Increase memory limit for background application - windows-phone-7

Windows Phone 7 gives you 6 MB of memory for a background application. How can I increase this limit?
I'm using WP 7.1.1 with the latest updates.

Windows Phone has very strict rules about background agents. So, going past this limitation is not possible, unless you modify the registry after an interop-unlock.


Detect Approaching App Mem Limit on Windows Phone

I am wondering if there is a way for a Universal Windows Phone app (Windows Phone 8.1 or 10) to detect if the app is using much memory and is approaching the memory limit that apps have on a Windows Phone (before it gets killed by the OS)?
Ideally the OS/platform would provide API/services for an app to register and listen to an event that is raised, telling the app that it has consumed almost all of the memory that it is allowed to have so that the app can take appropriate actions (force release some cached data) to clear up some memory and avoid being killed by the OS. But I'm not sure if such API exists on Windows Phone 8.1 or 10 for a Universal Windows App!?
The Windows.System.MemoryManager methods report on the app's memory usage and memory limit and raises events as the limit changes and as usage increases and decreases between low, medium, and high levels.

Windows Phone Background Transfer Policies Transfer Limits

On Background file transfers for Windows Phone it says:
Maximum outstanding requests in the queue per application (this
includes active and pending requests): 25
But it seems that the Limit is 5. (According to my debugs and heaps of googling)
Is this OS version difference between 7.1 and 8.0?
If different versions have different limits is there away to get that maximum limit without hardcoding it?
you can read it here
Background file transfers for Windows Phone

FileNet Visual WorkFlo on Windows 7 - performance degradation resolution?

I have a VB6 application that uses FileNet Visual Workflo (on FileNet Image Services) for the workflow engine. All of our application code has been updated to work correctly on both Windows XP and Windows 7, but there is a performance problem on Win 7 when attempting to get work object information from FileNet.
Within the application are calls such as
ErrorCode = APIVWAPI.VW_GetString(wobjid, lvFldName(idx - 1), aStr)
to which I've isolated the performance issue.
APIVWAPI is defined via late binding as follows:
Set APIVWAPI = CreateObject("VWApi.Srv")
ErrorCode = APIVWAPI.VW_GetString(wobjid, lvFldName(idx - 1), aStr)
line takes approximately 40 times longer on the Windows 7 machine (Core i7 3.4GHz CPU 8GB RAM) as it does on a Windows XP machine (Pentinum 4 3.2GHz, 1GB RAM). This line (and those like it) is called multiple times when retrieving queue items. As an example, a 120 item queue will take about 40 seconds to load on Windows 7 and <1 second on Windows XP.
Both systems are using the latest FileNet IDM components (4.0.3 fix pack 1). The Windows 7 environment is 64-bit Enterprise. XP is 32-bit Professional. The FileNet Visual Workflo components are the last, version 3.6.
Does anybody have any experience with FileNet IDM on Windows 7, and/or dealing with performance problems that appear to be DLL related on Windows 7 - and suggestions?
It turns out that the performance issue was related to drawing a ListView on the screen. Making the ListView not visible while retrieving the data, and then drawing the ListView once all data was retrieved, greatly increased performance.
I'll chalk this up to differences between 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Process or Task Manager for Windows Phone 7 Mango

Are there some APIs or some way to find list of running processes, their memory usage and CPU consumption. I basically need a tool similar to "TOP" in Linux for WP7.
No. There was a Task Manager in a pre-release version of the WP7 emulator, but that was removed early on.

Windows Mobile 6 Emulator change storage?

How do i change the size of the Windows Mobile 6 Emulator. Its fixed at 32mb. I read this post: Increasing Windows Mobile 5 Emulator Storage
But it only helps for the 5.0 version. Isnt there any way to increase the storage size in version 6.0?
I've just answered in the WinMo 5.0 question, but it works for 6.0 too, so I'll repost it:
Under you will find a driver for the emulator that sets up a RAM Disk, that for the emulator is seen as an external storage card but doesn't suffer from the issues with mapping a folder. I've checked with SQL Compact sdf file stored in the RAMDisk and it works like a charm. I've used it as a 64MB drive but supposedly it can handle up to 256 MB.
