Windows Phone Background Transfer Policies Transfer Limits - windows-phone-7

On Background file transfers for Windows Phone it says:
Maximum outstanding requests in the queue per application (this
includes active and pending requests): 25
But it seems that the Limit is 5. (According to my debugs and heaps of googling)
Is this OS version difference between 7.1 and 8.0?
If different versions have different limits is there away to get that maximum limit without hardcoding it?

you can read it here
Background file transfers for Windows Phone


Extremely slow socket data throughput on Android 11?

I've seen some posts elsewhere about very slow file access after "upgrading" a device to Android 11. I'm not having that, but I AM having unbelievably slow performance in a small app that uses sockets. It's a client app that uses a socket to send a request to a server (mine) that monitors my solar installation, to get data back about how it has been performing etc. So the socket interaction is in a separate thread from the UI, and uses runOnUIThread to call a function that updates the UI with the received data. The request data is only a few bytes, maybe 20 or so maximum: the data coming back varies from a few hundred bytes to maybe 50000 bytes or thereabouts.
If I run this app on my phone (Android 8.1) it is fine - it takes 1.5 to 2 seconds to send the request, get the data back, and update the UI. Perfectly fine. It's the same on an older tablet running Android 7.1.2 too. But I have just recently acquired a flash (read expensive) new Samsung tablet running Android 11, and its performance is woeful - the same app doing the same operation takes anything up to 30 seconds, or even more. And it is exactly the same app, exactly the same code. Both devices are running on the same network, so the only significant difference seems to be the Android version. It is repeatable ad nauseum, so it isn't momentary network load either. The app is built to target API level 26 - it has to be so it can run on all the devices it needs to. It is not a commercial app, just something for my own use, but I am totally bewildered by this behaviour.
The other thing I have noted with this new tablet is that it is unable to provide a video stream from a surveillance IP camera I have at home. I use the TinyCam Pro app from Google Play for this. It can connect, but it has never yet managed to give me a picture, regardless of how good my connection is. Again, my phone and the older tablet can do this more often than not, and the new tablet would have far more horsepower than either of them. There is some sort of serious bottleneck in there!
Has anyone else seen this type of thing on Android 11? If so, is there anything that can be done about it, that is usable on earlier versions too? Or do we just have to wait for Android 11.1?
EDIT: I've done some more investigation on this, and I think I have now pinned it down to a 4G network bandwidth issue. I said that the tablet and the phone were doing exactly the same thing, but I have since remembered that they do NOT use the same carrier for their mobile connections. So it's not EXACTLY the same thing. I would actually expect the network capacity for the tablet's carrier to be superior to that of the phone's carrier, but that appears not to be the case where I am at the moment. So I think I have to take back my evil thoughts about the tablet, and maybe even Android 11. Interesting how easy it is to be misled, and how hard it can be to genuinely compare apples with apples when there are so many variables and so many links in the chain. I'll be doing some more tests and comparisons when back in the city, where network capacity should be much more alike for the two carriers.
yes its true. While compare to Android 11 and Android 8 there is a lot of changes updated because of security issue.
May be, If your managing some file in mobile storage mnt/sdcard/ here in this path its speed of access or managing a file in this path its restricted and its becomes less. So, if your using this path please change it like below because it will cause youe app to process slow.
solution - Try to use this file access path is Android/data/data/packageName/
I mean if your using this logic to access file - Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
instead of above try this - Context.getExternalFilesDir(null)
refer this link
I hopes it will help you...

Detect Approaching App Mem Limit on Windows Phone

I am wondering if there is a way for a Universal Windows Phone app (Windows Phone 8.1 or 10) to detect if the app is using much memory and is approaching the memory limit that apps have on a Windows Phone (before it gets killed by the OS)?
Ideally the OS/platform would provide API/services for an app to register and listen to an event that is raised, telling the app that it has consumed almost all of the memory that it is allowed to have so that the app can take appropriate actions (force release some cached data) to clear up some memory and avoid being killed by the OS. But I'm not sure if such API exists on Windows Phone 8.1 or 10 for a Universal Windows App!?
The Windows.System.MemoryManager methods report on the app's memory usage and memory limit and raises events as the limit changes and as usage increases and decreases between low, medium, and high levels.

Increase memory limit for background application

Windows Phone 7 gives you 6 MB of memory for a background application. How can I increase this limit?
I'm using WP 7.1.1 with the latest updates.
Windows Phone has very strict rules about background agents. So, going past this limitation is not possible, unless you modify the registry after an interop-unlock.

What is the appropriate number of memory usage for Windows Phone app

as my title.
I heard that my friend's app was failed to publish to marketplace. Because it consumes more than 90MB phone memory.
I'm developing an application and it uses about 30-60 MB (according to memory counter display from this link.)
Firstly I thought it was too much for a mobile app. I put all my data entries into memory in order to do search, instead of querying them from SQLite which is too slow for me.
So what do you think about the appropriate number of the phone memory for a regular mobile application.
Well, Microsoft Certification Requirements document says that:
An application must not exceed 90 MB of RAM usage, except on devices that have more than 256 MB of memory.
If you break this rule, your application won't pass Microsoft certification process.

What is the limit of the file size for the XAP in WP7 Marketplace?

What is the limit on the file size for the XAP file inside the WP7 Marketplace?
Also what is the maximum size XAP file that you can use before the user is required to connect to WIFI?
These are listed in the Windows Phone 7 Application Certification Requirements (pdf) document.
Section 2.5: The OTA (over the air) installation file for the application may not exceed 20 MB. Applications in excess of that size will be downloaded via Wi-Fi or through a tethered connection to a PC running the appropriate Microsoft software.
Section 4.1.1: The maximum size of the XAP package file is 225 MB.
Section 2.8: If your application requires the download of a large additional data package (e.g. >50 MB) to enable the application to run as described, the application description must disclose the approximate size of the data package and that additional charges may apply depending on connectivity used to acquire data.
WP market has a game chaos ring. 445 Mb of size
