accomplishing 'sqlldr' through a stand alone procedure - oracle

I am new in interface and write now I am gone through some assignment.
I have one question that is :
i am well acquainted with the method of loading the data from .dat file(and .ctl) into staging table using putty(using sqlldr) but i have a requirement to accomplish the same task(i.e loading data from .dat flie into staging table) through some pl/sql procedure . so please suggest the logic.....

Normally, you would use external tables. The syntax is going to be very similar to a SQL*Loader control file but it is an object defined in the database that allows you to expose the file as if it were a relational table. You can then do your load simply by querying the external table.
This does require, though, that the data file is present on the database server's file system.


Loading csv and writing bad records with individual errors

I am loading a csv file into my database using SQL Loader. My requirement is to create an error file combining the error records from .bad file and their individual errors from the log file. Meaning if a record has failed because the date is invalid, against that record in a separate column of error description , Invalid date should be written. Is there any way that SQL loader provides to combine the too. I am a newbie to SQL loader.
Database being used Oracle 19.c
You might be expecting a little bit too much of SQL*Loader.
How about switching to external table? In the background, it still uses SQL*Loader, but source data (which resides in a CSV file) is accessible to you by the means of a table.
What does it mean to you? You'd write some (PL/)SQL code to fetch data from it. Therefore, if you wrote a stored procedure, there are numerous options you can use - perform various validations, store valid data into one table and invalid data into another, decide what to do with invalid values (discard? Modify to something else? ...), handle exceptions - basically, everything PL/SQL offers.
Note that this option (generally speaking) requires the file to reside on the database server, in a directory which is a target of Oracle directory object. User which will be manipulating CSV data (i.e. the external table) will have to acquire privileges on that directory from the owner - SYS user.
SQL*Loader, on the other hand, runs on a local PC so you don't have to have access to the server itself but - as I said - doesn't provide that much flexibility.
it is hard to give you a code answer without the example.
If you want to do your task I can suggest two ways.
From Linux.
If you loaded data and skipped the errors, you must do two executions.
That is not an easy way and not effective.
From Oracle.
Create a table with VARCHAR2 columns with the same length as in the original.
Load data from bad_file. Convert your CTL adapted to everything. And try to load in
the second table.
Finally MERGE the columns to original.

Is there an Oracle API to implement readonly views over a structured sequence of bytes

Suppose I want to use an Oracle database, and I have some flat binary file containing structured data. Suppose I have a relational model that fits this data structure.
Does Oracle provide an API to implement some adapter to be able to relationally query this sequence of bytes as a set of views?
If so:
where should the data reside?
what version offers this feature?
If no:
is there any other RDBMS that offers such an API?
You can use an external table. Normally, external tables must use text columns, but you can use the PREPROCESSOR directive to specify a script that will transform the source file before loading it.
You could also use UTL_FILE to load the table from disk and do whatever you want to it in the database. This could include a pipelined table function that you access with the TABLE operator.

Why does the user need write permission on the location of external hive table?

In Hive, you can create two kinds of tables: Managed and External
In case of managed table, you own the data and hence when you drop the table the data is deleted.
In case of external table, you don't have ownership of the data and hence when you delete such a table, the underlying data is not deleted. Only metadata is deleted.
Now, recently i have observed that you can not create an external table over a location on which you don't have write (modification) permissions in HDFS. I completely fail to understand this.
Use case: It is quite common that the data you are churning is huge and read-only. So, to churn such data via Hive, will you have to copy this huge data to a location on which you have write permissions?
Please help.
Though it is true that dropping an external data does not result in dropping the data, this does not mean that external tables are for reading only. For instance, you should be able to do an INSERT OVERWRITE on an external table.
That being said, it is definitely possible to use (internal) tables when you only have read access, so I suspect this is the case for external tables as well. Try creating the table with an account that has write acces, and then using it with your regular account.

How to get the Oracle external table "dump file" without doing "CREAT TABLE"

I have a to develop a PL/SQL procedure that dumps the content of a table when an error occurs during an application transaction, the content of the dump must match the content of the table before the ROLLBACK of the transaction.
I thought about using external table as the dump format of the table (TYPE ORACLE_DATAPUMP). After going through the Oracle documentation, I found that the only way to that is by executing:
CREATE TABLE tabtest_test (
F2 CHAR(10))
LOCATION ('tabtest.dmp’));
The problem is that by executing the “CREATE TABLE”, Oracle performs an implicit commit within our failed transaction which needs to be rolled back after the dump of the table.
I thought about using the “PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;” to execute the “CREATE TABLE”, but it doesn’t really fit our need as it dumps the content of the table outside our application transaction.
My question: is there a way to get the 'tabtest.dmp’ without doing a “CREATE TABLE” ? for example by accessing directly the Oracle API responsible for this.
How about creating the external table once, as part of your application setup process?
Failing that, you could create it at the beginning of the transaction that might need it. If there is an error, populate it; if the transaction finishes successfully, drop it.
If (and it's a big IF) you can use AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTIONS to create the table in a separate transaction, I think this is what you need to do. If you manage to create the table within the scope of your current transaction, and write your data to that newly-created table, that data should, by all rights, disappear as soon as you do your ROLLBACK.
The problems you're experiencing here are a subset of the large class of issues known as "Problems Which Occur When Trying To Treat A Relational Database As A Flat File". Relational databases are great when used AS DATABASES, but are really bad at being flat files. It's kind of like animals on the farm - sheep are great AS SHEEP, but make lousy cows. Cows make lousy goats. Goats - great animals - intelligent, affectionate (yep), low-maintenance, won't hear a word spoken against 'em - but NOT what you want in a draft animal - use a horse, ox, or mule for that. Basically, you should pick horses for courses (pardon the expression). A database makes a crappy flat file, and vice versa. Use what's appropriate.
IMO you'd be better off writing your data to a flat file, and perhaps this file could be mapped in as an external table. You might want to write the file in something like CSV format that lots of other tools can process. YMMV.
Share and enjoy.
Why do you need to use external tables? You could just read the file using UTL_FILE.

load data into text file from oracle database views

I want to load data into text file that is generated after executing "views" in Oracle?How can I achieve this in oracle using UNIX.for example-
I want the same in Oracle on unix box.Please help me out as it alredy cosume lots of time.
your early response is highly appreciated!!
As Thomas asked, we need to know what you are doing with the "flat file". For example, if you're loading it into spreadsheet or doing some other processing that expects a defined format, then you need to use SQL*Plus and spool to a file. If you're looking to save a table (data + table definition) for moving it to another Oracle database then EXP/IMP is the tool to use.
We generally describe the data retrieval process as "selecting" from a table/view, not "executing" a table/view.
If you have access to directories on the database server, and authority to create "Directory" objects in Oracle, then you have lots of options.
For example, you can use the UTL_FILE package (part of the PL/SQL built-ins) to read or write files at the operating system level.
Or use the "external table" functionality to define objects that look like single tables to Oracle but are actually flat files at the OS level. Well documented in the Oracle docs.
Also, for one-time tasks, most of the tools for working SQL and PL/SQL provide facilities for moving data to and from the database. In the Windows environment, Toad's good at that. So is Oracle's free SQLDeveloper, which runs on many platforms. You wouldn't want to use those for a process that runs every day, but they're fine for single moves. I've generally found these easier to use than SQLPlus spooling, but that's a primitive version of the same functionality.
As stated by others, we need to know a bit more about what you're trying to do.
