How can I test IE10 on Mac? - macos

How can I test web sites in IE10 on Mac?
Currently I am testing IE9 in VirtualBox with Windows 7 installed from Internet Explorer Application Compatibility VPC Image. I could not find similar image for Windows 8. IETester does not have IE10 eigher. Is there an easy way to test IE10 on Mac?

That page no longer appears to be up-to-date.
However, Microsoft's developer website provides free download links to test Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer (versions 8 through 11) using virtual machines. You can manage them locally using VirtualBox or another virtualization software tool.

Open Safari and navigate to Safari > Preferences from the menu bar.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Check the "Show Develop menu in menu bar" setting, then close the Preferences window.
The Develop menu should now show in your menu bar.
Go to Develop > User Agent.
Here, you have to option to choose different browser options like Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. You can also choose Firefox and Chrome as the User Agent.
Source: How to view websites on your Mac that require Internet Explorer (or a PC)

The modern.IE link doesn't work anymore, but Microsoft has virtual machine downloads available for IE versions 8-11 and Edge.

Off late I heard about this awesome software Sauce labs ( which allows you to test your code cross-browser, cross OS.

All you need is virtualbox (free) and a dev copy of Windows8 (free). I just did it now. I followed this tutorial. It took about 30 mins to do on 1 try.


How to install IE browser on MAC machine?

How to install Internet Explorer 11 on MAC machine?
I think it depends on your OS version.
If you are using windows OS, you could install IE browser.
If you are using MacOS, it is impossible to launch Internet Explorer on Mac. But, there are other ways to simulate IE for Mac experience. You could mask Safari as different versions of Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, you could also install a virtual machine and launch IE for Mac that way.
More details, please check this article and this thread.

Chrome Developer Tools delay on localhost

After format the PC and install Windows 10, I install the Chrome last version and enable the IIS from control panel.
So when I open the developer tools when I'm browsing a website on my localhost , there is a delay (Lag) in the Elements section, it's too slow.
Is there a way to fix that proplem ?
Fixed , the lag was from visual studio , there is something called "Enable browser link" it was writing to the browser directly if there is any change, by uncheck it the developer tools ( Elements tab ) is working very fast and prefect.

IE10 on Windows 7 Side-by-Side IE8

Can I install IE10 Preview for Windows 7 and keep the previous IE8 version for development testing?
I don't believe you will be able to run IE8 and IE10 side-by-side on the same machine. Instead, I would encourage you to use the browser-emulation options found within the F12 Developer Tools. From there you can instruct IE10 to behave as though it were IE8.
If emulation isn't desirable, and you're not interested in downloading a virtual machine image, you could also consider exploring the BrowserStack service. It will allow you to spin up IE8 on multiple versions of Windows, and view both remote and local files.
I think this is a more reliable option for developers
IE 1-8 Standalones
it contains
Internet Explorer 1.0 (4.40.308)
Internet Explorer 1.5 (
Internet Explorer 2.01 (2.01.046)
Internet Explorer 3.0 (3.0.1152)
Internet Explorer 3.01 (3.01.2723)
Internet Explorer 3.03 (3.03.2925)
Internet Explorer 4.01 (4.72.3110.0)
Internet Explorer 5.01 (5.00.3314.2100)
Internet Explorer 5.5 (5.51.4807.2300)
Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2800.1106)
Internet Explorer 6.0 (6.00.2900.2180)
Internet Explorer 7.0 (7.00.5730.13)
Internet Explorer 8.0 (8.00.6001.18702)
Also consider IETester -
You can run tabs side by side in different browser versions. Works well for my web dev testing.
MS started an extra Homepage for IE testing. Lots of options under
You may consider VMware thinApp (virtualize Application) or Microsoft RemoteApp (Run application from remote server).
In my environment, I have amix of thinApp and RemoteApp (some application virtualized (ThinApp) and then accessed using RemoteApp).

Internet Explorer 9 Crashes

I open Internet Explorer 9: i type browse to Google the page load and as it finishes loading the (Tab) Hangs i cant click any links or do any thing, however i can open new tab and type in another site while the other tab is hanging but once i type any site in the new tab it hangs too and so on!
the internet explorer 9 64bit works fine.!
here is what i tried to do:
Turned off Internet Explorer 9 Feature from "Turn on/Off Features"
in control panel, then turned it on, didn't fix the problem.
downgraded to internet explorer 8, and same issue happened in IE8
too !!!. so i upgraded back to IE9 (issue remains).
Switched to Software rendering, (didn't fix problem).
Updated my graphics card to latest driver.
Opened IE9 with no Adds on.
Disabled all adds-on
all this didn't fix the problem!
i need to make it work because i need to do UI Test Automation by Visual studio 2010, and i cant get it to work for Fire-Fox v13 i guess its not supported.
any one faced this problem before and know how to fix it ?
im using Windows 7 64bit
If you have access to and can install VS2010 Feature Pack 2, I believe it supports running coded ui tests in Firefox. There is information on that At MSDN, however, that page recommends Firefox 3.5 or 3.6.

Windows Mobile Debugging

I am working on creating a windows mobile application and I have a quick question. I have looked around for the answer and cant find anything. Is it possible to run a windows mobile application on a physical hardware device from visual studio? I don't need to be able to debug really, I just would like to be able to select my device and have it build, copy to the device, and run. Is there anyway to set this up?
There is a "Device" toolbar that should let you choose your target device. Check for it under the View -> Toolbars menu (for VS 2008... not sure if you are on a different VS version).
If you are only showing emulators, you might need to install the windows mobile 6 sdk (I don't know for sure, but I do know I also have that installed... could be that this only includes the emulators as well).
It might also be worthing right clicking on your project in the solution explorer and selecting properties. From the properties page, go into the Device tab. It might be that some devices are listed there that are not listed in the target device drop down list on the toolbar. Worth a shot, but no promises.
It's simple believe me.
I'm currently working on Visual Studio 2008 and I have already installed Windows Mobile 6.0 SDK. It's simple just two steps.
Plug your device to your computer via usb cable then you should see the ActiveSync connected your device.
Open VS and choose from target device menu that "Windows Mobile Professional Device", then push the VS Debug button (it's slower that simulator but it's working perfectly). (look at the picture)
alt text
I hope this will be able help to you.
Yes. If it's like mine (Verizon Motorola Q) Visual Studio will copy several files to the device and the device will prompt you to allow them. You only have to do that part once. Then when you debug on your device you may get a prompt to allow the program you're debugging to run. It seems to copy your program over to a folder in the devices "Program Files" folder and runs it from there. And it leaves it there even after you stop debugging.
And one more thing. With Visual Studio 2005, you'll need at least the standard edition to do mobile development. With Visual Studio 2008, you'll need at least the professional edition.
Thanks for the help everyone. My solution was a mix of a couple answers. I had to switch the project to the Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK first and then I was able to select "Windows Mobile Professional Device"
