Https error with prestashop homepage - https

I have a problem. I activated https on my ecommerce website prestashop and made all the settings and the security lock appears on all pages of the site except the home page. voci the link of the site:

The two CMS content on the right side of the page "Découvrez nos horloges" isn't using https for the two images :
If you look at your browser debug console, you will see a message like :
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS."


Magento 2 not fully secured error and admin not working

I recently installed a godaddy ssl certificate on my magento site. My home page loads fine with no mixed content. However, all the links in the navigation menu are being generated as http:// and the cart page has mixed content warnings. My config is:
Auto redirect to base url: no
use web server rewrites: no
use secure urls in frontend: yes
use secure urls in admin: yes
offloader header: SSL_OFFLOADED.
Please tell me that how can I call my all http catalog product to https.
How do I get rid of all the mixed content? Which files do I need to change?
In Magento Admin, navigate to
Stores > Configuration > Advanced > System.
Expand the Full Page Cache section, then Fastly Configuration, then Advanced Configuration.
Click the Force TLS button, and make sure the current state of Force TLS is displayed as enabled.

Laravel ssl lock is not showing

I have added ssl to my website
lock is only appearing on homepage. On other pages, lock does not appear. I tried to clear cache but issue is still here.
Is it a Laravel issue or ssl problem ?
If mixed content is the problem then why homepage has a lock. ?
Chrome says your site uses sources (such as images) from non-secured origins. You should use in your views the asset_secure helper instead of asset. If you already do, check if you use in other sources from non-secured origins. Otherwise it has to do with your SSL.
You have mixed content on some of your pages. If you look at your browser console you'll see a message like the following:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
You need to serve all of your content over HTTPS.

Magento 1: Ajax URL returns 404 in a custom module when moved site to another server

I'M bit new to Magento development.
I just moved website to another server and the ajax call start return 404.
Could you please help me how to debug or resolve this issue ?
Orignal site (working fine)
Click on any product here in shop now section
Website URL:
Ajax URL is :
Moved Site (Error exist here)
I moved site to :
Ajax URL is:
When i click on any product shop now section here it returns 404 see screenshot here:
You have to remove index.php from secure frontend url otherwise you have to use index.php in your url to access specific route
For eg.

Magento site redirects to home page when ssl is enabled

I am using magento and i have enabled SSL. SSL is purcahsed from Godady and is installed and configured at the server.
I have also set the Base URL in secure section to https://..... . Now when i enable it for front end, and then when i try to go to customer login page (which is served by https), i am always redirected to home page.
I have applied a few fixes, but no one worked.
The fix described on the below link starts a redirect loop and the site never loads.
Magento HTTPS on all website: urls redirect to homepage
Also i have read the following:
And no fix is working for me.
Now i am offering a 50 points bounty for the correct answer.
Can someone give me some idea how to fix this issue?
Thank you
I saw this problem while on a login form submitted via ajax, the login form was loaded as part of a http page as opposed to https, which is not good, and then the login form data submitted by ajax to a https controller url. on success some javascript would try to load a https landing page into the main window.
The problem was magento would redirect the landing page which is what you're experiencing.
To solve hte issues, we loaded the login form by https and dynamically put it into the dom. We used the form action to a https link, and a form submit rather than an ajax post. Then the magento controller would use a redirect in the response to the landing page or an error page.
Go to Your system->confi->web->Session Validation Settings
this two fields are enable so only disable it ! :)

Magento From local server to live web server, links not working

Now, the homepage is working fine but every link on it directs you to a 404 not found error. Can't even access "/admin".
Just add "index.php" next to the domain. For ex: If your website name is then try to access this as
This is due to the url rewrite in magento.
Permanent solution: Go to the admin and follow this:
System-> Configuration -> Web ->Search engine Optimization -> Url Web Server Rewrites. Make this to YES and SAVE the changes.
Now clear the cache and navigate to all the page in your website.
