load data into text file from oracle database views - oracle

I want to load data into text file that is generated after executing "views" in Oracle?How can I achieve this in oracle using UNIX.for example-
I want the same in Oracle on unix box.Please help me out as it alredy cosume lots of time.
your early response is highly appreciated!!

As Thomas asked, we need to know what you are doing with the "flat file". For example, if you're loading it into spreadsheet or doing some other processing that expects a defined format, then you need to use SQL*Plus and spool to a file. If you're looking to save a table (data + table definition) for moving it to another Oracle database then EXP/IMP is the tool to use.
We generally describe the data retrieval process as "selecting" from a table/view, not "executing" a table/view.

If you have access to directories on the database server, and authority to create "Directory" objects in Oracle, then you have lots of options.
For example, you can use the UTL_FILE package (part of the PL/SQL built-ins) to read or write files at the operating system level.
Or use the "external table" functionality to define objects that look like single tables to Oracle but are actually flat files at the OS level. Well documented in the Oracle docs.
Also, for one-time tasks, most of the tools for working SQL and PL/SQL provide facilities for moving data to and from the database. In the Windows environment, Toad's good at that. So is Oracle's free SQLDeveloper, which runs on many platforms. You wouldn't want to use those for a process that runs every day, but they're fine for single moves. I've generally found these easier to use than SQLPlus spooling, but that's a primitive version of the same functionality.
As stated by others, we need to know a bit more about what you're trying to do.


Does Oracle Data Integrator completely do away with the need for PL/SQL?

As an organization we are moving towards the purchase of ODI as an ELT tool.
We have plenty of PLSQL resource but I have heard ODI is powerful enough at data manipulation to replace much of what was previously done in PLSQL.
What are its strengths? And weaknesses?
And can it completely do away with coding the data transformation in PLSQL?
No, it doesn't however you might be 99% correct here.
It's actually a tricky question as PL/SQL might be submitted by ODI too.
I would reserve it (PL/SQL) for defining functions/procedures (if you REALLY need to) to be later called by ODI.
This should NEVER be something immediately related to ETL like INSERT INTO … SELECT … FROM … - that's where ODI fits the bill perfectly.
The only justified cases, I came across during my ODI experience (9yrs) were:
- creating PL/SQL function to authenticate (and later authorize through OBIEE) an LDAP/AD user
- creating helper functions to be later called by ODI DQ(CKM) modules like is_number, is_date
- creating XML files directly by DB (even with never ODI XML driver you might still find it's best to use native DB XML API/functionality to produce XML) - for performance reasons. Other direct file operations (load/unload) could be done in this way.
- creating my own (optimized) hierarchy traversal query for performance reasons (beaten the standard Oracle SQL 'Recursive Subquery Factoring' feature to about 1000:1)
It's up to you if you want to make a reusable piece of logic by using PL/SQL and call it from ODI or code it from ODI directly (in the PL/SQL form)

GUI to oracle Change data capture

I'm learning how to implement change data capture in oracle. However, not being a DB specialist but rather a DEV, i find the process tedious with respect to other things that i have to do. I end up doing it because my DBA/DEVOP don't want to take care of it.
Hence i was wondering if there is any tool that can help set oracle change data capture. In other words a simple graphical user interface that would write the all code for me. Creation of change table, PL/SQL Script and etc....
Many thanks
topic duplicated in: dba.stackexchange
What problem are you trying to solve?
How (when) will the CDC data be consumed
Are you planning to use something akin to: Oracle 11.1 CDC doc
Be sure to heed: Oracle 11.2 CDC Warning
"Oracle Change Data Capture will be de-supported in a future release of Oracle Database and will be replaced with Oracle GoldenGate. Therefore, Oracle strongly recommends that you use Oracle GoldenGate for new applications."
The company I work for, Attunity, has a pretty slick GUI CDC tool called "Replicate".
It can directly apply changes to a selected target DB, or store changes to be applies.
Many sources (Oracle, SQLserver, DB2...) many targets (Oracle. SQLserver, Netezza, Vertica,...)
Define your source and target DB, Search/Select source table, and one click to go.
Optional transformations such as: table and column names, drop and add columns, calculate values.

Logical grouping schemas in ORACLE?

We are planning a new system for a client in ORACLE 11g. I've been mostly in the Sql Server world for several years, and am not really current on the latest ORACLE updates.
One particular feature I'm wondering if ORACLE has added in by this point is some sort of logical "container" for database objects, akin to Sql Server's SCHEMA.
Trying to use ORACLE's schemas like Sql Server winds up being a disaster for code comparisons when trying to push from dev > test > live.
Packages are sort of similar, except that you can't put tables into a package (so they really only work for logical code grouping).
The only other option I am aware of is the archaic practice of having to prefix object names with a "schema" prefix, i.e. RPT_REPORTS, RPT_PARAMETERS, RPT_LOGS, RPT_USERS, RPT_RUN_REPORT(), with the prefix RPT_ denoting that these are all the objects dealing with our reporting engine say. Writing a system like this feels like we never left the 8.3 file-naming age.
Is there by this point in time any cleaner, more direct way of logically grouping related objects together in ORACLE?
Oracle's logical container for database objects IS the schema. I don't know how much "cleaner" and "more direct" you can get! You are going to have to do a paradigm shift here. Don't try to think in SQL Server terms, and force a solution that looks like SQL Server on Oracle. Get familiar with what Oracle does and approach your problems from that perspective. There should be no problem pushing from dev to test to production in Oracle if you know what you're doing.
It seems you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about Oracle when you use terms like "archaic practice". I would suggest you make friends with Oracle's very rich and powerful feature set by doing some reading, since you're apparently already committed to Oracle for this project. In particular, pick up a copy of "Effective Oracle By Design" by Tom Kyte. Once you've read that, have a look at "Expert Oracle Database Architecture" by the same author for a more in-depth look at how Oracle works. You owe it to your customer to know how to use the tool you've been handed. Who knows? You might even start to like it. Think of it as another tool in your toolchest. You're not married to SQL Server and you're not being unfaithful by using Oracle ;-)
In response to questions by OP:
I'm not sure why that is a logistical problem. They can be thought of as separate databases, but physically they are not. And no, you do not need a separate data file for each schema. A single datafile is often used for all schemas.
If you want a "nice, self-contained database" ala SQL Server, just create one schema to store all your objects. End of problem. You can create other users/schemas, just don't give them the ability to create objects.
There are tools to compare objects and data, as in the PL/SQL Developer compare. Typically in Oracle you want to compare schemas, not entire databases. I'm not sure why it is you want to have multiple schemas each with their own objects anyway. What does is buy you to do that? Keep your objects (tables, triggers, code, views, etc.) in one schema.

dbsaint - Retrieve form EXCEL

How can I retrieve data (using sql) from Excel to a table in Oracle database. I am using dbsaint.
Instead of DBSAINT, which developer tool should I use for this purpose?
The easiest way to do this is to export the data from Excel into a CSV file. Then use an external table to insert the data into your database table.
Exporting the CSV file can be as simple as "Save as ...". But watch out if your data contains commas. In that case you will need to ensure that the fields are delimited safely and/or that the separator is some other character which doesn't appear in your data: a set of characters like |~| (pipe tilde pipe) would work. Find out more.
External tables were introduced in Oracle 9i. They are just like normal heap tables except their data is held in external OS files rather than inside the database. They are created using DDL statements and we can run SELECTs against them (they are read only). Find out more.
Some additional DB infrastructure is required - the CSV files need to reside in an OS directory which is defined as an Oracle dictionary object. However, if this is a task you're going to be doing on a regular basis then the effort is very worthwhile. Find out more.
I don't know much about DbSaint; it's some kind of database IDE like TOAD or SQL Developer but focused at the cheap'n'cheerful end of the market. It probably doesn't support this exact activity, especially exporting to CSV from Excel.

converting database formats (mysql, ms access, ms excel, IBM DB2)

We need to a good tool that we can run from a script to
automatically convert a (mysql, ms access or DB2) database
to a (mysql, ms access, ms excel or DB2) database,
while preserving the data types as much as possible (text, int, decimal, time...).
Do you know of such a tool?
I am looking for a solution, such as IBM Data Movement Tool. this tool converts from any database to IBM DB2, automatically. it maps the data types, creates the tables, and import the data automatically. and you can run it from the command line. the only problem is that the target database can only be a db2 database. I am looking for the same type of tool, from any database to any database. http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0906datamovement/
Best I can provide for you is SwissSQL products. I have used their trial stuff to help me convert schemas from MS SQL to Postgres, and they were quite useful.
In theory they can also convert full schemas, data, and even stored procedures. In practice you should read what their tools cover, because if you expect 100% conversion without any human intervention you will probably be disappointed.
Similar products may exist, (have you already googled for "convert DB2 to mySQL"?) but they will probably not cover exactly the mix you are interested in (for example, there may be tools specializing in converting from a range of DBs to mySQL, or from a range to MSAccess, but having a general purpose tool doing what you want for all the combination is probably too much to ask).
And I am pretty sure that in every case, you will have to verify the results and be ready to manually correct anything missing, truncated, or misinterpreted.
I don't think there's the single silver-bullet for this problem. The best thing to look for is specific tools to help you along. Some things can already be done without additional tools, e.g. exporting Excel to CSV and importing CSV with MySQL's tools. Likely you'll just need to find the best tool for each specific case (with perhaps a few combined) and selectively use each depending on your desired input/output formats.
