How can we export pdf using filemaker pro? - pdf-generation

How can we export pdf using filemaker pro?
I want to export pdf in filemaker pro.
Thanks in advance!

Menu File -> Save/Send Records As -> PDF. There's also a similar script step to use in scripts. It won't work in runtime applications, only in FileMaker itself.


Windows 7: Right click on file and run custom Excel VBA script

I wrote a macro in Excel VBA that can scrape files with an .f06 extension for certain data and then creates a spreadsheet that summarizes the data.
It is inconvenient to have to find the Excel workbook, open it, run the macro, & select the .f06 file to generate this summary.
I prefer to right-click on the .f06 file directly and have an option called 'scrape' that I could select and then it would run the code automatically.
1) Is this possible?
2) Can I use the existing macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet as the referenced code? Or do I need to re-write it in another language?
I am using Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 if relevant.
Thank you.
This is possible, but if you're on a company computer, I doubt that you'll be able to do some of the required steps.
1) write a VBScript for your macro according to the following guide:
2) Launch the VBS you wrote in Step 1 from the right click menu, according to the following guide:
Best of luck!

Zero byte PDF saved when I use saveas in PowerBuilder web application

I'm using PowerBuilder 12.5 nd installed ghostscript 9.19 version then I configured Sybase DataWindow PS printer using ghostscript driver.
I checked the registry it was pointing to the ghostscript DLL,bin and lib folders.
In datawindow painter window selected the PDF data export type,distill method and check the PostScript custom check box.
When I click save rows as in painter it is creating the PDF file with rows and also if I use dw_1.print the file was created in print manager without any issue.
But problem is when I use DW_1.saves("custom.pdf",PDF!,true) it is saving 0 bytes file in the file manger directory. Any suggestions?
I want save the datawindow in PDF format and it should be opened automatically because I don't want to go to print manager to print the file when I use print function.
Save the PostScript file and then run it through Ghostscript from the command line. Likely there is some error being returned which PowerBuilder isn't telling you.
Of course, you could also ask Sybase for assistance, since they supply it. Relying on open source software for their PDF export is (it seems to me) somewhat cheeky.....
You should use the Ghostscript that is provided with PB, using any other version is prone to fail...
For PB12.5, it is 8.71.
You can look at this other answer for further help:
1.I Installed latest ghostscript driver and Mapped it as "Sybase DataWindow PS" Postscript Printer.
2. Then I used Distill method to save the datawindow in PDF format but saveas method returns -1.
3.In the IIS Manager -> Application Pools -> select PBDOTNETAPPPOOL -> go to advanced settings -> Navigate to process model and change the identity to Networkservice from applicationpoolidentity.
After that i'm able to save the datawindow in PDF format successfully!!!

Texmaker not updating the PDF viewer

I created bash file which constantly compiles the my latex file, the problem is though that the PDFviewer in texmaker doesn't update, eventhoug the raw PDF file is updated. How come is does the PDFviewer keep showing the old PDF until i use Texmaker to compile the texmaker?... I want the embedded PDFviewer in texmaker to update, the PDF it shows even though i don't use texmaker to compile the .tex file.
The bash file.
while true
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode /Users/Johnathan/Documents/Bachelor/Rp/bachelor.tex
sleep 4
I know this question is old, but I just had the same problem and found a solution for some Mac Users at least:
The short explanation: since El Capitan, there is no /usr/ directory anymore, but this is where Texmaker looks for latex.
In Texmaker -> Preferences -> Commands, substitute every /usr/ expression with /Library/TeX/, which is where Latex is installed.
This document holds all the details.
I think that the problem is not about your script(It works for me), I think is about your PDF viewer.
1)Try using Evince as a PDF reader, it will update your pdf automatically.
It has versions for Windows and Linux, and it is free.
2)Another way is using your web browser (I have used Mozilla) as a PDF reader, writing in the URL bar:
but this second way has the problem that you must refresh your web browser by yourself.
I hope that helps you!
I had the same problem of the PDF viewer not updating. The fix was:
Select: texmaker, preferences, commands, PDF viewer
Select: external viewer
Then pick adobe reader or whatever app you use to view pdf files with.
Then you bypass the pdf viewer in textmaker altogether.
Make sure you choose the Quick Build and View PDF in the toolbar.

How to Create/Edit a text file (.rtf) for Mac Osx in fireMonkey Rad studio XE2?

I have created a Fire Monkey HD app in Rad Studio xe2.I have created text file for windows in my application using AssignFile() method.Now I want to create text file for MAC OSx.How can I do it??
Delphi includes the System.IOUtils.TFile this is a record containing methods used to perform various operations on files, So to create a text file you can use the TFile.WriteAllText passing the content of the file directly or use the TFile.Create method that create a file and return a TFileStream. Also you can use the TFileStream class directly.
All the above methods works in Windows and OSX.
AssignFile is a seriously outdated function.
In modern (and cross platform) apps you should be using streams.

Snow Leopard Automator: Trying to create a workflow for converting Excel Files

I was trying to learn the automator functions for Snow Leopard. I googled around how to use automator to create a workflow for exporting Excel documents to CSV files. I got some hits with demonstrations showing this procedure on Leopard. However, Automator is changed in Snow Leopard and I no longer see the options to handle excel files in automator.
Could someone clarify whether this feature is no longer available? Or is it that I cannot find it.
If so could you help me get started?
What's wrong with a workflow like this one? It runs normally on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.8) with Microsoft© Excel™ 2008 (v 12.2.3).
I tried "automator" to convert excel file format from ".xls" to ".csv" in batch and it works very well on my osx 10.9 with Excel 2011.
Below is what I followed:
search automator in spotlight and run automator.
the first step is to choose "Service" in the window of "Choose a type for your document".
search Excel and drag "convert Format of Excel Files" to right panel of the windows.
set options "service receives selected" as "files or folders" in ""
set options "format" as "CSV(comma delimited)" as shown.
save to "xls2csv" and you will see "xls2csv" from the dropdown menu in the menu of the Finder Window.
You are ready to try.
