Internet Explorer 9 Crashes - visual-studio-2010

I open Internet Explorer 9: i type browse to Google the page load and as it finishes loading the (Tab) Hangs i cant click any links or do any thing, however i can open new tab and type in another site while the other tab is hanging but once i type any site in the new tab it hangs too and so on!
the internet explorer 9 64bit works fine.!
here is what i tried to do:
Turned off Internet Explorer 9 Feature from "Turn on/Off Features"
in control panel, then turned it on, didn't fix the problem.
downgraded to internet explorer 8, and same issue happened in IE8
too !!!. so i upgraded back to IE9 (issue remains).
Switched to Software rendering, (didn't fix problem).
Updated my graphics card to latest driver.
Opened IE9 with no Adds on.
Disabled all adds-on
all this didn't fix the problem!
i need to make it work because i need to do UI Test Automation by Visual studio 2010, and i cant get it to work for Fire-Fox v13 i guess its not supported.
any one faced this problem before and know how to fix it ?
im using Windows 7 64bit

If you have access to and can install VS2010 Feature Pack 2, I believe it supports running coded ui tests in Firefox. There is information on that At MSDN, however, that page recommends Firefox 3.5 or 3.6.


F12 debugger tool not finding running add-ins

Having an issue with debugging an Office Word add-in using F12. Up until lately, it was working fine, but then my company enforced a Windows update and I started having problems. F12 does not appear to find any programs running. I'm using Windows 10 (64bit), Adding an image for reference.

Internet Explorer session expiring whenever I am running a coded UI script or using record and playback feature

Whenever I am running a coded-UI script and opening a website in Internet Explorer through script the IE session expiring
Also when I am manually opening the specific website it is working fine.
Note : This is happening since I have added the website in internet explorer compatibility list and also I cannot remove the website from compatibility as it won't work without compatibility
I am using Visual studio 2015, Internet explorer 11, windows 10

Silverlight 5.0 debugging issue on Windows 10

I've recently upgraded my OS to Windows 10. I have a very basic Silverlight 5 application which gives me Unable to start Debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime Not Installed. Please Installed a matching version error in VS 2010 whenever I am trying to run the project.
I have :
Target Silverlight version is set to Silverlight 5 in web project.
I have installed Silverlight SDK, Silverlight5_Tools with SP1 installed & Silverlight Runtime which is 64-bit.
After doing all these steps and going through many online posts, still I'm unable to resolve this issue.
My Doubts are :
Do the Windows 10 upgrade has anything to do with this situation?
Windows 10 comes with a new browser Edge, is this because of this browser? Like Silverlight compability.
Again I am not sure but these are my doubt. Any suggestions?
Do you have a 64 bit OS ?
If so - uninstall Silverlight (developer!) and make sure you install the silverlight.exe (developer!) not the 64 bit version.
That worked for me.
Go to the properties of the Web folder start project. Click Web on the left tab. Unclick Silverlight in the debuggers.
Not a total solution but at least it allows you to debug other portions.
I had this issue and Uninstalling and Reinstalling didn't work.
Error in debug mode (F5 Debug solution configuration) was "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
In Debug configuration I would get the above error but finally I put the solution into release mode and it worked - then back to debug mode and everything worked without error.
Seems like a really odd fix but sure enough closing and re-opening the solution everything works now - Same install procedure as OP.
Another thing that's interesting is, the Debug only works in Chrome. If I target IE or edge I still get "Unable to start debugging. The Silverlight Developer Runtime is not installed"
I uninstalled Silverlight and then installed Silverlight_Developer.exe. I also switched default browser in Visual Studio to Internet Explorer (I have Edge otherwise which won't work...).
Nice to see some more people also using Silverlight these days, hehehe.
This is a really old thread, but I just ran into this issue with a project. I was getting the message that the Developer runtime was not installed, but in fact it was, and another similar project ran just fine on the same machine with the same version of VS 2015.
The fix was to ensure that the startup project is the WEB project, not the Silverlight project. Somehow, the default startup project got switched to the SL project. After I switched back, then it worked just fine.

How can I test IE10 on Mac?

How can I test web sites in IE10 on Mac?
Currently I am testing IE9 in VirtualBox with Windows 7 installed from Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image. I could not find similar image for Windows 8. IETester does not have IE10 eigher. Is there an easy way to test IE10 on Mac?
That page no longer appears to be up-to-date.
However, Microsoft's developer website provides free download links to test Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (versions 8 through 11) using virtual machines. You can manage them locally using VirtualBox or another virtualization software tool.
Open Safari and navigate to Safari > Preferences from the menu bar.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" setting, then close the Preferences window.
The Develop menu should now show in your menu bar.
Go to Develop > User Agent.
Here, you have to option to choose different browser options like Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. You can also choose Firefox and Chrome as the User Agent.
Source: How to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer (or a PC)
The modern.IE link doesn't work anymore, but Microsoft has virtual machine downloads available for IE versions 8-11 and Edge.
Off late I heard about this awesome software Sauce labs ( which allows you to test your code cross-browser, cross OS.
All you need is virtualbox (free) and a dev copy of Windows8 (free). I just did it now. I followed this tutorial. It took about 30 mins to do on 1 try.

Internet Explorer 8 freezes on debug with Visual Studio 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that I've been working on for the past few months. Recently I've encountered a problem where when I start debugging and internet explorer launches it locks up. I've tried waiting, but it hangs indefinitely. This happens about 75% of the time. I know it will lock up if the progress bar doesn't show up in the footer. If the progress bar appears then everything works fine. It's turned into a ritual of starting/stopping debugging until it works. If I use Firefox everything works fine. However I can't avoid IE forever as this application is being used in a closed environment where all users are using IE8 exclusively.
I know it's not code related as everything was fine on a Friday, and then with no changes made, it started behaving this way on Monday. I've also opened other web applications and they suffer from the same problem.
I've made sure everything is up to date in Windows Update. I've looked for any updates/fixes to Visual Studio 2010. I haven't been able to find any posts anywhere describing this problem. There's nothing in my logs showing up either.
I'm running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with VS2010 SP1.
Edit: I've also tried running the solution with IIS instead of the built in dev server, but it had no effect.
