Clicking on tab in blue prism in windows application - prism

I am trying to click on a tab in windows application using blue prism(automation).I am unable to do that. Please help

What kind of tab?
I'm working on a robot that uses windows based application and I was able to make it work.
You need to be creative whit Application Modeller. Whit widows applications theres not much of a problems, almost anything can be done.
I have some major problems with mainframe apps, terminal sesions like - ICBS.

When you spying an element try to do it using TAB index property and follow the pattern how it changing from element to element. May be it help you to develop some kind of logic.Just an Idea.


Reproduce Windows drag and drop with a custom image

I am looking for a way to reproduce this behaviour from the Windows drag&drop file system :
The cursor isn't visible with the default screencap feature of Windows, but of course it's on the right side file.
I'm looking to reproduce this right side image following the cursor in a program and setting the image myself. Having it be removed automatically on MOUSE_UP would be a big plus.
I'd like to use the Windows API directly so this process could work in the same way across languages, but if anyone has a better way I'm perfectly willing to hear it, of course.

StartScreenCapturebyWindowId() not excluding overlapping windows for certain programs (Agora Unity)

I am trying to setup individual window sharing for a project in Unity for Windows. The way I'm currently going about doing this is by using EnumWindows(), IsVisableWindow(), and GetWindowText() to create a dictionary of window titles and handles, then calling StartScreeCapturebyWindowId() to share the selected window.
This works relatively well for most process; the window of the process and only the window of the process is streamed. However, for certain programs (like Google Chrome, Discord, and Windows Photos) the captured area is set correctly, but overlapping windows are not culled out.
Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? Is there something wrong with the way I'm grabbing the handles for these windows? Or is there something about starting a screen capture that I am missing?
You certainly did the correct things. However, you also hit the limitation to the Windows part of the SDK. To understand this better, the set of programs are UWP applications. They have different ways to share the visible pixels. Previously version of Agora SDK could not even show the window. Starting from 3.0.1, the SDK uses Rectangle cutting method to get the window display. You may further read the online documentation about that API here.
There isn't much Agora can do for the near term. So you will just need to deal with the user experience (e.g. by warning them) or look at solutions like using Web SDK instead.

Rstudio dual monitoring

Is there a way to display Rstudio's panes on separated windows to display (for example) the source on one screen and the console/environment/misc on the second screen?
I browsed the web quite a while without finding any informations, so it's either really easy or impossible.
Thank you for any help!
This is the one missing feature that keeps me from switching to RStudio. It would be great to be able to separate the source from the console window.

Expression Sketchflow : Is it possible to run full screen? (and without window border?)

I did some sketchflow prototypes for a client.
The client need the application to be "touchable" on a 19" display, so I would like to try to launch the prototypes in full screen on the display (as will the final application be).
I searched through the net and found a "solution" : transform my sketchflow project in a Blend Project, and then tell the blend project to run in full screen mode.
This solution doesn't work all the time as the tutorials say, and doesn't work for me apparently :-(
Do you know any other solution?
Thanks for your help,
That is probably the best solution, what part of it didn't work? If you want to send me your solution I can help convert it so it will run without the SketchFlow player. using my name.

Anyone know what program the Apple store demos likely use to make their interactive desktop

I have a project that I am attempting to do and we want something similar to what the Apple store does. We thought it was a Quartz Composer interactive desktop but I've been putting together an xcode cocoa solution to do it too.
Here is an image of what I'm wondering about it is just a Title and 3 images that link out to url locations. If anyone can point me in the direction they believe can make something like this I would appreciate it.
I have used Quartz Desktop to display a .qtz but it isn't interactive. If anyone knows of another quartz desktop displaying .app that does use the interactive parts such as mouse and keyboard, it would be appreciated.
Applestore demo
It's a custom proprietary program called, if I remember correctly, Concierge. But it's not doing anything tricky. You can make any NSWindow appear on the desktop by setting its window level to kCGDesktopWindowLevel.
