Password Changer using VAccess - vb6

Hey I am working on a password changer. User logs in ( successfully), loads a global var with user initials, then launch a password expired form. I try and use those initials on the password expired form to retrieve user info from DB.
vaUserLog.FieldValue("USERINIT") = UserInitials
vaStat = vaUserLog.Status
vaStat keeps giving me an error of 4. I am using pervasive v9. Connection with VA looks like:
With vaUserLog
.RefreshLocations = True
.DdfPath = DataPath
.TableName = "USERLOG"
.Location = "USERLOG.MKD"
If .Status <> 0 Then
ErrMsg = "Error Opening File " + .TableName + " - Status " + str$(.Status) + vbCrLf + "Contact IT Department"
End If
End With
In DB table, USERINIT is Char, 3. UserInitials is a String.
Probably missing something small but can't think right now. Any help is appreciate. Lemme know if you require more info.

Status 4 means that the record could not be found. In your case, it could be the case of the value being searched is wrong, there's a different padding (spaces versus binary zero), or that the UserInitials value just isn't in the data file.
You can use MKDE Tracing to see what's actually being passed to the PSQL engine. Once you've done that, make sure the value you're using works through the Function Executor where you can open the file and perform a GetEqual.
Here are my suggestions:
- Make sure you're pointing to the right data files.
- Make sure you're passing the right value into the GetEqual (by setting the FieldValue).


why does LogonHostedExchangeMailbox get stuck with no error message?

We are using Redemption Library to access our e-mails. Scripts are automated on server and triggered by Task Scheduler at regular intervals. After server reboots we usually experience the problem with Session.Logon, since the user needs to log on again.
To avoid this problem, we are trying now to use LogonHostedExchangeMailbox Session method. Due to unknown reason the script gets stuck at this command. Could anyone advise what the reason might be? Here is the sample:
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
InboxName = ""
Session.LogonHostedExchangeMailbox InboxName,InboxName, "pwd" 'the script gets stuck here and does not throw any errors.
set oFolder = Session.GetFolderFromPath("\\"&InboxName&"\Inbox")
set items = oFolder.items
i = items.count
do until i = 0
if items.count > 0 then
set Mail = Items.Item(i)
wscript.echo Mail.Subject
'wscript.echo Mail.Body
end if
i = i - 1

Not able to update the tester name in a Test Set from vbscript

I am been trying to search online for a solution but due to lack of knowledge in HP ALM I am not able to search proper hit tags
Set RunFactory = tsTest.RunFactory
Set obj_theRun = RunFactory.AddItem(CStr(testrunname))
obj_theRun.Status = sExecutionStatus '"Passed" '-- Status to be updated
obj_theRun.Tester = strTesterName
Getting error in this line object does not support obj_theRun.Tester
I just want to update the Tester column(Not Responsible tester) in Test set via vbscript. Please refer to the attached image at the very last column (TesterAny help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The documentation for ALM says the Tester Name can be specified by passing an array as the argument to AddItem.
An array consisting of the following elements:
Name - The name of the run (string. required).
Tester - The name of the user responsible (string. optional)
Location - The host name (string. optional). The default is the host name of the current machine
So change your code to this:
Set runFactory = tsTest.RunFactory
Dim newRunArgs(3)
newRunArgs(0) = testrunname ' `testrunname` is already a string so you don't need CStr.
newRunArgs(1) = "tester name goes here"
Set newRunArgs(2) = Nothing
Set newRun = RunFactory.AddItem( newRunArgs )
newRun.Status = sExecutionStatus '"Passed" '-- Status to be updated

Having trouble with a vbscript creating a new vbscript containing a variable from the original

I am trying to make a vbs that creates a new vbs file, but im having some trouble with the creation of the second file.
Earlier in the first script it asks for your desired username, which is then assigned to a variable named user.
When it creates the second script, i want the user name to display in a message saying Welcome back [insert username here]. Please input a program value.
problem is, i cant get it to place your username inside of the new scripts code.
attempt 1
If VTCreate1 = 6 And VTCreate2 = 7 And VTCreate3 = 7 And VTCreate4 = 7 And VTCreate5 = 7 Then
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Aeshnidae_1627374757.vbs")
objFile.WriteLine("vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back "")" & user & "("". Please input a program value."")")
attempt 1 results in the newly created script containing the following
vtcmd=inputbox("Welcome back ")Human(". Please input a program value.")
attempt 2
If VTCreate1 = 6 And VTCreate2 = 7 And VTCreate3 = 7 And VTCreate4 = 7 And VTCreate5 = 7 Then
Set objFile = objFS.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Aeshnidae_1627374757.vbs")
objFile.WriteLine("vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back & user & . Please input a program value."")")
attempt 2 results in the following
vtcmd=inputbox("Welcome back & user & . Please input a program value.")
any idea how to get the desired username properly inside of the message?
Let's start with the final desired output line
vtcmd=inputbox("Welcome back xxxxxx. Please input a program value")
To place it inside a string variable (what we will later write) we need to quote the line and escape inner double quotes
"vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back xxxxxx. Please input a program value"")"
To replace the placeholder we need to cut our string
"vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back " ". Please input a program value"")"
close quote ^ ^ open quote
And concatenate the variable with the two strings
"vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back " & user & ". Please input a program value"")"
So, the final code line will be
objFile.WriteLine "vtcmd=inputbox(""Welcome back " & user & ". Please input a program value"")"

Error while making a SENT using Derma GUI in Gmod

I am making a SENT in Gmod with Lua and I want it to have a simple GUI menu using Derma. I have put the following into my cl_init.lua file:
local plantwinow = vgui.Create("DFrame")
plantwinow:SetSize(202, 102)
plantwinow:SetTitle("Level " +lvltext +" Plant")
This gives me the error
prog.lua:1: attempt to index global 'vgui' (a nil value)
How can I fix this?
Try to register your file using includes and AddCSLuafile it, here is how it works:
if SERVER then
If your addon / entity has init.lua then please tell me your init.lua.

PHP4 including file during session

I am trying to put second language on my webpage. I decided to use different files for different languages told apart by path - language/pl/projects.ln contains Polish text, language/en/projects.ln - English. Those extensions are just to tell language files from other, the content is simple php:
$lang["desc"]["fabrics"]["title"] = "MATERIAŁY";
$lang["desc"]["fabrics"]["short_text"] = "Jakiś tam tekst na temat materiałów";
$lang["desc"]["services"]["title"] = "USŁUGI";
$lang["desc"]["services"]["short_text"] = "Jakiś tam tekst na temat usłóg";
And then on the index page I use it like so:
if (isset($_SESSION["lang"])) {
$language = $_SESSION["lang"];
} else {
$language = "pl";
print $lang["desc"]["fabrics"]["title"];
The problem is that if the session variable is not set everything works fine and array item content is displayed but once I change and set $_SESSION["lang"] nothing is displayed. I tested if the include itself works as it should by putting print "sth"; at the beginning of projects.ln file and that works all right both with $_SESSION["lang"] set and unset.
Please help.
Can you test the return value of session_start() - if it's false, it failed to start the session.
Is it being called before you output anything to the browser? If headers were already sent and your error_reporting level is too low, you won't even see the error message.
Stupid, but - do you set value of $_SESSION['lang'] to valid value like "en"? Does the English translation load correctly when you use it as default value in else block instead of "pl"?
"Jakiś tam tekst na temat usłóg" -> "usług" :)
Can you tell us what does this one output:
if(session_start()) {
echo SID, '<br/>';
if(isset($_SESSION['lang'])) {
echo 'lang = "',$_SESSION['lang'], '"';
Session starts fine and accidentally I managed to fix it.
I renamed $_SESSION['lang'] to $_SESSION['curr_lang'] and it now works allright. It seams like it didn't like the array and session variable having the same name (?).
