Magento: Error while Image upload, Response: Admin Login-Form - image

The image upload in the Magento backend doesn't work.
The progress bar goes up to 100% and then => error.
The content of the server response: Html from the admin-login-form.

If you are using HTTPS on backend and https domain is different from HTTP domain, you probably get some errors.
Neither if you are doing right, try to disable the flash uploader.
You can do it with No Flash Image Uploader plugin.
Maybe neither if there's no problem on HTTPS you problema could be resolved.
The plugin is available at Magento Connect.
The extension key for Magento Connect 2.0 is
It also works on Magento 1.7.


Shopify proxy is not working with manifest.json (shopify and laravel)

I'm a beginner in Shopify and trouble with Shopify proxy
Front Store:
App Store: (Laravel)
I want to add two files (custom js and manifest.json) in my front store.
Install and authentication is working fine
I'm adding manifest.json something like that
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'manifest';
link.href = '';
1. Without proxy
manifest.json file added properly but throw error something like that
Access to resource at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
2. With Proxy
Subpath prefix: apps
Subpath: cnv
Proxy URL:
Now my manifest.json file path is
Url is working fine if I'm logged in the admin panel
If I open that URL when I'm not logged in then it returns
This page isn’t working with HTTP ERROR 401
In my front store while load manifest file it is showing something like that (when logged in)
Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Unexpected token.
There is not any error in manifest.json
I'm using Laravel Shopify package
As of I know, I guess I'm doing something wrong with a proxy configuration.
Does anyone have a solution?
Any help will appreciate
I resolved to issue my self (ref. 2. With Proxy)
The issue with my store actually I'm using free trial and in free trial you can't disable password protection
If your password protection is enabled and you are trying to access proxy URL without logged in, in that case, Shopify won't allow accessing.
After purchase plan, it's working fine
The better recipe to follow might be this. One, you use your App to access the assets of the shop theme, and upload your manifest.json text file as an asset. That means it is accessible in Liquid, in the theme, and the shop can therefore render it and make it useful.
Second, use your App to install custom.js as a ScriptTag asset. That is the usual way to accomplish running your own JS.
The App Proxy is not really meant for use the way you are using it.

I installed a ssl after that the image slider not working

Hello after installing a ssl on my site the image slider has stopped working.
The site isnt woedpress its just a php site thats quite old.
I installed the ssl through namecheaps cpannel & turned the redirect http to https on. - my site - how it shold look
I've gone through changing any links i find to http: to https:
Viewing the source i thort it was somthing to do with this line "" but can work out where the link is to change http to https.
Hopefully someone knows.
Nevermind i scanned through the index.php and found the link to the file and changed it to https. And it works now, thanks anyway.
I have also came across similar issue on my website's home page.
When I accessed my website from http to https(means after addition SSL) my image slider stopped working.
I tried below workaround:-
replaced all http links on my home page with https.
I assume in this case all http link should have respective https links available.
After that my image slider started working same like earlier it's working with http.

Https error with prestashop homepage

I have a problem. I activated https on my ecommerce website prestashop and made all the settings and the security lock appears on all pages of the site except the home page. voci the link of the site:
The two CMS content on the right side of the page "Découvrez nos horloges" isn't using https for the two images :
If you look at your browser debug console, you will see a message like :
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS."

Is wordpress supposed to automatically load images over https?

When I try to access my website over https, I get a mixed content error. Looking at the console, The offending resources are all images that are uploaded using the wordpress media uploader.
But isn't wordpress smart enough to know that it should serve those images over ssl if the https version of the website is requested? If not, is there an easy solution to resolve this issue (besides from editing every post to replace say with //
Wordpress has a plugin that does this trick. Wordpress HTTPS(SSL)
It replaced all images loaded through "HTTP" with "HTTPS".

How to display images on Magento secure checkout

I have a website running Magento and just installed SSL Certificate and images get 404 error not found now. All settings in administration under web are set correctly for SSL. The images come from https:// but don't display.
Any ideas?
