Can mathjax integrate with ckeditor? - ckeditor

I want to integrate mathjax with the ckeditor, is this possible? if yes, please help me out. I searched in internet but i didn't found anything helpful.
please do the needful, thanks in advance.

This question is a bit dated but ran across a great coeditor sample integrating mathjax and coeditor: Sample includes plugin implementation. Simple and basic but a great starting point.

It integrates quite well with CKEditor 4.3 see here
Install the Mathematical Formulas CKEditor plugin and be sure to set your path to the MathJax library. config.mathJaxLib = '//'; as per their instructions.
The plugin is here
Also note that you need the Widget, Line Utilities, Dialog, Clipboard plugins in your editor for the MathJax to work.

after researching in the internet and with some examples and experiments, finally found that mathjax cannot be integrated inside the ck editor.


How to use CKEditor plugin in Outsystems?

I need to use CKEditor in one of my applications. I have used CKEditor plugin in outsystems. but not working.. can anyone tell how to install the ckeditor on the outsystems web.
For OutSystems-related questions I'd advise you to go over to the OutSystems forums. You'll get an answer a lot quicker there! (Also, you need to provide more information, "not working" is really too little to go by in order to get help!)
You you install the ckeditor you have a espace template to explain how it works

Good tool to create documentation for jQuery plugin?

I wrote a Javascript (jQuery) plugin. Now I want to write a documentation site for it. Is there a good tool to create such a site out of some offline file formats or works like a CMS?
I know this answer has been asked before, but the last answers are from 2011. Is there anything new that does an awesome job in writing documentation?
There are a few new tools for generating websites or blogs from code/directory.
Bootstrap v3 just switched to jekyll for documentation. jekyll knows how to process Markdown or Liquid (markdown flavours)
Grunt.js is also used for all sorts of automated task. One of these being documentation generation. Search their plugin list for doc is another tool for generating documentation pages
I'll extend if I bump into others. I am not sure if this is exactly what you need, but they are general purpose so I am sure a jQuery plugin can fit in.

Code Highlighting for Joomla

I need syntax highlighting of source code from various languages (PHP, C#, VB, etc) within articles I have in Joomla. I have tried enabling the Geshi plugin, updating the language files and putting the code into my Joomla article - however I can't seem to get it to work.
I have also tried CodeCitation from JED but again, the problem seems to be the same - I don't know how to tell Joomla to process it as code. I placed {codecitation} and {/codecitation} around my code (as well as including the brush value) but it doesn't work. I am unsure if these tags should be placed on the source or the wysiwug
Could someone please assist with an alternative method or work out what I am doing wrong?
With CodeCitation: if you already wrote the article using the tags (i.e. {codecitation} code {/codecitation}), it should work. Did you check if you enable the mambot?
As of Joomla 3.4 Geshi has been removed - but you can still get Geshi+ (geshi repackaged with all the additional languages) - & see the tips here on how to configure geshi.
An example of Geshi+ working is here.
There are now Joomla plugins using highlightjs & google's prettify library to highlight syntax but I found geshi+ worked much better
I am not certain if you can use it in Joomla or not. I use the syntax highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev. I have used it in a couple of blogs (wordpress for instance) and in some stand alone web pages. Not hard to intergrate. It uses the 'pre' tags. You need to be sure the code is already escaped. It may be worth a look. Here is a link.
Hope this helps.

Where can I get SCAYT documentation, or algorithm?

I am using CK editor, now I want to understand SCAYT, but the scayt plug-in provided by is minified, and not well documented but I need to understand some of the features.
Can anyone provide me with such type of document or any algorithm related to this.
thanks in advance.
Download CKEditor 3.0.2 from
Decompress the file, and look for the directory _source/plugins/scayt, which will contain a file named plugin.js.
That file is not minified.

BlogEngine.Net Code Formatting Extension that works?

For months now I've been trying to find a code syntax formatting extension that works for BlogEngine.Net. I'm not fond of the behavior of the default formatting extension, and have tried a couple of others (manoli is among them), but they always seem to interact badly with the TinyMCE editor. Does anyone know of an extension that works, or a different approach that will allow me to make code samples pretty on my blog without hacking the crap out of the HTML myself?
I would try using Windows Live Writer along w/ the Paste From Visual Studio plugin. One you go WLW, you'll never go back to that damn TinyMCE interface.
WLW here:
Plugin here:
Thanks, Rafe. Thanks to this post that Hanselman put up the day after I asked the question, I downloaded WLW and am now using it. As far as getting prettily formatted code, I'm using cut-and-paste from a little tool developed and available on
Check out SyntaxHighlighter.. Works excellent. For easy integration into BlogEngine have a look at my blog post.
