Where can I get SCAYT documentation, or algorithm? - ckeditor

I am using CK editor, now I want to understand SCAYT, but the scayt plug-in provided by SPellchecker.net is minified, and not well documented but I need to understand some of the features.
Can anyone provide me with such type of document or any algorithm related to this.
thanks in advance.

Download CKEditor 3.0.2 from http://ckeditor.com/download.
Decompress the file, and look for the directory _source/plugins/scayt, which will contain a file named plugin.js.
That file is not minified.


How do you convert an OpenAPI Spec (Swagger 2.0) to proto3?

I've done extensive Google searching but couldn't find a good tool to do this. The closest I could find was https://github.com/googleapis/gnostic, which allows converting an OpenAPI description (swagger.yaml) into a .pb file or a .json file. I'm wondering if there are any tools to convert this .pb file into a .proto proto3 file?
I also tried https://github.com/NYTimes/openapi2proto but unfortunately there are a few cases that aren't handled correctly.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I know this question is old, but I was wandering the same and it seems that things have changed in meantime. So I will post an answer for others, lazy enough to search :)
Currently there are several options to convert OpenApi 2/3 to Protobuf:
OpenAPITools/openapi-generator supports this from version 4.1.2, find more here.
googleapis/gnostic can do this as well, find more here.
nytimes/openapi2proto a tool written in go for this, find more here.
maybe some more...? add if i missed any.

Ace Editor Custom Syntax

This is my last attempt before I completely give up. I am trying to use the Ace Editor; so far it has worked really well for existing languages but I do not find the documentation good enough to guide me on how to create a custom syntax highlighter.
I know this is a very broad question, but can anybody point me in the right direction of a decent tutorial or some pointers on how the hell to get this custom highlighter working!?
The Ace Editor tutorial just mentions two files, doesn't really explain the content very well, where to put the files (as the lib/ace/mode folder doesn't exist in the pre-packaged version), or how to change the formatting etc.
Appreciate any help.
If you want to write your mode in packed mode, then you need to copy one of existing mode files, rename it to mode-mymode.js and use define("ace/mode/mymode", define("ace/mode/mymode_highlight_rules" instead of using several files

Disable "intelligent" anchor look up of link dialog

When adding a link using the default link-plugin, I want to be able to write "what-ever", e.g. #my-id. The link-plugin, doesn't allow this. It extracts all possible "anchors" in the current text being edited, but in my case, it is just part of a bigger "page".
Any ideas on configuration options, or do I need to write a custom plugin?
There are numerous suggestions around on how-to configure the existing plugins and remove UI-elements etc. It does not work in current version (4.4.3), but thankfully you can build your own plugin and remove the existing one, quite easily. There's a good explanation of a similar plugin in the documentation: http://docs.ckeditor.com
I also wrote a bit about this here: http://danielwertheim.se/2014/08/15/ckeditor-the-link-plugin-is-painfully-clever/

Can mathjax integrate with ckeditor?

I want to integrate mathjax with the ckeditor, is this possible? if yes, please help me out. I searched in internet but i didn't found anything helpful.
please do the needful, thanks in advance.
This question is a bit dated but ran across a great coeditor sample integrating mathjax and coeditor: https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/tree/master/plugins/mathjax. Sample includes plugin implementation. Simple and basic but a great starting point.
It integrates quite well with CKEditor 4.3 see here
Install the Mathematical Formulas CKEditor plugin and be sure to set your path to the MathJax library. config.mathJaxLib = '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML'; as per their instructions.
The plugin is here
Also note that you need the Widget, Line Utilities, Dialog, Clipboard plugins in your editor for the MathJax to work.
after researching in the internet and with some examples and experiments, finally found that mathjax cannot be integrated inside the ck editor.

Is it possible to wikify Visual Studio XML comments?

Is it possible to generate a set of wiki pages from XML comment file generated by Visual Studio?
I'm talking about something like Sandcastle, but for wiki format instead of compiled CHM.
Edit: I'm using MediaWiki which can import/export articles in XML. So I hope that it is possible to write a transformation converting XML comments to MediaWiki XML.
I'd recommend a bit different solution:
Use Help Server to publish .CHM/.HxS on the web
Use special MediaWiki templates to link reference from Wiki like here.
Use <see href="..."> to link Wiki pages from XML comments
See also: FiXml
This is not exactly what you wanted, but I hope this will be helpful.
If the items mentioned above do not suffice, have you tried to simply build your own XSLT transform into the wiki markup of your choice?
You can write a simple application in .NET (or pick your platform of choice) to transform the doc XML format to wiki XML format. You'd still have to keep the wiki updated with the output files manually.
