Texmaker not updating the PDF viewer - macos

I created bash file which constantly compiles the my latex file, the problem is though that the PDFviewer in texmaker doesn't update, eventhoug the raw PDF file is updated. How come is does the PDFviewer keep showing the old PDF until i use Texmaker to compile the texmaker?... I want the embedded PDFviewer in texmaker to update, the PDF it shows even though i don't use texmaker to compile the .tex file.
The bash file.
while true
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode /Users/Johnathan/Documents/Bachelor/Rp/bachelor.tex
sleep 4

I know this question is old, but I just had the same problem and found a solution for some Mac Users at least:
The short explanation: since El Capitan, there is no /usr/ directory anymore, but this is where Texmaker looks for latex.
In Texmaker -> Preferences -> Commands, substitute every /usr/ expression with /Library/TeX/, which is where Latex is installed.
This document holds all the details.

I think that the problem is not about your script(It works for me), I think is about your PDF viewer.
1)Try using Evince as a PDF reader, it will update your pdf automatically.
It has versions for Windows and Linux, and it is free.
2)Another way is using your web browser (I have used Mozilla) as a PDF reader, writing in the URL bar:
but this second way has the problem that you must refresh your web browser by yourself.
I hope that helps you!

I had the same problem of the PDF viewer not updating. The fix was:
Select: texmaker, preferences, commands, PDF viewer
Select: external viewer
Then pick adobe reader or whatever app you use to view pdf files with.
Then you bypass the pdf viewer in textmaker altogether.

Visit https://i.stack.imgur.com/np55x.png!
Make sure you choose the Quick Build and View PDF in the toolbar.


How to change Chromium browser logo and name?

I've built the Chromium browser on my Windows from its source code (Github) by following this documentation. After doing this successfully, I've a chrome.exe file which is able to launch the browser (see screenshot).
The next thing I want to implement is to change the logo and name of Chromium (say, MyBrowser) everywhere on the browser. I'm stuck at this step. Is there any way to achieve this by modifying the code or replacing the icon?
You will have to make lots of changes. Before replacing these files, please make sure the files that you are replacing with matches the resolution and format too.
If you want to change the logo of Chromium then replace these files with yours
Then replace this icon file:
For Windows:
For macOS:
To change the name of the browser and messages displayed in Chromium, open and modify these files
You should replace Chromium or Chrome references from the above files with your brand

Tell macOS that a custom file format without a .png extension is a valid png

I need a custom file format for my application and I thought that I could make a superset of PNG. macOS shows previews of regular PNG files (and APNGs with a .png extension) in Finder. I want macOS to show a preview of my file format even though it doesn't have a .png extension. I need to tell macOS that files with a .px2 extension are valid PNGs that can be decoded by a regular PNG decoder.
I've been reading this page trying to find the right set of keys to use but I'm not having any luck. I thought that NSExportableTypes might be the answer but that doesn't seem to be it.
To test this, I'm changing the extension of an APNG file from .png to .px2. I realise that I could just use the .png but I think that could be a little confusing (both for the user and the OS).
There's a slight chance that what I'm trying to do is impossible!
I think you may be looking at 2 different problems: one is the OS recognizing the file type and linking it to your application, the other is being able to show the preview.
The latter is going to be highly dependent upon the way that the Finder's in-built QuickLook plugin works. You may need to just implement one of those yourself.
Debugging these kinds of issues can be a little tricky, because you need to make sure macOS has assimilated your NSExportableTypes. One quick check is to drop into Terminal and use mdls <file of your type and extension> and see what the kMDItemContentType and kMDItemContentTypeTree are for your file.
If it's not recognizing the extension at all, make sure it's been re-loaded by using lsregister which is hidden away in the LaunchServices Framework of CoreServices.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister to get the man page
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -lint -f <path> to force reload of your application (the -lint) adds more detail on errors while interpreting the entries.
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -seed will reset the daemon and re-seed the data from the default applications and library locations.

How to update a PDF document opened in a viewer on Windows

I am writing a cross-platform application which generates PDF documents and then opens them with the standard PDF viewer. On Linux, updating (re-writing) an already opened document is no problem. The PDF viewer (have tried several) updates the displayed document after overwriting the file. I don't even have to trigger anything. This comes in very handy.
On Windows, however, I cannot overwrite a PDF document opened for reading by some viewer, because the viewers seem to open the document exclusively. Of course I cannot change the code of the viewers like Adobe Reader.
Is there any solution to this? I don't want to clutter the directory with arbitrary new file names, but rather use the same file name again. Deleting of the opened file is also forbidden on Windows.
I cannot determine which PDF viewer is used. In order to open the document, I use
cmd.exe /c start <fileName>

How to close a PDF file using Ruby?

I have been working on Vanilla, a LaTex preprocessor. I and most people open their PDF files to see how their output looks like. But sometimes, we forget to close it down before starting the compiling process again. If the PDF file is open, then the LaTex compiler complains that it cannot write to that file. So I want to add code to the preprocessor which will look if the output PDF file is open and it will close the PDF file if it is open. I have been looking everywhere to see how to go about doing it. I am not an expert in Ruby. I don't want to kill the whole process of Acrobat32.exe or any other PDF viewing program used to view that file because the user might have other PDFs open in the same program. I just need a way to kill the process of that one PDF file. So can anyone suggest me a way to do it?
Can't you just move the old file first, remove it if possible, and then generate a new version of the same PDF with the name you want?

Mac Terminal change PDF author

I need to change the author of a PDF file on my Mac. I have tried to use grep and sed to accomplish this, but haven't succeeded.
If I open a PDF file in Preview.app and go to Tools > Show Inspector I see "Author: yonatan".
Is it possible to use Terminal.app to change this string?
P.S. I know I can create a new User Account on my Mac or use Adobe Acrobat Professional.
open Automator & create a New Workflow
search "spec" & add Get Specified Finder Items
search "meta" & add Set PDF Metadata
drag-drop the desired PDFs onto the Get Specified Finder Items area
in the Set PDF Metadata area, update the metadata
in the upper-right corner, click [Run]
For more detail see the screenshot below:
A better way would be to make use of exiftool, which on Mac you could install with use of Homebrew:
brew install exiftool
You would then edit your metadata in your PDF in the following manner:
exiftool -Title="Change This Title" -Subject="Fun and PDF" change_my_meta.pdf
Removing metadata
If you only want to remove metadata you can use pdf-redact-tools:
pdf-redact-tools --sanitize untrusted.pdf
You could use Automator. I dont think that sed is going to work because pdfs are largely binary, or very jumbled at the least. One of the defined 'pdf' actions in Automator is defining metadata, one field which is author. Then call the automator workflow with terminal, or just save the workflow as a droplet.
Having used the proposed methods, I obtained a decrease in quality of my paper (using pdf-redact-tools).
For me, using MacOS, the best way to irreversibly remove all metadata from a pdf was performed using both exiftool and qpdf, as follows.
replace metadata with nulls
exiftool -all:all= CLEAN_file.pdf -overwrite_original
linearize the pdf to remove the old metadata (which were replaced with nulls), preventing from restoring of these metadata:
qpdf --linearize file_from_exif.pdf file_out.pdf
