#Configuration and Bean property setting annotations - spring

I'm using #Configuration to create beans and set their properties from other bean properties such as is possible with xml configuration
public class AppConfig {
public MyBean myBean(#Value("#{someObject.value}") double value) {
MyBean myBean = new MyBean();
return myBean;
public SomeObject someObject() {
SomeObject someObject = new SomeObject();
return someObject;
However, it is cumbersome and unnecessary to have to use the setter methods [eg. myBean.setValue(value)]. Instead I want something like so:
public class AppConfig {
#MysticalPropertySetter(name="value", value="#{someObject.value}")
public MyBean myBean() {
return new MyBean();
#MysticalPropertySetter(name="value", value="1.0", type="java.lang.Double")
public SomeObject someObject() {
return new SomeObject();
Anything like this possible? Much Thanks!!!

I think that this approach impossible because in your factory method annotated with #Bean you create objects manually, but Spring can inject properties only to beans that are instanteated by itself.

How about constructor injection?
public MyBean myBean(#Value("#{someObject.value}") double value) {
return new MyBean(value);


Defining constructor in prototype bean

Using SpringBoot, I have a Component bean that is defined as #Scope("protoype"). It also injects another prototype bean
The class is defined as
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(DataObj data) {
this.injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
However, IntelliJ complains about the data field on the constructor: Could not autowire. No beans of 'DataObj' type found.. But DataObj is a POJO. I pass it in at runtime in order to create the bean. Am I defining the constructor incorrectly?
Had the same problem doing it this way. It still wants to treat DataObj as a bean on the factory constructor class. Doesn't matter if I annotate the class with #Component or #Configuration
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(InjectedBean injectedBean) {
this.injectedBean = injectedBean;
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
InjectedBean injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
return new MyClass(injectedBean);
Also tried this example from that same link:
public class ServiceConfig {
public Function<DataObj, MyClass> thingFactory() {
return data-> myClass(data); //
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
return new MyClass(data);
I think I resolved this with some information in Spring Java Config: how do you create a prototype-scoped #Bean with runtime arguments?. Part of my problem is that I tried to put the factory bean in the Component itself, which doesn't work
In other words
public class MyClass{
public BeanFactory beanFactory
private InjectedBean injectedBean
public MyClass(InjectedBean injectedBean) {
this.injectedBean = injectedBean;
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
InjectedBean injectedBean = beanFactory.getBean(InjectedBean.class, data)
return new MyClass(injectedBean);
In this cass, Spring tries to create a MyClass bean because of the #Component annotation, but another MyClass bean due to the #Bean annotation.
So I moved the #Bean to another class
public class ServiceConfig {
public Function<DataObj, MyClass> thingFactory() {
return data-> myClass(data); //
#Scope(value = "prototype")
public MyClass myClass(DataObj data) {
return new MyClass(data);
This appears to work, but IntelliJ still complains about DataObj. This might be an Intellij issue

property value injection into spring beans

i want to know why #Value property injection works on classes with #Service annotation but not on classes with #Bean within #Configuration annotated class.
Works means that the property value is not null.
This value is also injected into two other service which i see during debugging in DefaultListableBeanFactory.doResolveDependency. But i dont see the bean WebserviceEndpoint.
public class WebserviceConfig {
// do some configuration stuff
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Webservice interface
#WebService(targetNamespace = "http://de.example/", name = "IWebservice")
#SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)
public interface IWebserviceEndpoint {
#WebResult(name = "response", targetNamespace = "http://de.example/", partName = "parameters")
public Response callWebservice(#WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "request", targetNamespace = "http://de.example/") Request request) throws RequestFault;
Webservice class
public class WebserviceEndpoint implements IWebserviceEndpoint {
private String propertyValue;
property: property-value
When does the injection of #Value happen in this case.
Basically propertyValue is null because Spring injects value after bean's creation.
So when you do:
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Spring creates a new instance with propertyValue=null.
You can initialize your instance attribue with #ConfigurationProperties
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
return new WebserviceEndpoint();
Note that propertyValue should have a setter.
You have several ways to solve this problem, usually it's good to centralize properties in one utils class.
public class Configs {
String property;
String getProperty(){
return property;
And then:
public IWebserviceEndpoint webserviceEndpoint() {
WebserviceEndpoint we = new WebserviceEndpoint();
return we;
Again there are many many different ways to solve this problem

Spring configuration - Autowired bean required?

I have the situation where a protoype bean contains a singleton bean. In order to achieve it, I had to create 2 configuration classes. Is it possible to merge my 2 confgiuration classes into a single one?
Singleton class:
public class MySingleton {
Prototype class:
public class MyPrototype {
private MySingleton b;
public MyPrototype(MySingleton b) {
this.b = b;
Configuration class 1:
public class ConfigClassA {
public MySingleton myBean() {
return new MySingleton();
Configuration class 2:
public class ConfigClassB {
public MySingleton mb;
public MyPrototype myPrototype() {
return new MyPrototype(mb);
Try this:
public class ConfigClass {
public MySingleton myBean() {
return new MySingleton();
public MyPrototype myPrototype(MySingleton myBean) {
return new MyPrototype(myBean);
The BeanFactory should search for a bean of type MySingleton when creating the prototype bean and inject it into the method myPrototype.

How to autowire dependency within a Spring Boot Converter?

I am struggling with a way to autowire a dependency within a converter class using spring boot. What is the most elegant solution to solve this problem?
public class Config {
public ConversionServiceFactoryBean conversionFacilitator() {
ConversionServiceFactoryBean factory = new ConversionServiceFactoryBean();
return factory;
private Set<Converter> getConverters() {
Set<Converter> converters = new HashSet<>();
converters.add(new MyConverter());
return converters;
Converter class
public class MyConverter implements Converter<Type1, Type2> {
private Dependency dependency; // Null here due to the component not being injected
public Type2 convert(Type1 type1) {
return dependency.something(type1);
The dependency is not being injected because you are creating MyConverter with new, instead of let Spring create it.
You do not need a method to return set of converters. Spring can do it for you, just auto wiring it. Spring is smart enough to give you a set with all the converter implementations it finds.
You should use something like:
public class Config {
public ConversionServiceFactoryBean conversionFacilitator(Set<Converter> converters) {
ConversionServiceFactoryBean factory = new ConversionServiceFactoryBean();
return factory;

Spring Java Configuration: overridden #Bean method invoked before autowiring

I have RepositoryConfig extending Neo4jConfiguration. The latter sets up a number of beans with #Bean annotated methods. RepositoryConfigoverrides getGraphDatabaseService which is invoked before any fields in RepositoryConfig are autowired. That is a problem since I want to use the autowired stuff inside the getGraphDatabaseServicemethod.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "neo4j")
public class RepositoryProperties {
public class RepositoryConfig extends Neo4jConfiguration {
private RepositoryProperties properties;
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService() {
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
public void foo() {
[...] // properties is initiated OK here
Why is getGraphDatabaseServicebeing called before autowiring is complete? I guess it has to do with the inheritance... If I remove the inheritance then autowiring is complete at the time getGraphDatabaseServiceis called. I've also tried annotating the method with #DependsOn, with no luck.
Any ideas is much appreciated!
Yes, I have seen this too occasionally. I think there are two workarounds.
Option 1. Autowire the bean definition
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService() {
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
Option 2. Inject the bean
#Bean(name = "graphDatabaseService", destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public GraphDatabaseService getGraphDatabaseService(#Autowired RepositoryProperties properties) {
// can probably delete the Config member with this approach
[...] // properties is 'null' at this point
