Internet Explorer 8 freezes on debug with Visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that I've been working on for the past few months. Recently I've encountered a problem where when I start debugging and internet explorer launches it locks up. I've tried waiting, but it hangs indefinitely. This happens about 75% of the time. I know it will lock up if the progress bar doesn't show up in the footer. If the progress bar appears then everything works fine. It's turned into a ritual of starting/stopping debugging until it works. If I use Firefox everything works fine. However I can't avoid IE forever as this application is being used in a closed environment where all users are using IE8 exclusively.
I know it's not code related as everything was fine on a Friday, and then with no changes made, it started behaving this way on Monday. I've also opened other web applications and they suffer from the same problem.
I've made sure everything is up to date in Windows Update. I've looked for any updates/fixes to Visual Studio 2010. I haven't been able to find any posts anywhere describing this problem. There's nothing in my logs showing up either.
I'm running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with VS2010 SP1.
Edit: I've also tried running the solution with IIS instead of the built in dev server, but it had no effect.


Cannot always start debugging on VS 2010 with VB

I cannot start the debugger in VS 2010 under Windows 10. I've been using VS2010 for many years now but just recently moved to a new dev box under Windows 10. This just started a few days ago. Prior to that I as able to launch the debugger without issue.
I can start without debugging Ctrl+F5 but F5 or clicking the green start arrow will not work. I can see the development web server open and there's a flash of the screen but IE never opens and the app returns to the "stopped" state within a few seconds.
I've been looking through all of the suggested options but nothing I have tried has worked so far. The other day I got it working by doing a clean and then rebuild all, but that hasn't worked today.

Microsoft visual studio 2005 has stopped working

Everything was going fine but the next day, when I opened the visual studio It showed error as
this error occur at every project files and at the starting.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the VS again but also nothing is improved. when I started my pc in safemode , in that case visual studio runs fine however when I opened in normal mode , It shows the error.
Also using command like devenv or devenv/safemode or devenv/resetsettings pops the same error message.
In my experience and from what I've heard from others, VS2005 has problems on newer OS's and needs to be run in a XP VM for reliable results. Some editions of Win7 have a nice transparent way of doing that for software that doesn't like newer OS's, but the VM component needs to be installed first.
I also recall VS getting fouled and needing to be ripped out and re-installed to work again. In your case, re-installing from original media did not include all the service packs and patches, and it probably only worked at all due to updates and a bit of luck. You might try restoring from a backup rather than re-installing, but it's really a lost cause.

Intermittent IIS8/Visual Studio 2010 debugging issue

I have an intermittent issue when trying to debug local IIS sites.
Visual will hang and eventually displays the error:
The web server did not respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is already attached to the web server
If I wait a minute and hit "Start Debugging" again it will work (sometimes I may get the error several times but it eventually works).
There is nothing in the Event Viewer around the times I try to debug.
The app pool is .net V4.0 Integrated.
I am running Windows 8 Pro with IIS 8 and Visual Studio 2010.
Also its a site using EpiServer 6 R2.
I have tried IISReset, stopping/starting the site, closing and reopening Visual, rebooting my machine. None of that seems to make a difference, its hit and miss whether the solution will debug or not.
Once the solution is debugging, it runs fine without issue. Until I stop debugging and try and start debugging again.
The site runs fine in all other aspects, its only when I try to debug.
So... I never fixed this issue, but have since upgraded to a solid state drive. So I now have a fresh install of Windows 8 Pro and Visual and the issue has not resurfaced.

Visual studio 2005 debugging is very slow on windows7

When i debug apps on windows7 using VS 2005, it's very slow. just general slowness. works fine on xp.
running outside of the debugger is normal. Even when i start apps outside the debugger then attach and debug it is normal.
im running VS 2005 in Vista compatibility mode.
Any idea what i can do to prevent slowness when debugging?
Seems like the problem happens periodically and is related to the amount and location of breakpoints set in the debugger. The problem can be worked around by attaching to the process after starting it.
For a complete solution, probably need vs2008.

Visual Studio 2010 causing computer to lock up

When running the debugger about 50% of the time, Visual Studio 2010 freezes and also locks up my entire machine. I can't even get to Task Manager. Nothing works except my mouse will still move. The only way to recover is to hard boot the machine which takes about 15 minutes each time. I don't have anything else running on my machine at the time except VS, IE 8 (sometimes) and Outlook.
I am running Windows XP on a Lenovo T400 with 3G RAM
Has anyone seen this behavior? If so, how did you fix it?
You don't mention what language your app is but I have run into this with our C++/CLI application on occasion. To avoid it, I changed the Project properties / Debugger and specify "Native" or "Managed" explicitly for the debugger type. The default of "Auto" can get confused.
Also, if you use Application Verifier from Microsoft, I have had VS hang while AV was configured to verify our .exe. To avoid this, we have to launch the app under the debugger as "Native".
