Loading csv and writing bad records with individual errors - oracle

I am loading a csv file into my database using SQL Loader. My requirement is to create an error file combining the error records from .bad file and their individual errors from the log file. Meaning if a record has failed because the date is invalid, against that record in a separate column of error description , Invalid date should be written. Is there any way that SQL loader provides to combine the too. I am a newbie to SQL loader.
Database being used Oracle 19.c

You might be expecting a little bit too much of SQL*Loader.
How about switching to external table? In the background, it still uses SQL*Loader, but source data (which resides in a CSV file) is accessible to you by the means of a table.
What does it mean to you? You'd write some (PL/)SQL code to fetch data from it. Therefore, if you wrote a stored procedure, there are numerous options you can use - perform various validations, store valid data into one table and invalid data into another, decide what to do with invalid values (discard? Modify to something else? ...), handle exceptions - basically, everything PL/SQL offers.
Note that this option (generally speaking) requires the file to reside on the database server, in a directory which is a target of Oracle directory object. User which will be manipulating CSV data (i.e. the external table) will have to acquire privileges on that directory from the owner - SYS user.
SQL*Loader, on the other hand, runs on a local PC so you don't have to have access to the server itself but - as I said - doesn't provide that much flexibility.

it is hard to give you a code answer without the example.
If you want to do your task I can suggest two ways.
From Linux.
If you loaded data and skipped the errors, you must do two executions.
That is not an easy way and not effective.
From Oracle.
Create a table with VARCHAR2 columns with the same length as in the original.
Load data from bad_file. Convert your CTL adapted to everything. And try to load in
the second table.
Finally MERGE the columns to original.


Serializing query result

I have a financial system with all its business logic located in the database and i have to code an automated workflow for transactions batch processing, which consists of steps listed below:
A user or an external system inserts some data in a table
Before further processing a snapshot of this data in the form of CSV file with a digital signature has to be made. The CSV snapshot itself and its signature have to be saved in the same input table. Program updates successfully signed rows to make them available for further steps of code
...further steps of code
Obvious trouble is step#2: I don't know, how to assign results of a query as a BLOB, that represents a CSV file, to a variable. It seems like some basic stuff, but I couldn't find it. The CSV format was chosen by users, because it is human-readable. Signing itself can be made with a request to external system, so it's not an issue.
there is no application server, which could process the data, so i have to do it with plsql
there is no way to save a local file, everything must be done on the fly
I know that normally one would do all the work on the application layer or with some local files, but unfortunately this is not the case.
Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks in advance
I agree with #william-robertson. you just need to create a comma delimited values string (assuming header and data row) and write that to a CLOB. I recommend an "insert" trigger. There are lots of SQL tricks you can do to make that easier). On usage of that CSV string will need to be owned by the part of the application that reads it in and needs to do something with it.
I understand yo stated you need to create a CVS, but see if you could do XML instead. Then you could use DBMS_XMLGEN to generate the necessary snapshot into a database column directly from the query for it.
I do not accept the concept that a CVS is human-readable (actually try it sometime as straight text). What is valid is that Excel displays it in human-readable form. But is should also be able to display the XML as human-readable. Further, if needed the data in it can be directly back-ported into the original columns.
Just a alternate idea.

accomplishing 'sqlldr' through a stand alone procedure

I am new in interface and write now I am gone through some assignment.
I have one question that is :
i am well acquainted with the method of loading the data from .dat file(and .ctl) into staging table using putty(using sqlldr) but i have a requirement to accomplish the same task(i.e loading data from .dat flie into staging table) through some pl/sql procedure . so please suggest the logic.....
Normally, you would use external tables. The syntax is going to be very similar to a SQL*Loader control file but it is an object defined in the database that allows you to expose the file as if it were a relational table. You can then do your load simply by querying the external table.
This does require, though, that the data file is present on the database server's file system.

How to get the Oracle external table "dump file" without doing "CREAT TABLE"

I have a to develop a PL/SQL procedure that dumps the content of a table when an error occurs during an application transaction, the content of the dump must match the content of the table before the ROLLBACK of the transaction.
I thought about using external table as the dump format of the table (TYPE ORACLE_DATAPUMP). After going through the Oracle documentation, I found that the only way to that is by executing:
CREATE TABLE tabtest_test (
F2 CHAR(10))
LOCATION ('tabtest.dmp’));
The problem is that by executing the “CREATE TABLE”, Oracle performs an implicit commit within our failed transaction which needs to be rolled back after the dump of the table.
I thought about using the “PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;” to execute the “CREATE TABLE”, but it doesn’t really fit our need as it dumps the content of the table outside our application transaction.
My question: is there a way to get the 'tabtest.dmp’ without doing a “CREATE TABLE” ? for example by accessing directly the Oracle API responsible for this.
How about creating the external table once, as part of your application setup process?
Failing that, you could create it at the beginning of the transaction that might need it. If there is an error, populate it; if the transaction finishes successfully, drop it.
If (and it's a big IF) you can use AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTIONS to create the table in a separate transaction, I think this is what you need to do. If you manage to create the table within the scope of your current transaction, and write your data to that newly-created table, that data should, by all rights, disappear as soon as you do your ROLLBACK.
The problems you're experiencing here are a subset of the large class of issues known as "Problems Which Occur When Trying To Treat A Relational Database As A Flat File". Relational databases are great when used AS DATABASES, but are really bad at being flat files. It's kind of like animals on the farm - sheep are great AS SHEEP, but make lousy cows. Cows make lousy goats. Goats - great animals - intelligent, affectionate (yep), low-maintenance, won't hear a word spoken against 'em - but NOT what you want in a draft animal - use a horse, ox, or mule for that. Basically, you should pick horses for courses (pardon the expression). A database makes a crappy flat file, and vice versa. Use what's appropriate.
IMO you'd be better off writing your data to a flat file, and perhaps this file could be mapped in as an external table. You might want to write the file in something like CSV format that lots of other tools can process. YMMV.
Share and enjoy.
Why do you need to use external tables? You could just read the file using UTL_FILE.

dbsaint - Retrieve form EXCEL

How can I retrieve data (using sql) from Excel to a table in Oracle database. I am using dbsaint.
Instead of DBSAINT, which developer tool should I use for this purpose?
The easiest way to do this is to export the data from Excel into a CSV file. Then use an external table to insert the data into your database table.
Exporting the CSV file can be as simple as "Save as ...". But watch out if your data contains commas. In that case you will need to ensure that the fields are delimited safely and/or that the separator is some other character which doesn't appear in your data: a set of characters like |~| (pipe tilde pipe) would work. Find out more.
External tables were introduced in Oracle 9i. They are just like normal heap tables except their data is held in external OS files rather than inside the database. They are created using DDL statements and we can run SELECTs against them (they are read only). Find out more.
Some additional DB infrastructure is required - the CSV files need to reside in an OS directory which is defined as an Oracle dictionary object. However, if this is a task you're going to be doing on a regular basis then the effort is very worthwhile. Find out more.
I don't know much about DbSaint; it's some kind of database IDE like TOAD or SQL Developer but focused at the cheap'n'cheerful end of the market. It probably doesn't support this exact activity, especially exporting to CSV from Excel.

External Tables vs SQLLoader

So, I often have to load data into holding tables to run some data validation checks and then return the results.
Normally, I create the holding table, then a sqlldr control file and load the data into the table, then I run my queries.
Is there any reason I should be using external tables for thing instead?
In what way will they make my life easier?
The big advantage of external tables is that we can query them from inside the database using SQL. So we can just run the validation checks as SELECT statements without the need for a holding table. Similarly if we need to do some manipulation of the loaded data it is almost always easier to do this with SQL rather than SQLLDR commands. We can also manage data loads with DBMS_JOB/DBMS_SCHEDULER routines, which further cuts down the need for shell scripts and cron jobs.
However, if you already have a mature and stable process using SQLLDR then I concede it is unlikely you would realise tremendous benefits from porting to external tables.
There are also some cases - especially if you are loading millions of rows - where the SQLLDR approach may be considerably faster. Howver, the difference will not be as marked with more recent versions of the database. I fully expect that SQLLDR will eventually be deprecated in favour of external tables.
If you look at the External Table syntax, it looks suspiciously like SQL*Loader control file syntax :-)
If your external table is going to be repeatedly used in multiple queries it might be faster to load a table (as you're doing now) rather than rescan your external table for each query. As #APC notes, Oracle is making improvements in them, so depending on your DB version YMMV.
I would use external tables for their flexibility.
It's easier to modify the data source on them to be a different file alter table ... location ('my_file.txt1','myfile.txt2')
You can do multitable inserts, merges, run it through a pipelined function etc...
Parallel query is easier ...
It also establishes dependencies better ...
The code is stored in the database so it's automatically backed up ...
Another thing that you can do with external tables is read compressed files. If your files are gzip compressed for example, then you can use the PREPROCESSOR directive within your external table definition, to decompress the files as they are read.
