This is what I have:
. . .
Loop Controller
+- HTTP Request getting data from one source
+- BSF PostProcessor copying the data from the request into variables
+- SOAP/XML-RPC Request getting data from another source
+- XPath Extractors (several) copying the data from the request into variables
+- If Controller
+- BSF PostProcessor
. . .
I can see all the variables being set properly using the Debug Sampler through the View Results Tree.
I've tried several things. Everything I've searched for suggested the If Controller is what I should be using. And Yes, the If Controller is enabled.
What I really need to do is this compare: "${opp_Name1}" == "${opp_Name1}"; <-- I've done the compare both with and without the semi-colon, no difference.
When I look in the View Results Tree, it doesn't appear that the If Controller is firing. Below the If Controller, I have a BSF PostProcessor to set another variable if the condition is true; this new variable does not show up in Debug Sampler after the run, all my other variables do show up in Debug Sampler as expected. In the If Controller, I have also tried running with "Interpret Condition as Variable Expression?" checked and unchecked without any difference.
Any suggestions or ideas?
Hm. Works fine as for me in accordance with the following schema:
. . .
Loop Controller
+- BeanShell Sampler : vars.put("var1","test");
+- BeanShell Sampler : vars.put("var2","test");
+- If Controller : "${var1}"=="${var2}"
+- BeanShell Sampler
. . .
(condition resolved as "true", child Sampler executed).
Several notes to this:
Look into jmeter.log (%JMETER_HOME%/bin dir) for possible messages from IF Controller (If there is an error interpreting the code, the condition is assumed to be false, and a message is logged in jmeter.log).
Uncheck checkbox "Interpret Condition as Variable Expression?" on IF Controller's control panel - if checked.
Look into answers to this: JMeter "if controller" with parameters?. This may be helpful.
I'm trying to iterate through a User Defined Array using a ForEach Controller. I'm looping through the array and for each node, creating a new variable with the iteration count appended to the name. However, the ForEach Controller doesn't ever fire.
I can see that the values are created by logging them, but the ForEach Controller doesn't ever make it's HttpRequests. Please note that this is a prototype, our actual use case will have 1000-5000 nodes in the array and will do more then just an HttpRequest. Thanks for your help.
The variables must exist prior a thread (virtual user) reaches the ForEach Controller
PreProcessors are executed before Samplers and are not executed without Samplers, so your PreProcessor gets executed only before "HTTP Request Not In ForEach"
So the options are in:
Replace ForEach Controller with the HTTP Request Not In ForEach so the latter one would appear earlier in the Test Plan
Convert JSR223 PostProcessor to JSR223 Sampler, Samplers are executed consecutively and upside down. If you don't want it to generate a result add SampleResult.setIgnore() line somewhere in your script. See The Groovy Templates Cheat Sheet for JMeter for more Groovy-related tips and tricks
PreProcessor is executed before samplers in its scope, so that's why you don't enter the ForEach Controller.
You can change it to JSR223 Sampler, or add Sampler before the For ForEach Controller
The accepted answer in this thread is from 2014 and does not seem to work any more. I can't figure out why: JMeter. How to determine when thread group is finished
I have 2 threadgroups (ignore the setUp group)
Based on the accepted answer in the thread above I added
A BeanShell Preprocessor vars.put("DONE", "FALSE");
A BeanShell Postprocessor
int activeThreadCount = org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContextService.getNumberOfThreads();
if (activeThreadCount <= 1)
vars.put("DONE", "TRUE");
A If Controller ${__BeanShell(vars.get("DONE") != null && vars.get("DONE")=="TRUE")};
... with a Flow Control Action terminating all threads via Stop now if triggered.
via print statements in the postprocessor I was able to verify that the variable "DONE" is correctly set and the condition vars.get("DONE") != null && vars.get("DONE")=="TRUE" is evaluated correctly (when used in the postprocessor).
However when I use the condition inside of the If Controller it does not seem to be evaluated correctly no code inside of child elements of the If Controller is executed. The "Thred Group: ETL" just keeps on going even if the condition should evaluate to true.
My assumption would be that this has to do with the "Interpret Condition as Vairable Expression"-checkbox or the interpreter behind the If Controller. But unfortunately I don't know enough about JMeter to figure this out.
No Semicolon at the end of an If Controller expression is allowed. After removing the semicolon the controller works as intended
First of all get familiarized with JMeter Scoping Rules as your Beanshell Pre and Post processors are executed before/after each Sampler and it doesn't seem to me that this is something you really want to achieve
Second, since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting
If Controller accepts something which resolves to true or false, in your case it's true; so If Controller's children will never be executed
It is possible to stop all the threads directly from the PostProcessor itself as simple as prev.setStopTest(true)
I'm new to JMeter, I want to validate a JMeter test input variables defined as part of "User Defined Parameters". Let's say I have a variable "sessions" and my tester should pass input values in between 0 to 30 for sessions, if tester passes other than this range the test should not go further and should throw an error with appropriate message.
Is it possible with any kind of JMeter controllers/assertions/... without writing code for validation?
I am not sure is there any efficient/direct way of doing this. but I achieved your requirement as follows:
Add Setup Thread Group (before any other ThreadGroup). select radio button Stop Test Now in Action to be taken after a Sample error
Add Debug Sampler to the Setup Thread Group.
Add Response Assertion (RA) to the Debug Sampler.
In RA, Select JMeter Variable in Apply to section.
In RA, select Matches in Pattern Matching Rules section.
In RA, add the regex ^[0-9]$|^0[1-9]$|^1[0-9]$|^2[0-9]$|^30$ in Pattern to test text area.
Test will be stopped if you provide sessions value other than 0-30 in User Defined Variables, as Setup Thread Group is configured to Stop Test Now on Sample error.
Note1: Added View Results Tree Listener for confirmation whether the test is continued and also to check the error message. View Results Tree is added only for visual confirmation, must be removed during the load test, does not effect the actual logic.
Note2: I am not aware of any component, which can show custom message/alert to the user. so, used View Results Tree. We should remove this command during load testing. I added here for visual confirmation purpose. If not present also, Test will be stopped on wrong value for sessions, i.e., other than 0-30
Note3: We need a Sampler component in order to apply an Assertion. so, added Debug Sampler. Debug Sampler just reports all the JMeter variable values at the point of its execution.
Image references:
Setup Thread Group:
Response Assertion:
View Results Tree:
You cannot achieve such validation in GUI without amending JMeter source code but you can check the variable range using scripting.
For example, add a JSR223 Sampler as a child of the first request and put the following code into "Script" area:
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Range;
int sessions = Integer.parseInt(vars.get("sessions"));
String errorMessage = "Provided sessions number is not between 1 and 30, stopping test";
if (!Range.between(1, 30).contains(sessions)) {;
Make sure you are using Groovy as a language (the option should be default as per JMeter 3.1, if you are using earlier JMeter version for some reason - you will have to choose groovy from the "Language" dropdown)
I am using JMeter for testing:
How force BeanShell Assertion to make verified result is shown in View Result Tree?
I tried Log but it is not shown in View Result Tree:
log shorthand will append message to jmeter.log file only, it won't be visible in any listener. To be able to see it in View Results Tree you need to amend response code, message, headers or data.
For example if you change your script to:
SampleResult.setResponseMessage("result -> " + vars.get("matchingIdCount_1"));
You'll be able to see the value in "Response Message" section:
SampleResult is a pre-defined variable which provides access to parent/associated SampleResult class instance methods and fields.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more Beanshell and JMeter related tips and tricks.
In a Simple Controller I put a JDBC PreProcessor and an If Controller for the purpose of the If Controller should use the PreProcessor's result. Because of the precedence of the elements, the controller interprets before the PreProcessor and can not evaluate the excepted value.
How can I force that the PreProcessor goes before the Controller?
In other words how can I run or skip a sample depending of dynamic precondition?
I found out the reason and the solution. The PreProcessors belong to Samplers. But (this was not described) they are evaluating only DIRECTLY BEFORE the Sampler. After the evaluation other Samplers and Controllers can use the results of the PreProcessors.
In my case I used first the PreProcessor, next the Conroller with a child Sampler. In this situation the PreProcessor was not evaluated at the proper time, because there was no Sampler before the Controller:
1. PreProcessor
2. Controller (can't use the PreProcessor's result)
2.1. Sampler
If any Sampler precedes the Controller, the PreProcessor will be evaluated before the Controller. One Sampler (e.g. Test Action, Debug Sampler, or any "Do-nothing" Sampler) must be between the PreProcessor and the Controller. In this case the running order is what expected:
1. PreProcessor
2. Sampler (can use the PreProcessor's result)
3. Controller (can use the PreProcessor's result)