issue). Very often while editing code the below graphical error occurs, it is very frustrating. Has anyone else encountered this?
I've moved the project across multiple Macs and the problem persists, I would be really grateful for any insight on how to prevent this as I'm nearing the end of a very long project and this has pretty much put a halt to progress.
Thank you!
Image of issue
I've found a workaround that works for me until an official fix is provided. The glitch will still be happening but just during build and not while coding.

inconsolata not working windows 7

I have no idea which of the SE sites to ask this on (there's no windows SE site like there is on linux;) so I'll try this one.
I tried installing inconsolata to use as my default programming font. The problem is, it looks either messed up or is complete gibberish. I'm using windows 7 Home Premium if that helps.
I've included some screenshots so you can see for yourself. The first is of jsfiddle (which uses inconsolata) and the second is netbeans with the same code as the jsfiddle one:
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a fix for this problem?
I also just noticed that the font isn't even showing up on windows list of fonts
The only thing I can think to suggest is to increase the size of the font and see if it renders a little better that way.
I've used Inconsolata on both Windows 7 and 8 (RP), and it seems to work fine in my experience. I've also used it with my own software, without problems. I'm not entirely sure why this is happening for you.

WP7 - January tools update explodes my application. What'd I do?

I've Googled around a bit on this issue and haven't been able to come up with anyone else having an issue to this one, so a) I apologize if this is a known issue; and b) I'm thinking this proves that I must be doing something horrifically wrong, yeah? :-)
My application has a very rich landing page which is the first page that is shown after a new launch. It has a panorama control, a large background image (but much smaller than the 2000x2000 limit) and recurring and ongoing animations. Prior to updating my tools to the January refresh, this page ran relatively smoothly. After updating and running the app in the emulator, the background of this page is white (despite the fact that the emulator is on the "dark" theme), performance is quite poor (both in terms of swiping through the panorama and in terms of my recurring animations). When I run the same project on my device, all is well (since, quite obviously, my device's OS is not on the updated image).
Clearly I must be doing something grievously wrong to merit such a cataclysm, but I'm not sure what it might be. I've tried disabling bitmap caching in the places where I'm using it, removing third party tools I'm using such as Peter Torr's awesome tilt effect and his memory usage counter, and several other hail-Mary-style moves, and the problem remains. I also looked through the provided resources and change log to see if perhaps something related has changed, but I didn't see anything.
I'll try to provide example code later if it would be of any use to any would-be saviors out there, but the app is pretty complex and large in terms of lines of code and file size, so it might be a bit tricky. i just thought I'd toss this out there and see if anyone might happen to see it and think of an obvious solution.
Thanks so much in advance for your time and help.
P.S.: I cross-posted this question on the official WP7 dev forums. Sorry if that's against the rules - I'm not a regular SP-poster, as you can tell. If it's a problem, let me know and I can delete the other post.
I was ultimately able to resolve this by creating a brand new project using the updated tools and copying my code, assets, and relevant project settings into it. The app now runs flawlessly on the emulator (or, at least, the flaws in it are my flaws and not the emulator's :-)).
I believe I originally created the project on an earlier version of the SDK, so maybe I had some kind of invalid or incorrect project settings. If I get a moment later, I'll compare the project files to see if I can identify a setting or difference that explains the disparity.
Thanks to all who looked (and to Matt, who even responded :-)). I'll report back if I have any more information that might be of help.
UPDATE: Updating for anyone who might be having this issue as well - my resolution above was a false positive. Creating a new solution and copying stuff in does indeed work, but only until you save and close the new solution. Upon reopening, the problem recurs. Grrrr. I'll post back if I come up with anything else.
