How force BeanShell Assertion to make verified result is shown in View Result Tree of JMeter? - jmeter

I am using JMeter for testing:
How force BeanShell Assertion to make verified result is shown in View Result Tree?
I tried Log but it is not shown in View Result Tree:

log shorthand will append message to jmeter.log file only, it won't be visible in any listener. To be able to see it in View Results Tree you need to amend response code, message, headers or data.
For example if you change your script to:
SampleResult.setResponseMessage("result -> " + vars.get("matchingIdCount_1"));
You'll be able to see the value in "Response Message" section:
SampleResult is a pre-defined variable which provides access to parent/associated SampleResult class instance methods and fields.
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for more Beanshell and JMeter related tips and tricks.


I want to fail Beanshell sampler when my script is not conditions not satisfied

I am using Beanshell sampler with java code to compare the two files line by line. I want to fail the Beanshell sampler if comparison failed at any line. I see always my beanshell sampler is sucess in view results treee even the comparison failed or passed. So any one please give me a idea how to fail the sampler.
Note: I used Beanshell Assertion as well but its not worked.
View Results Tree Image
Beanshell Sampler with Beanshell Assertion
boolean differenceInFile = false;
line #2 and line #3 is what you need in your bean shell sampler to pass / fail depending on your file comparasion
Sample JMX File
It will show you as an xml, try to download it
There is SampleResult pre-defined variable which you can use for setting the sampler passed or failed, define response code, response message, response body, etc.
So something like:
if (there_are_differences) {
SampleResult.setResponseMessage("Files are different")
In the assertion you have AssertionResult for the same.
Also be aware that you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting since JMeter 3.1 so it might be a good option for migration.
More information on JMeter API shorthands available for the JSR223 Test Elements - Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy

How to view the bean shell pre or post processor result

I am trying to use beanshell post processor so I have started with simple http request where I am hitting the google home page. "${url}"=="". After http request page I am adding the BeanShellPostProcessor where in Script area I am using ctx variable and some other code which is like :
int threadNum = ctx.getThreadNum();
String code = prev.getResponseCode();
String message = prev.getResponseMessage();;"This line has been written by Beanshell Post Processor");
so I have two concerns -
i.The way I am using beanshell is this right ?
ii.Where is the console for beanshell processor in jmeter?
like sample request result can be viewed in listener. I tried with BeanShellListner, but it doesn't show any data.
Also I have kept the "log viewer" on.
You are using it almost right, the only error is that you cannot write an integer to the log file, you need to cast it to String first like:;
You won't be able to see the result of pre and post processors anywhere apart from jmeter.log file. In case of PostProcessor you can modify parent sampler response data via prev.setResponseData() method where prev is a shorthand to SampleResult class instance
I would also recommend considering switching to JSR223 Elements and Groovy language as this way you will get better performance, out of box support of XML, JSON, etc., and other Groovy's "syntax sugar". See Groovy Is the New Black article for more detailed explanation.

Parameterize tag value inside XML contained in the parameter at runtime in JMeter

I saved the whole XML in a DB table and am fetching the XML in JDBC sampler and using it in HTTP sampler. I want to parameterize a value inside a particular tag value inside this fetched xml at runtime. Could someone tell me how to do that. Thanks in advance
In http sampler ==> post body
xmldoc = ${xmlfromdb}
Here am able to fetch the whole XML and I can submit it successfully. How to parameterize a tag value inside this fetched xml at runtime.
You can do it via scripting like:
Add Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of the HTTP Request sampler
Put the following code into the PreProcessor's "Script" area
String body = sampler.getArguments().getArgument(0).getValue();
body = body.replace("Original Tag Value", "New Tag Value");
sampler.addNonEncodedArgument("", body, "");
sampler is a pre-defined variable available for Beanshell (and some other Test Elements) which stands for parent Sampler instance and in case of HTTP Request it's HTTPSamplerProxy. See JavaDoc for more information on available methods and fields and How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for more information on using JMeter and Java API from Beanshell test elements inside JMeter script.

Fetch Javascript variable in source section using Jmeter

I have a series of interconnected pages to test using JMeter. The problem is that the initial page has a Javascript variable in source section which is more of a session variable. This variable is passed in the URL for subsequent pages.
So basically I would like to fetch this javascript variable when I load the initial page from the source section and pass it to next URL(s).
Is there a way I can achieve this using JMeter.
Are you able to see the session variable in the response of initial page?
(in view result tree listener)
If yes, then correlate this value and pass the variable in to next request (use regular expression extractor for fetching the value, still if you are finding some issue in correlating the value than please share the response of first request over here so that I can provide you regx for that)
People mostly Regular Expression Extractor to fetch dynamic values from previous responses, in general the process looks like:
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request which returns desired data
Use Perl5-style regular expression to match what you're looking for
Provide a template to choose match group - ususally $1$ if you looking for a single value
Provide a reference name to refer the extracted value, i.e. foo
Use extracted value as ${foo} where required
You can visualise JMeter Variables using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
The easiest way to debug your regular expressions is using View Results Tree listener in "RegExp Tester mode"
See How to debug your Apache JMeter script article for more information on troubleshooting your JMeter test.

Jmeter trim whitespaces from a SOAP Request

I have a scenario where I have sample request in SOAP UI and I want to run those webservice in JMeter.
The issue I have encountered is as follows:
In SOAP UI, we have property "Strip Whitespaces". When set to true, I get the expected output.
However in JMeter, there is no such property hence my request via JMeter are not successful.
Is there anyway to strip whitespaces from whole request not just from variables in JMeter.
Can BeanShell Preprocessor help me?
The sample request which doesnot work in JMETER is something like this:
The sample request which works and give expected output in JMeter is:
Add a Beanshell Pre Processor as a child of the request which data you want to change
Place the following code into "Script" section
String data = sampler.getXmlData();
data = data.replaceAll(" ","");
data = data.replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"),"");
Add View Results Tree Listener and inspect what's being sent.
See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for more details on how the power of scripting can be used to enhance your JMeter tests.
