unable to detect theme changes in Windows Phone - windows-phone-7

I am creating a Windows Phone application using default theme resources provided.
I am facing an issue with theme changes that when i change theme from light to dark and vice versa, the change is not immediately seen in my application. I am not using any custom colors.
But if i close my application and start again, theme changes are applied then.
Can somebody help me, to see if i am doing something wrong?
Any help will be highly appreciated
Thanx in advance

This is by design.
The theme settings are set when an application is first started.
It is not expected to respond to changes made at a system level while in a deactivated/tombstoned state.
In reality, I've only ever seen this noticed during testing. People don't change their themes and accent colors that often.


Fooling a Windows program into thinking Windows has a different theme

Here's a recurring problem I've had.
I love using a dark theme for my Windows 7 computer. Unfortunately, the only way to get a really dark theme is by choosing the "High Contrast Black" color style, even though I don't really want high contrast, just darkness.
My theme works great, except that once in a while, there's an app that shows terrible colors because of it. Chrome is one example. I managed to fight that off using the Forced Colors setting, but that setting may be removed in the future, and then I'll be in a big problem.
I'm guessing that each app has some kind of API to ask the operating system about the theme colors. Is there any way to intercept that call and change the data, so specific apps will think that I'm on a non-high contrast theme?
Other ideas and solutions would also be interesting to hear.

Clicking on tab in blue prism in windows application

I am trying to click on a tab in windows application using blue prism(automation).I am unable to do that. Please help
What kind of tab?
I'm working on a robot that uses windows based application and I was able to make it work.
You need to be creative whit Application Modeller. Whit widows applications theres not much of a problems, almost anything can be done.
I have some major problems with mainframe apps, terminal sesions like - ICBS.
When you spying an element try to do it using TAB index property and follow the pattern how it changing from element to element. May be it help you to develop some kind of logic.Just an Idea.

Is the social boo theme dead in codenameone?

I've been struggling with app dialog and toolbar appearances in the social boo theme for some time. I recently discovered that my struggles are less with my code and more with the theme. In the GUI Builder switching the Native Themes from IOS6, IOS7, and Android (Gingerbread I believe) all create very different dialogs ranging from matching to illegible to ok. Also I found this demo:
and ran it on my Android (S6) phone. The below image illustrates the problems:
Social Boo visualizations
Note the Dialog's appearances as they change in the first 3 images. Please note in the 3rd Android picture I'm clicking on the Cancel button to show how differently it paints with the pointer pressed. The 4th image is again from my phone, note the toolbar button on the top right with a square image placed oddly over a rectangular button. Ah finally, all the problems I'm seeing in my app happening elsewhere!
Hopefully my title question now makes more sense. Is the social boo theme being updated with CodenameOne releases or is it dead? Should I abandon using it as it'll have quite varied appearances on devices especially iOS? I'd love to have the theme maintain the IOS6 appearance on all devices - how can I achieve that goal? Thank you in advance for your help!
It's a bit out of date. Most developers just cut a PSD design from scratch which works best when based on a native theme.
You can easily fix these things if you want to work with that theme though. When we implement a theme we don't aim to implement every feature that might be needed as those are hard to predict and will increase the theme size. The original theme didn't include design for dialogs so some behaviors leaked out.
You can use theme constants and UIID's like the theme constant dlgButtonCommandUIID to determine the UIID of the buttons within the dialog.

Kibana Dark Theme Not Loading?

have a kibana dashboard and system loaded up and password protected.
It would appear that even though the URL preferences a dark theme, it automatically loads to the light theme?
No pun intended, can you shed some light onto this and perhaps share a solution?
Solved (sort of). In short, it is a verified bug at this point. You can read more about it here.

How to force to use light theme in Windows Phone 7?

In my Windows Phone 7 app, I want to use the light theme, no matter what theme the user sets in the phone. How to do that ?
Do I need to custom the style or theme ? I just want the default light theme.
Jeff Wilcox offers a good way to do this using a theme manager he developed.
There is a nice way of replacing the default brushes. Saves you setting Forecolor everywhere.
You'll still need to set the background of the main layout node to the default background brush.
Background="{StaticResource PhoneBackgroundBrush}"
There is no way to force an app to use a specific theme.
The best you can do is create your own style for every control you use and mimic the light theme in your styles.
Beware, this can be a time consuming and tedious task. Be sure to test all pages and all controls in all states when both the light and dark themes have been specified by the user.
I've had to do this (but for the dark theme) and it's not something I'd do again out of choice.
There are a few tips on doing this from one of the PDC sessions on optimising performance http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/wpdev/archive/2010/10/28/pdc-live-optimizing-performance-for-silverlight-windows-phone-7-applications.aspx
This is a very bad idea.
Windows Phones use OLED displays - the pixels generate light directly, they are not backlit. Power consumption is therefore highest for white pixels. This is why Microsoft is suddenly obsessed with light text on dark backgrounds. It's not a back-to-the-seventies thing.
If you do this you will cause ridiculous power consumption.
For the benefit of the jerk who voted down a factually correct answer, I quote page 63 of the Windows Phone 7 UI Design and Interaction Guide published in July 2010 by Microsoft.
Avoid using too much white in
applications, such as white
backgrounds, as this may have an
impact on battery life for devices
that have organic LED displays.
If you're wondering why Microsoft included a "light background" theme option, so am I.
