Error while making a SENT using Derma GUI in Gmod - user-interface

I am making a SENT in Gmod with Lua and I want it to have a simple GUI menu using Derma. I have put the following into my cl_init.lua file:
local plantwinow = vgui.Create("DFrame")
plantwinow:SetSize(202, 102)
plantwinow:SetTitle("Level " +lvltext +" Plant")
This gives me the error
prog.lua:1: attempt to index global 'vgui' (a nil value)
How can I fix this?

Try to register your file using includes and AddCSLuafile it, here is how it works:
if SERVER then
If your addon / entity has init.lua then please tell me your init.lua.


puppet functions exec windows command line

Currently i am trying to automate the start mode in windows server services. i tried to use puppetlabs registry but realized that the module didn't work as i expected.
Basically i have list of windows services that i need to update on each server but on some servers, the services might not exist, but puppetlabs registry will just create the new key if it's not exist which is not the expected behaviour. By right, it should work as mentioned below:
Check whether the service is in the servers or not
If it does, then update the start mode as mentioned inside the manifest/hiera
If not exist, just do nothing and skip to the next service immediately
Based from what i knew, it seems the only way to check whether the service key exist or not is by using custom function. So i already tried to write some custom function using win32/registry, but was unsuccessful by getting some error such as Win32API not supported. Another way i can think of is using the reg command line to check whether the key exist or not. Here is the puppet code functions:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:check_winservice_exist, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
service_name = args[0]
unless args.length > 0 then
raise Puppet::ParseError, ("check_winservice_exist(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be > 0)")
command = "reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\#{service_name} /f DisplayName"
result = system command
return result
#if result == true
# return result
# return result
When i run the simplified ruby scripts in command line, it works and return the expected value. But when i used above scripts as puppet custom functions, it always return empty.
This is my first time to write a puppet custom functions so i am not sure what i did wrong here. Please advise whether there are another alternative that i can use to resolve the issue or maybe advise on what i did wrong on the functions script
I managed to resolve this issue by using custom facter as suggested by Matt. Just sharing the custom facter scripts that i used. It might not be perfect as i am still not really proficient in using ruby.
require 'win32/registry'
Facter.add(:winservices) do
confine :kernel => "windows"
setcode do
keyname= 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services'
access = Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS
arr = []
winservices_list = [], access) do |reg|
service_lists = (reg.each_key { |key, wtime| arr.push key })
arr.each do |service|
service_key = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\#{service}"
begin, access) do |reg|
value = reg['Start']
winservices_list.push service
And it simply works just by adding simply checking whether the service name is in the array or not
if $service_name in $facts['winservices'] {
service { "${service_name}":
provider => 'windows',
enable => $start_real,

Create and show a PDF file from a Lotus Notes action

I'm using an action inside a form to create a Word document, using the CreateObject("Word.application") method, then I modify it to my liking and save it in a temp directory.
I can show the Word document as soon as it is created by calling nameOfTheDocument.visible(true), and by modifying the Save action I can save the newly created document as a PDF, however I can't find a way to show it to the user.
Trying to call visible(true) on the PDF object results in error "Instance member VISIBLE does not exist"
Hmmm... The best and right way - use OS file association.
I'm use java way:
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + filePath);
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/open " + filePath);
But you can call this command on Lotusscript:
Shell({rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler } & fullFilePath,1)
Shell({/usr/bin/open } & fullFilePath,1)
We have used the Shell command to launch PDFs in the past. Something like the below. The only downside to this is if the location of the executable changes (whether from upgrade or change to a different program) the code breaks.
Dim ProgPath$, FilePath$
Dim result As Integer
'Path of the executable
ProgPath$ = |"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"|
'Path of the file to open
FilePath$ = | "C:\TestFile.PDF"|
result = Shell(ProgPath$ & FilePath$,1)

cell clicked works locally but not on remote shiny server --DT

I have an application that listens for a cell click in a DT in any cell and then updates a plot accordingly. The program works perfectly when I runApp() locally. However when I depoloy the app on a shiny server, the click no longer triggers any actions. This discepancy does not exists for other action listeners such as a simple refresh button, as I have demonstrated in the code below. You can see how the discrepancy between remote and local does not exist for the refresh button condition input$refreshButton!=0, but there is a discrepancy using the length(input$table_cell_clicked)>0 trigger condition.
I have done some research into this error and this is what I know so far:
1) I am getting the warning "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience." in the console when the app is deployed remotely. I am told this has something to do with a setting in a file in my shiny server called javascript.min.js and jquery.min.js that says c.async="false" I have searched for every file on my serer with that name or containing the string async="false", and changed the setting to sync="true". However I did not find any files with the exact string c.async="true". I can see the file with this string in the browser console, which gives a location relative to server::port/, but I do not know where that file actually lives on my system, and I suspect it is just a file made on the fly by shiny services.
2) It is possible that this could be fixed with something related to the selectize functionality in some shiny inputs, which may cause the code to execute asynchronously(?). I have tried a few different things but couldn't get any to solve the problem.
3) There is a commonly known annoyance with shiny that it is generally hard to debug. In my case, it would be extremely helpful if I could see the output of the server.R functions as I would when using runApp() locally. Using a call to browser, options(shiny.trace = T) were both recommended, but when I add them to the code below, nothing apprears in the console output. I even tried using sink in order to save to output to some file on the remote server, and it rusn without error, but I do not see any file in the location indicated. If I could at least see the output of this file, or the request/response messages between the server and the client it would go a long way towards debugging this.
So the two questions are: how can I see these messages/output when the app is deployed remotely? And more importantly, how can I implement a fix so that all of my hard work on this project (unfortunately can't disclose any details) will not be a waste.
The basic code for my shiny app is below.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
options(shiny.trace = T)
sink("~/outputfile.txt",append = T,type = "output",split = T)
output$table = DT::renderDataTable({
thisTable = head(iris)
},server = T,options = list(target = 'cell'))
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
cell= as.numeric(input$table_cell_clicked)
row = as.numeric(input$transtable_row_last_clicked)
print(paste0("last row clicked: ",row))
print(paste0("timestamp: ",Sys.time()))
(cell, file = "/home/plintilhac/cell_file.txt") ## causes error that dumps SND and REC messages to javascript console
# if (length(input$row_last_clicked)>0){ ##works remotely and locally
# if (input$refreshButton!=0){ ##works remotely and locally
if (length(cell)>0){ #works locally, but doesn't work remotely
plot(0,0,xlim = c(-1,1),ylim = c(-1,1))
else{return(plot(0,1,xlim = c(-1,1),ylim = c(-1,1)))}}
output$text1 <- renderText({
if (input$refreshButton!=0){
fluidRow(plotOutput("plot1",click = "plot_click"),theme = "bootstrap.css"),
actionButton("refreshButton", "refresh")
I was able to get some output by placing an erroneous line of code right after the cell variable is defined, causing the shiny server to dump output to the javascript console. At this time this is the only way I know how to capture any output. However, the output is quite informative, as it shows that the table_cell_clicked attribute is not being exported on the remote server at all, whereas other attributes such as row_last_clicked are.
here is the output I get when the server is run locally ithout the erroneous line (note it includes table_cell_clicked as a feature):
class=\"display\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th> </th>\n
<th>Sepal.Length</th>\n <th>Sepal.Width</th>\n
<th>Petal.Length</th>\n <th>Petal.Width</th>\n
<th>Species</th>\n </tr>\n
{\ = true;\nd.escape = true;\nvar encodeAmp
= function(x) { x.value = x.value.replace(/&/g, \"%26\"); }\nencodeAmp(;\n$.each(d.columns, function(i, v)
SEND {"progress":{"type":"binding","message":{"id":"plot1"}}} SEND
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"plot_click":null}} RECV
SEND {"progress":{"type":"binding","message":{"id":"plot1"}}} SEND
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"table_rows_selected":[]}}
while this is the output when it is run remotely with the erroneous line (note table_cell_clicked is not being received):
Loading required package: DBI
SEND {"errors":[],"values":{"table":{"x":{"container":"<table class=\"display\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th> </th>\n <th>Sepal.Length</th>\n <th>Sepal.Width</th>\n <th>Petal.Length</th>\n <th>Petal.Width</th>\n <th>Species</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n</table>","options":{"target":"cell","selectize":true,"columnDefs":[{"className":"dt-right","targets":[1,2,3,4]},{"orderable":false,"targets":0}],"order":[],"autoWidth":false,"orderClasses":false,"ajax":{"url":"session/07190712bb533d7cf1929522b19e436a/dataobj/table?w=","type":"POST","data":"function(d) {\ = true;\nd.escape = true;\n}"},"serverSide":true,"processing":true},"callback":null,"filter":"none","selection":"multiple"},"evals":[""],"deps":[{"name":"datatables","version":"1.10.7","src":{"file":"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/DT/htmlwidgets/lib/datatables/js","href":"datatables-1.10.7"},"meta":null,"script":"jquery.dataTables.min.js","stylesheet":null,"head":null,"attachment":null},{"name":"datatables-default","version":"1.10.7","src":{"file":"/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/DT/htmlwidgets/lib/datatables/css/default","href":"datatables-default-1.10.7"},"meta":null,"script":[],"stylesheet":["dataTables.extra.css","jquery.dataTables.min.css"],"head":null,"attachment":null}]},"plot1":{"src":"data:image/png;[base64 data]","width":1745,"height":400,"coordmap":[{"domain":{"left":-1.08,"right":1.08,"bottom":-1.08,"top":1.08},"range":{"left":58.9062532569046,"right":1714.82850442939,"bottom":325.745454545455,"top":57.8909090909091},"log":{"x":null,"y":null},"mapping":{}}]}},"inputMessages":[]}
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"table_rows_selected":[],"table_rows_current":[],"table_rows_all":[],"table_state":null,"table_search":""}}
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"table_rows_current":["1","2","3","4","5","6"],"table_rows_all":["1","2","3","4","5","6"]}}
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"table_rows_selected":["3"],"table_row_last_clicked":"3"}}
RECV {"method":"update","data":{".clientdata_output_plot1_width":463}}
SEND {"progress":{"type":"binding","message":{"id":"plot1"}}}
SEND {"errors":[],"values":{"plot1":{"src":"data:image/png;[base64 data]","width":463,"height":400,"coordmap":[{"domain":{"left":-1.08,"right":1.08,"bottom":-1.08,"top":1.08},"range":{"left":58.9256188605108,"right":432.81858546169,"bottom":325.745454545455,"top":57.8909090909091},"log":{"x":null,"y":null},"mapping":{}}]}},"inputMessages":[]}
RECV {"method":"update","data":{"plot_click":null}}
SEND {"config":{"workerId":"","sessionId":"7b20c500ee810e198324a75b6512a353"}}
RECV {"method":"init","data":{"refreshButton:shiny.action":0,"ss-net-opt-websocket":true,"ss-net-opt-xdr-streaming":true,"ss-net-opt-xhr-streaming":true,"ss-net-opt-iframe-eventsource":true,"ss-net-opt-iframe-htmlfile":true,"ss-net-opt-xdr-polling":true,"ss-net-opt-xhr-polling":true,"ss-net-opt-iframe-xhr-polling":true,"ss-net-opt-jsonp-polling":true,".clientdata_output_plot1_width":463,".clientdata_output_plot1_height":400,".clientdata_output_plot1_hidden":false,".clientdata_output_table_hidden":false,".clientdata_pixelratio":1.100000023841858,".clientdata_url_protocol":"http:",".clientdata_url_hostname":"d2rm01",".clientdata_url_port":"3838",".clientdata_url_pathname":"/testFunnel/",".clientdata_url_search":"",".clientdata_url_hash_initial":"",".clientdata_singletons":"",".clientdata_allowDataUriScheme":true}}
Error in source(file, ..., keep.source = TRUE, encoding = checkEncoding(file)) :
/srv/shiny-server/testFunnel/server.R:38:10: unexpected ','
37: #print(paste0("timestamp: ",Sys.time()))
38: (cell,

Simulate session using WithServer

I am trying to port tests from using FakeRequest to using WithServer.
In order to simulate a session with FakeRequest, it is possible to use WithSession("key", "value") as suggested in this post: Testing controller with fake session
However when using WithServer, the test now looks like:
"render the users page" in WithServer {
val users = await(WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/users").get)
users.status must equalTo(OK)
users.body must contain("Users")
Since there is no WithSession(..) method available, I tried instead WithHeaders(..) (does that even make sense?), to no avail.
Any ideas?
So I found this question, which is relatively old:
Add values to Session during testing (FakeRequest, FakeApplication)
The first answer to that question seems to have been a pull request to add .WithSession(...) to FakeRequest, but it was not applicable to WS.url
The second answer seems to give me what I need:
Create cookie:
val sessionCookie = Session.encodeAsCookie(Session(Map("key" -> "value")))
Create and execute request:
val users = await(WS.url("http://localhost:" + port + "/users")
.withHeaders(play.api.http.HeaderNames.COOKIE -> Cookies.encodeCookieHeader(Seq(sessionCookie))).get())
users.status must equalTo(OK)
users.body must contain("Users")
Finally, the assertions will pass properly, instead of redirecting me to the login page
Note: I am using Play 2.4, so I use Cookies.encodeCookieHeader, because Cookies.encode is deprecated

Password Changer using VAccess

Hey I am working on a password changer. User logs in ( successfully), loads a global var with user initials, then launch a password expired form. I try and use those initials on the password expired form to retrieve user info from DB.
vaUserLog.FieldValue("USERINIT") = UserInitials
vaStat = vaUserLog.Status
vaStat keeps giving me an error of 4. I am using pervasive v9. Connection with VA looks like:
With vaUserLog
.RefreshLocations = True
.DdfPath = DataPath
.TableName = "USERLOG"
.Location = "USERLOG.MKD"
If .Status <> 0 Then
ErrMsg = "Error Opening File " + .TableName + " - Status " + str$(.Status) + vbCrLf + "Contact IT Department"
End If
End With
In DB table, USERINIT is Char, 3. UserInitials is a String.
Probably missing something small but can't think right now. Any help is appreciate. Lemme know if you require more info.
Status 4 means that the record could not be found. In your case, it could be the case of the value being searched is wrong, there's a different padding (spaces versus binary zero), or that the UserInitials value just isn't in the data file.
You can use MKDE Tracing to see what's actually being passed to the PSQL engine. Once you've done that, make sure the value you're using works through the Function Executor where you can open the file and perform a GetEqual.
Here are my suggestions:
- Make sure you're pointing to the right data files.
- Make sure you're passing the right value into the GetEqual (by setting the FieldValue).
