JMeter ForController not seeing Variables - jmeter

I'm trying to iterate through a User Defined Array using a ForEach Controller. I'm looping through the array and for each node, creating a new variable with the iteration count appended to the name. However, the ForEach Controller doesn't ever fire.
I can see that the values are created by logging them, but the ForEach Controller doesn't ever make it's HttpRequests. Please note that this is a prototype, our actual use case will have 1000-5000 nodes in the array and will do more then just an HttpRequest. Thanks for your help.

The variables must exist prior a thread (virtual user) reaches the ForEach Controller
PreProcessors are executed before Samplers and are not executed without Samplers, so your PreProcessor gets executed only before "HTTP Request Not In ForEach"
So the options are in:
Replace ForEach Controller with the HTTP Request Not In ForEach so the latter one would appear earlier in the Test Plan
Convert JSR223 PostProcessor to JSR223 Sampler, Samplers are executed consecutively and upside down. If you don't want it to generate a result add SampleResult.setIgnore() line somewhere in your script. See The Groovy Templates Cheat Sheet for JMeter for more Groovy-related tips and tricks

PreProcessor is executed before samplers in its scope, so that's why you don't enter the ForEach Controller.
You can change it to JSR223 Sampler, or add Sampler before the For ForEach Controller


Code in JMeter JSR223 Sampler comments is executed

Please tell me why the code in comments (both /*something*/ and //something) is executed using JSR223 Sampler & BeanShell sampler?
For example, I have:
and in the next JSR223 Sampler I have:
and the result is:
and the question is: why this code: "/${__setProperty(checkProperty, 50)};/" is executed regardless of that it is in comment and it is in wrong condition?
JMeter Functions are being executed in the place where they're found, no matter where it is, in Sampler label, comments section, sampler body, etc.
Actually inlining JMeter Functions and/or Variables into JSR223 scripts is not the best idea as
it might conflict with Groovy's string interpolation syntax
the function or variable might resolve into something causing script compilation failure or logic error
and last but not the least Groovy will cache the first occurrence and use it for subsequent iterations
So if you need to set a property - use props.put() function like
props.put('foo', 'bar')
And finally I'm not sure that using props.clear() is a good idea because there are some pre-defined JMeter properties (you can check yourself using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination) and it might result into unexpected behaviour if a test element will be relying on that property existence and/or value

Using BeanShell in JMeter if controller to stop thread

The accepted answer in this thread is from 2014 and does not seem to work any more. I can't figure out why: JMeter. How to determine when thread group is finished
I have 2 threadgroups (ignore the setUp group)
Based on the accepted answer in the thread above I added
A BeanShell Preprocessor vars.put("DONE", "FALSE");
A BeanShell Postprocessor
int activeThreadCount = org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContextService.getNumberOfThreads();
if (activeThreadCount <= 1)
vars.put("DONE", "TRUE");
A If Controller ${__BeanShell(vars.get("DONE") != null && vars.get("DONE")=="TRUE")};
... with a Flow Control Action terminating all threads via Stop now if triggered.
via print statements in the postprocessor I was able to verify that the variable "DONE" is correctly set and the condition vars.get("DONE") != null && vars.get("DONE")=="TRUE" is evaluated correctly (when used in the postprocessor).
However when I use the condition inside of the If Controller it does not seem to be evaluated correctly no code inside of child elements of the If Controller is executed. The "Thred Group: ETL" just keeps on going even if the condition should evaluate to true.
My assumption would be that this has to do with the "Interpret Condition as Vairable Expression"-checkbox or the interpreter behind the If Controller. But unfortunately I don't know enough about JMeter to figure this out.
No Semicolon at the end of an If Controller expression is allowed. After removing the semicolon the controller works as intended
First of all get familiarized with JMeter Scoping Rules as your Beanshell Pre and Post processors are executed before/after each Sampler and it doesn't seem to me that this is something you really want to achieve
Second, since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting
If Controller accepts something which resolves to true or false, in your case it's true; so If Controller's children will never be executed
It is possible to stop all the threads directly from the PostProcessor itself as simple as prev.setStopTest(true)

Looping in Jmeter

Looping test occurrence based on the data count retrieved from the JDBC request and also as input data for the HTTP request
I have test scenario where i need to use the DB output as the input criteria for the HTTP request. Based on the DB output count( from the first request) i need to loop the HTTP request and it data accordingly
I tried the logical Loop Count by passing the count variable from run time as ${TEST_ID_#}, still its not working.
I tried the logical Loop Count by passing the count variable from run time as ${TEST_ID_#}, still its not working.
Debug Sampler Output
You can extract the counter using Post Processor [either Regular Expression Extractor or JSON Extractor etc.]
Once you have extracted that count, now place a Loop controller as a parent of HTTP request.
For example. I am using User Defined Variable for loop Count:
Any reason for using ${TEST_ID_#} variable? If your Debug Sampler screenshot is full and correct you should be using ${KEY_ID_#} instead.
Also it might be a better idea to use ForEach Controller instead of the Loop Controller, the relevant configuration would be something like:
How to Use ForEach Controller in JMeter
Using Regular Expressions in JMeter

How to add beanshell code in any config element to update user property?

1.we can add beanshell pre / post processor, but I want for all request.
2. Also, beanshell / BSF sampler can be used, but while exection, it will be displayed in report.
So what I want is to have a place where i can write code and can use as "config element".
Is there any way for that ?
There's no scriptable "config element", so you have a few options:
Create a new scriptable config element as a JMeter plug-in
Use a script inside one of the fields inside another config element. For example:
Here I defined a User Defined Variables configuration element, and specified a script as a value of a variable.
Use BeanShell/BSF PreProcessor on Thread Group level:
It will run at the beginning of every iteration for every thread. Or similarly BeanShell/BSF PostProcessor on Thread Group level will run after each iteration on each thread.

Jmeter If controller condition statement

I am trying to built a test plan in jmeter where i want to run test for specific HTTP request based on their names. I used if controller but I dont know what condition to write.
I am writing ${__samplerName()}=="HTTPRequestName" in the condition but it isn't executing.
kindly help me as soon as possible.
You need to surround ${__samplerName()} with quotation marks as follows:
See How to use JMeter's 'IF' Controller and get Pie. guide for more details on If Controller use cases and clauses.
In case if you need to run samplers basing on some condition, you can use JMeter Properties as follows:
Launch JMeter providing sampler name property like jmeter -Jrunsomesampler=true
Add If Controller with the following condition: ${__P(runsomesampler,)} == true
Add desired HTTP Requests as a children of the IF Controller
