I installed a ssl after that the image slider not working - image

Hello after installing a ssl on my site the image slider has stopped working.
The site isnt woedpress its just a php site thats quite old.
I installed the ssl through namecheaps cpannel & turned the redirect http to https on.
https://www.compare-travel-deals.com/ - my site
http://www.travelsite2.epizy.com/ - how it shold look
I've gone through changing any links i find to http: to https:
Viewing the source i thort it was somthing to do with this line "" but can work out where the link is to change http to https.
Hopefully someone knows.

Nevermind i scanned through the index.php and found the link to the http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js file and changed it to https. And it works now, thanks anyway.

I have also came across similar issue on my website's home page.
When I accessed my website from http to https(means after addition SSL) my image slider stopped working.
I tried below workaround:-
replaced all http links on my home page with https.
I assume in this case all http link should have respective https links available.
After that my image slider started working same like earlier it's working with http.


Openlitespeed 301 Moved Permanently problem

I have a new Openlitespeed server on Ubuntu, I have 2 domains pointing to the same IP,
I tried to make a multidomain server so that www.domain1.com would point to one website and www.domain2.com to another.
I followed this tutorial.
Now when I go to domain1.com:80 it returns "CERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" and if I look at the network tab it shows:
and redirects me to http://domain1.com:8080/
If I go to domain2.com:80 it's the same but it redirects me to 8088.
Before that, I was hosting two testing pages on 8080 and 8088, but I changed all the settings and can't find what is causing the redirections... (both websites are wordpress)
I managed to resolve this, something inside WordPress was redirecting.
I re-downloaded new WordPress and now it works.

Website error for HTTPS; But website works fine through HTTP

I just installed a SSL certificate on the website and confirmed that it was set-up correctly. But for some reason when visiting the website through HTTPS it gives the error "Not Authorized to View This Page [CFN #0004]". But HTTP works fine.
It's a WordPress website and the htaccess file has not been modified.
What could be the problem?
www.benchmarkadvertising.ca https://benchmarkadvertising.ca/
I've Googled and Googled but cannot find a solution. Called my hosting company, but they're not specialized enough to understand the issue.
First off check this may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and use one of the default (Twenty*) themes. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”: https://wordpress.org/plugins/health-check/ On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

Joomla! 3.8.13 - article manager add images doesnt work (wrong url)

we have a Joomla! 3.8.13 on https
When I go to the article manager (default- tinymce) and try to add an image, then i see a whitescreen in the modal window. The reason is that it sends the request to http instead of https (admin uses https), so mixed content error
this is the url it sends the request to:
would be grateful for a hint :) thanks
Just for a hint. Since these links in article editor are created within Joomla with adding a JPATH_BASE at the beginning of the url thus most probably in Admin global configuration->server settings you should set force SSL to Entire site value. Then the link should automatically be https for the modal window in the editor. I hope it will solve your issue.
I solved this issue, the problem turned out to be non-standard .htaccess file
When clicking the image button, tinymce open an iframe thus making a request to https://url/administrator/index.php?..
and the server redirected http://url/administrator/?.. (with http and without index.php)
it then redirected back to https (as the force ssl was set in admin), but the browser already threw a mixed-content error
so changing the .htaccess to a standard joomla file fixed the issue

Angular UI-Router (1.x) Change Host Url

I have a requirement from a client to change the web site Url to a subdomain when they enter the checkout section of the site we are developing for them. For example from www.mysite.com to checkout.mysite.com. We are using UI-Router in HTML5 mode and would like to have the router change the Url to the subdomain instead of going to www.mysite.com/checkout. Does anyone know a way that this can be accomplished? I've also tried using pushState but without success. All of the subdomain suggestions I've tried have not worked. Honestly even if I just put a "fake" url that would work fine too. Changing the Url is more of a visual thing instead of actually redirecting to a subdomain.
After much review I found that this cannot be done because it is a security issue; even switching to a subdomain (which is what I was trying to do) is not allowed.

Is wordpress supposed to automatically load images over https?

When I try to access my website over https, I get a mixed content error. Looking at the console, The offending resources are all images that are uploaded using the wordpress media uploader.
But isn't wordpress smart enough to know that it should serve those images over ssl if the https version of the website is requested? If not, is there an easy solution to resolve this issue (besides from editing every post to replace say http://example.com/image.jpg with //example.com/image.jpg)
Wordpress has a plugin that does this trick. Wordpress HTTPS(SSL)
It replaced all images loaded through "HTTP" with "HTTPS".
