Windows 7: Right click on file and run custom Excel VBA script - windows

I wrote a macro in Excel VBA that can scrape files with an .f06 extension for certain data and then creates a spreadsheet that summarizes the data.
It is inconvenient to have to find the Excel workbook, open it, run the macro, & select the .f06 file to generate this summary.
I prefer to right-click on the .f06 file directly and have an option called 'scrape' that I could select and then it would run the code automatically.
1) Is this possible?
2) Can I use the existing macro-enabled Excel spreadsheet as the referenced code? Or do I need to re-write it in another language?
I am using Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 if relevant.
Thank you.

This is possible, but if you're on a company computer, I doubt that you'll be able to do some of the required steps.
1) write a VBScript for your macro according to the following guide:
2) Launch the VBS you wrote in Step 1 from the right click menu, according to the following guide:
Best of luck!


A question about Power Automate to proceed macro from another excel file

Hello I am a newbie that working on a project that requires to use Power automate desktop to analyze data in the excel worksheet. The project needs me to download a excel file from website and proceed with macro. Now I am able to download file from website and macro script has been tested without problem. So here comes the problem, I couldn't figure out how to use power automate to run macro from another excel file.
So let's say there are two excel file a.xlsm and b.xlsm and both store in download folder. The a.xlsm will always been the download file from website and b.xlsm will be the file that I already store the macro. I need to open a.xlsm and run the macro store in b.xlsm. Thanks for any suggestion in advance.
Ok I figure it out, here is the step you may follow.
Record Macro
Stop recording the Macro
Click Macros under developer section (or press Alt + F11)
Find the Module 1 under VBAProject (PERSONAL.XLSB (Default name))
Copy your finished script and paste into the module1
In the run excel macro function in Power Automate Desktop, put that code after Macro: 'PERSONAL.XLSB'!**** (**** will be the macro function you want to run)
note: please remember every time you want to run the macro you have to open the original worksheet which contains the macro, otherwise you won't be able to run it

Using a userform in a non Excel VB script

I am working on a windows project using VB Script (I am currently writing it in notepad). It is a file selector and I want the user to select a file and the script to remember the file selected. The way I found how to do this is to use a userform. The only tutorials that I found are done in an Excel environment and didn't seem applicable to a non-Excel script. Is there a way for me to use a userform in my program? If not, I just want a dropdown message box that allows a user to select a row and for the script to remember the selection.

Save Outlook Email as text file, and then run a script on it?

I'm using Outlook 2007. I have no experience with Windows programming or VBA, as all of my background is on Unix systems. I am attempting to have Outlook save each incoming emails as text file, and then a run a python script which will parse this text file.
I found this question which seems to provide some VBA code to accomplish the first task, but I'm not sure how to utilize it. I open the Visual Basic Editor, but have no idea how to proceed from there. I tried saving the text as a module, but when I attempt add "run a script" in an Outlook rule, no scripts are available. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: Clarification.
I'm assuming you're familiar with coding at some level, even if not on Windows. You may want to do some general background reading on Outlook VBA; some resources on this would be a Microsoft article, this article from OutlookCode, and so on - there's a ton of resources out there with walkthroughs and examples.
Addressing your specific question: take a look at this Microsoft KB article, which describes how to trigger a script from a rule.
The key to getting started once you've gotten your VBA editor open is to double-click a module on the left, for example ThisOutlookSession (under 'Microsoft Outlook Objects').
That should give you an editor you can paste code into. Bear in mind that (per the above MS page) your procedure must accept a MailItem object, which will be the item that the rule has in hand, so the linked example you gave would have the first couple of lines changed from:
Sub SaveEmail()
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
' assume an email is selected
Set msg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
' save as text
Sub SaveEmail(msg As Outlook.MailItem)
' save as text
Essentially you're being handed a MailItem rather than having to create it and connect it to the selected item in Outlook.
To achieve the second task of 'running a script' on the file, I'm assuming that you want your VBA to make changes to the file after it's been saved? This is pretty straightforward in VBA, and you'll find lots of examples for it. One pretty simple outline is in this answer.
Edit based on comments: to launch an external tool, you can use either the Shell command if you don't need to wait for it to complete, or you can use one of the many Shell-and-wait implementations floating around, for example this popular one. Or, you can use the WScript approach in this answer.
Note that you'll need to ensure Outlook is set to allow macros to run, and you will probably want to sign your code.

VB script to open .exe file and perform 4 activities

I have a tool based on .net. I need a vb script which would open this tool (.exe file) and then select 3 radio buttons, click on a button to browse a xml file stored in same folder and then click on invoke button. Is this possible? I am a complete fresher and just have this idea in mind for an automation. This is required as I have to perform the same steps daily.
I could find this code:
Which is doing my task to open the .exe file perfectly. Can someone help/guide me in achieving the further steps?
You might be better off making your tool work via the command line and having it accept arguments.
That way, you could use a .bat file to call your 'tool' passing in the arguments it needs and away you go.
These should get you started on your quest.
Creating a HelloWorld Console Application Using VisualBasic.NET
How to Parse Command Line Parameters?
What is a bat file

How to start to write a Windows context menu

I would like to write a context menu for Markdown files for Windows XP, when I right click on a Markdown file it should display "View in browser" option. It could use MardownSharp or Discount to convert it in HTML and show it using the default browser. I guess that building such feature shouldn't require too much knowledge of the Windows platform. My question is: where should I start considering the fact that I would want to write this tool without using MS Visual Studio (I would like to use opensource software)? Could it be possible to use Mono?
See this answer on how to convert Markdown to HTML. As far as adding this as a context menu, this is a built-in feature of the Windows registry:
Browse to or create the following key. This assumes the file extension is .mdml (as I am unfamiliar with any set standard on this file format). If that's not the case, replace .mdml with the file extension(s) you are looking for, or * for all files, regardless of extension.
Browse to or create a new sub-key called something like "View in browser" and a sub-sub-key called "Command" (must be this word). In that key, modify the default to display the program and arguments to launch (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NOTEPAD.EXE "%1").
You should now be able to browse to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mdml\Shell\View in browser\Command\
and see the launch parameters in (Default).
