Visual studio highlights tags as hyperlinks - visual-studio

As you can see from the screenshot, vs2008 thinks asp tags are hyperlinks. I have reset all the settings on it but the issue is still there. I have tried on different projects and the same issue is present. I have moved the projects to another visual studio installation and problem has gone until I move them back.
Any one knows why this happens?
alt text

Does it happen for tags without an asp: prefix.
e.g. Can you create a UserControl, and drag that in and give it a different tag prefix
<cc1:MyCustomControl />
If not, then it sounds like something has gotten set on your system that treats asp as a protocol :(
But to be honest, I'm at a complete loss as to why this might happen.

Must say it is strange. Although I am clueless, I will still try.
Are those real hyperlinks or just underlined text? If underlined text, then you can change the settings (since you have mentioned about resetting the setting, this won't work). If they are real hyperlinks, I am stumped.


Problem with Web Live Preview with Kendo controls

We have a website that heavily uses Kendo controls, which makes it hard to know how the page will look after rendering. I want to use the "web live preview" extension to visual studio, however i have an issue. When the page opens, says in the bottom right corner "building tree" or something along those lines and never actually finishes. Is there a trick to get it to work with Kendo? I tried it because i got an email from them suggesting we do it.
Any ideas?
I'm guessing the message you're seeing is "Generating Logical Tree...". The extension is still in Preview, so there's several things that could be the cause of that, but we would like to work with you to try to address them. If you could file an issue on Developer Community, and include any errors messages you see from your browser's console (make sure to include Verbose messages), we can try to dig in. Also keep a look out for updated versions of the extension (it should automatically update) as we're steadily fixing bugs.

VSCommands Solution Badges parameters

does anyone know what are the various parameters for VSCommands's Solution Badges feature? On the official site they tell you everything BUT the most important thing and that is the list of available parameters (ie. {solutionFileName}, {sln:activeConfig}, {branchDirectoryName} and so on). Can't seem to be able to google them either. Am I missing something obvious here?
So it seems that pretty much all available parameters are already displayed with the default configuration (had to decompile and deobfuscate the extension to find out this information). What I was after was full solution path in the window's title bar. I solved the problem with this handy extension
Visual Studio Window Title Changer.

How do I tell VS.Net's autocomplete that I'm using HTML not XHTML?

In an HTML5 document (<!DOCTYPE html>), if I type <br> the Visual Studio.Net auto-completion stuff "helpfully" changes it to <br /> when I type the closing >. I've looked in the options for the HTML designer, and don't see anything about changing that, nor do I see any options at the project level. Is there a way?
Granted, <br /> is valid HTML5, but it's not what I want — and even if I change my doctype to HTML4 (where <br /> isn't valid although browsers are smart about allowing it), the environment does the same thing. So I'm thinking it's not working from the doctype, but from some other setting I haven't found.
I'm using VS.Net 2008, some other team members are still back on VS.Net 2005.
I found it: You right-click the document and choose Formatting and validation... That takes you to the options under Text Editor | HTML | Format (you could also get their via Options, of course). There are some general options there, though nothing like simply choosing your target markup. But you can click a Tag-specific options... button to customize each tag individually. (In my case, it didn't even list the br tag but I was able to add it and tell it not to make it a self-closing tag.)
I found an alternative in VS 2010 (it may work in VS 2008 as well but I don't have it installed to see if the option is there).
T.J's solution works great, but I didn't want to go spend time adding a bunch of tags and making them not self-closing, so I looked around through the other settings and found an alternative.
Go to Tools | Options | Text Editor | HTML | Formatting and deselect the Auto insert close tag option. This worked great for me, because I hate that feature anyway. This won't be a very good solution for you if you like that feature :)

Expanded/collapsed state not saved after closing file

In Visual Studio, you can expand and collapse code without using regions, for example in a code-behind page you can collapse methods, etc... And in an ASPX page you can collapse tags, tags, etc...
It's useful when you have a long page and you want to focus your development on a specific part. What's cool about it too is that you can close the file and reopen it and the state of the expanded/collapsed blocks is saved exactly as you left it.
Except in one instance. That state is not saved for tags in ASPX pages, where it would be most useful.
I know there are some good plugins out there for VS but I couldn't find one that addresses this issue.
Has anybody got a solution?
Before you mention custom controls, they are not always convenient or feasible when trying to keep a page short and I don't consider this a solution to this problem.
Looks like this issue will stay unresolved at this time.
I opened a bug report on Microsoft Connect, if this issue is important to you please vote it up!

Visual Web Developer Express 2010 doesn't save changes made to contents of Ajax Toolkit Tab Container in design view

When editing the contents of an AJAX Control Toolkit Tab Container in VWD Express 2010:
Sometimes the changes are saved ok, sometimes extremely slowly & sometimes not at all. A "page changed" asterisk in the name tab of the page appears briefly, but then disappears again.
Does anyone know anything about this, please?
I found some unwanted and unclosed tags in among the HTML, inside the Tab Container. After deleting them, the problem stopped. No idea how they got there. Hope this helps someone...
