Turn Off Aptana Studio 3 (Mac) Autocomplete - aptana3

Exactly as the question states - does anyone know how to turn off Aptana 3 for Mac's autocomplete feature? I'm referencing the javascript, css, html, php, etc. auto closing quotes, tags, etc. - it's extremely annoying, and I am unable to find anything clearly referenced online. Thanks for any assistance.


In the extension development of Visual Studio, is there an API similar to the effect of the Decoration API in the extension of VSCode?

I am developing a code completion extension. I have achieved the effect in the figure below in both VSCode and Jetbrains IDE, that is, the completion content is displayed in gray text behind the code. In VSCode, I can achieve it through the Decoration API. In Jetbrains, I can achieve it by rendering a piece of text behind the cursor through EditorCustomElementRenderer. I like this completion method very much. The well-known completion tool Copilot also uses this mode. I have checked a lot of documents, but I still can't find how to implement it in Visual Studio. I want to see how to implement this in Visual Studio, many thanks!
VSCode JetBrains
I researched related documents and tools and found that in VS2019, similar effects cannot be achieved. But Copilot achieves something similar in VS2022. Wondering which API he used? It would be even better if there is such an API in VS2019.
If there is really no related API, I would like to know if there is an API that can render a piece of text near the cursor, which can be in the form of tooltips or something else, similar to the following effect.
What I hope is that I can control through code when to display this prompt near the cursor.
To summarize my problem is as follows
1. In VS2019, is there an API for rendering a piece of text behind the cursor, similar to Decortaion API in VSCode
2. If not in VS2019, is there any in VS2022?
3. If not, is there a similar API that can display a piece of text behind the cursor? Which can be in the form of tooltips or something else.

Visual Studio HTML shortcut notations

I've been watching a few videos recently and have seen people using text editors and using shorthand notation to quickly markup html.
For example
<div class='my-panel'></div>
in the editor window. This is fantastic I thought...if only I could do this in Visual Studio. Anyway, I decided to try this in VS and low in behold it works!!
Can anyone tell me where I can find more documentation on this? I've tried to locate it but I don't even know what to Google??
Note: You must press tab after typing out the shorthand...
It's called Zen Coding, it's part of Web Essentials.
Link: http://vswebessentials.com/features/html

file types grouped, how to ungroup

in windows 7, after installed Komodo Edit, i tried to change filetype icon using FileTypesMan from NirSoft, but as weird as it is, as soon as I change desription for .js it changes to the same too for .php and vice-versa the other way too. My guess is, maybe Komodo added it to some file types group, but dunno how to diferentiate them? My primary goal is to have a custom php icon for php and js files (each one different)
any experience anyone, or suggestions?
Newer heard before of such binding between different file extensions
Unfortunately Komodo uses your system file icons so it does not have direct control over what language icons you see. If you'd want to change those icons you would have to do it at the system level.
Note that we will most likely be using our own language icons in one of our next releases, which should solve issues like the one you are having.
Note that if you're feeling really adventurous you could develop an addon or customize the source directly (available at https://github.com/Komodo/KomodoEdit). Feel free to join us on IRC if you have any questions - #komodo on irc.mozilla.org.
Source: Komodo Dev.

Information about Aptana Studio 3's "web browser editor"?

I'm trying to evaluate Aptana Studio 3 as an alternative to Dreamweaver CC, primarily for "production" writing of highly formatted web content.
The big factor for me is tight coupling between source (HTML) editing and WYSIWYG display. Dreamweaver lets me display source and WYSIWYG side by side and edit either one. Any other editor I consider must have a comparable feature, or at least present a WYSIWYG display and let me click it to position the insertion point in the source.
The Aptana menu has a command called Window > Show View > Web Browser Editor which sounds like it ought to do the what I want, but when I click it, it just opens a window in my default browser and displays the home page. I've looked for information about this command, both in Aptana's documentation and on the Web at large, but I can't find any.
What is Aptana's "Web Browser Editor" command? It it does what I think, how can I make it work?
I stand by my earlier assessment. The Web Browser Editor view you are talking about is not a WYSIWYG editor. Aptana is not Dreamweaver. All this view will do for you is provide a quick preview of your changes without having to upload your files to a separate server. I gave instructions on how to set up your browser to use Aptana's internal browser so you would not have to change windows to see your preview of the page, instead you can dock it with your editor. Here is all the documentation I could find:
http://commonhworks.wordpress.com/ (unless you speak Spanish, you will need to translate)
All these pages will really tell you is what the editor should look like (first) and how someone is using it in their workflow (second).
Aptana is primarily for Ruby, Python, and PHP development. It has some HTML features because HTML is often used with those others, but it is not the best choice for HTML development. There are many other editors available: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=ww#hl=en&q=wysiwyg+html+editor+free
You will probably have more luck with this sort of question on superuser.com (but I doubt Aptana is the best choice for what you are doing, unless Ruby, Python, or PHP are more important to you than WYSIWYG HTML).

Visual studio highlights asp.net tags as hyperlinks

As you can see from the screenshot, vs2008 thinks asp tags are hyperlinks. I have reset all the settings on it but the issue is still there. I have tried on different projects and the same issue is present. I have moved the projects to another visual studio installation and problem has gone until I move them back.
Any one knows why this happens?
alt text http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/9033/20090531191305.png
Does it happen for tags without an asp: prefix.
e.g. Can you create a UserControl, and drag that in and give it a different tag prefix
<cc1:MyCustomControl />
If not, then it sounds like something has gotten set on your system that treats asp as a protocol :(
But to be honest, I'm at a complete loss as to why this might happen.
Must say it is strange. Although I am clueless, I will still try.
Are those real hyperlinks or just underlined text? If underlined text, then you can change the settings (since you have mentioned about resetting the setting, this won't work). If they are real hyperlinks, I am stumped.
